Q Anon is a New American Religion

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Re: Q Anon is a New American Religion

Post by Fat Cat »

Agreed. Spit it the fuck out or be gone. I'm not invested in Q stuff for that exact reason, I can't be assed to decode that shit. I got kids!
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Re: Q Anon is a New American Religion

Post by Turdacious »

So where does Q fit on the loony religion scale? Scientology level? Cut your balls off so you can get on the spaceship level? Bikram level?
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Re: Q Anon is a New American Religion

Post by Alfred_E._Neuman »

Turdacious wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 1:33 am So where does Q fit on the loony religion scale? Scientology level? Cut your balls off so you can get on the spaceship level? Bikram level?
Q's followers have at least unlocked the Scientology Achievement in the guru worship game. They can clearly see the truth of the world that only Q is able to reveal.
Not sure where Q actually falls on the GooRoo scale, though. L. Ron didn't believe the shit he sold for one second, as far as I can tell. He just spun a good sci-fi yarn as a joke and rode it straight to the bank when idiots started taking it seriously. Bikram seems to have fallen into the age old GooRoo trap of believing his own lies.
I don't have a lot of experience with vampires, but I have hunted werewolves. I shot one once, but by the time I got to it, it had turned back into my neighbor's dog.

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Re: Q Anon is a New American Religion

Post by Fat Cat »

I didn't say it was loony, I said it was opaque. For all any of us know, there could be a great deal of truth to it, or not. I don't know and can't play scrabble well enough to figure it the fuck out.
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Re: Q Anon is a New American Religion

Post by Shapecharge »

I was wondering if it was somebody just fucking around, with a keen eye for hyperbole/satire not thinking that it would turn into what it did and boom. QAnon = BurritoJimmy. I would run out of material and motivation quickly but several of you here could pull something like this off if you really wanted to.

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Re: Q Anon is a New American Religion

Post by DrDonkeyLove... »

I welcome Q.
American needs another religion.

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Re: Q Anon is a New American Religion

Post by nafod »

Turdacious wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 1:33 am Cut your balls off so you can get on the spaceship level?
At my age, and how cool it'd be to go into space, I'm almost there.
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Re: Q Anon is a New American Religion

Post by motherjuggs&speed »

Bram wrote: Tue May 19, 2020 6:53 pm
motherjuggs&speed wrote: Tue May 19, 2020 3:38 pm That Atlantic article is rubbish, written by someone both clueless and with an agenda. I read The Atlantic regularly, maybe just to get my BP up. Q was/is trollage that some idiots, both foilhat guys and media figures, take seriously.
Can I get a more thorough review than "rubbish?"
I've been too tired to give it the red pencil treatment but it reads like she started with what she wanted to say and did some perfunctory research to justify her ill-informed opinion. Most of The Atlantic's writers do that, so it's not surprising that the executive editor writes that way too.

Did you notice how she slimed Seventh-day Adventists near the end? If one of her writers did that re: Jews, the piece would never be published. If one of the writers did that re: Muslims, the piece would be pulled and an apology issued, and the writer suspended. Search your feelings, you know it to be true. Plus the piece started with the usual leftist tactic of getting people to doubt and fear their neighbors: you never know who might be one of them, so stay close to the fold and do as you're told.

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