Prediction time

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Prediction time

Post by Sangoma »

Come on, guys, there have been a plethora of predictions of what's gonna happen if Trump gets the chair. IGx is predominantly American populated, so you guys surely must have some ideas about the future. Let's hear some predictions - the economy is going down/up, dollar weakening/strengthening, clash with the Russians in Ukraine, health care improving/worsening and so on.

Put your opinions on the table, then in a few years we can see who's had the clearest crystal ball.

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Re: Prediction time

Post by Wild Bill »

Sangoma wrote:clash with the Russians in Ukraine
If clash with the Russians is possible at all, then it will be in Syrya, not in Ukraine.

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Re: Prediction time

Post by Alfred_E._Neuman »

Trump does something really fucking stupid, and the Republican party impeaches his ass ASAP, putting their man Pence in the front row seat.

The Republican congress will dismantle Obamacare for something equally dreadful. More Americans than ever will either have zero health care coverage or be so stretched to afford coverage for their families that it won't be worth it.
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Re: Prediction time

Post by buckethead »

I predict Sarah Palin get scandalized sending twat pics

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Re: Prediction time

Post by bennyonesix »

Peace with russia. Massive withdrawal from mideast. Deep State engineers a massive domestic terror strike to gin up expansionism.

Yellen raises rates ending free money and economy crashes. Housing and student debt bubbles burst. Worse recession than 2008.

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Re: Prediction time

Post by milosz »

Trump made huge promises about bringing back jobs and revitalizing American infrastructure and yada yada yada - promises that are either impossible or expensive. The impossible stuff doesn't happen - rural America is still a meth and oxy-ridden shithole. The expensive stuff butts up against the Paul Ryans of Congress, who are happy to pass tax cuts but claim to be unwilling to deficit spending for all the things he's promised. Already he's offering up student debt plans that will cost the government more than any Obama plan.

Trump tries to be figurehead, leaving government to Pence and the GOP apparatus and accepting their programs - but when they either try to re-fight the culture wars they've lost (gay marriage and weed) or do something insane like privatize Medicare and sees his approval numbers completely shit the bed it gets interesting. Does he claim victory and decide to be a one-termer, buck them and face a primary challenge as sitting VP?

I have told my liberal friends that there's a silver lining vs. Dubya - I don't think Trump's paleocon advisers will get us into another land war in Asia.

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Re: Prediction time

Post by Turdacious »

Carlos Danger will go into rehab, star in a reality TV show, and then send out more dick pics.
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Re: Prediction time

Post by nafod »

- Little green men cross into Baltic states and Russia does a Crimea on Estonia
- deportations start, but when all the taco trucks get unmanned and no one is gardening, I.e., people realize they are a part of the economy, people put a stop to it.
- Obamacare gets modified instead of repealed, since the President wants people to be able to get insurance with preconditions, which drives you to a mandate or a public option. It needed fixing so all good. Some culture war things thrown in to feed the masses
- curious to see Trump's response to the march on marijuana legalization. His backers weren't legalization supporters. The sale of opioids goes well down in legal states, which is good for America but bad for big pharma
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Re: Prediction time

Post by nafod »

The evolution of media continues. Not sure where it is going.

For all of Trump's squawking about the media being against him and rigged, he's the one who benefited from the rigging. Fox News was in the tank for him (Ailes, Hannity, O'Reilly) in a way that makes MSNBC blush. As per Meghan Kelly's new book, Ailes gave Trump questions prior to his debate. The National Enquirer actually bought a story and then tanked it, to help out the Donald. Bannon from brietbart joined the campaign while simultaneously coordinating with brietbart.

Being a Civil War buff, back in those days pretty much every town has two newspapers, one for and one against. They were equally loose with their truths. I guess we are heading back to that era?
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Re: Prediction time

Post by dead man walking »

trump and pence will not get along.

pence is a xtian true believer and trump is moral and ethical silly putty.

trump says he will get the supremes to overturn roe v wade but is ok with gay marriage. trump will tire of the culture warriors, and now that he is not campaigning, he will give zero fucks about that stuff.

unless he has had a conversion experience, we're talking about a three-times married, coke-snorting, mob-connected casino operator. if jesus walked into trump's life, trump would ask him what he'd like to drink and would he like to get blowed by the blonde or the brunette.
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Re: Prediction time

Post by powerlifter54 »

Butthurt. Lots and lots of lefty Butthurt.
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Re: Prediction time

Post by johno »

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Re: Prediction time

Post by tough old man »

[quote][I predict Sarah Palin get scandalized sending twat pics/quote]
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Re: Prediction time

Post by nafod »

powerlifter54 wrote:Butthurt. Lots and lots of lefty Butthurt.
I regularly read, which is not leftist, and they match the butthurtedness of the left cheek for cheek.
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Re: Prediction time

Post by dead man walking »

donald will be convicted of mail and wire fraud as a result of his trump univ civil case, which he will pay a fuck ton of money to settle and get his victims to agree to non-disclosure.

those are impeachable offenses.

the end is near.
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Re: Prediction time

Post by climber511 »

My 2 cents. The world will go on turning - no one will get all of what they want. Some won't get anything they want. For all the talk the news media won't change - they can't really and still fill the airways 24/7. Radical Christians will consider offing Trump to get their boy Pence into power - really hope that doesn't happen - that guy is scary as hell. The middle class is still screwed and the rich will continue to get richer and richer. The poor are fucked as usual but looks like they might still be able to get insurance anyway. Planned Parenthood is probably in trouble - certainly the abortion side of it. Not too sure which way the wind is blowing on getting a new FBI director - maybe or maybe not now - even the RNC wasn't too happy with him. The Supreme Court will be interesting considering the religious influence of the inner circle choices made so far and if any of the current members die in the next four years.

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Re: Prediction time

Post by Turdacious »

dead man walking wrote:donald will be convicted of mail and wire fraud as a result of his trump univ civil case, which he will pay a fuck ton of money to settle and get his victims to agree to non-disclosure.

those are impeachable offenses.
? How can he abuse the power of the office before he's even sworn in?
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Re: Prediction time

Post by Testiclaw »

powerlifter54 wrote:Butthurt. Lots and lots of lefty Butthurt.
Well, that's just a given. I mean, just look at us.

But...would you be willing to put a few specific predictions out there?
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Re: Prediction time

Post by powerlifter54 »

Testiclaw wrote:
powerlifter54 wrote:Butthurt. Lots and lots of lefty Butthurt.
Well, that's just a given. I mean, just look at us.

But...would you be willing to put a few specific predictions out there?
Hmmmm......honestly more focused on The Holidays now but my guess is deportations start with Felons and stop before general folk. Think they will have to register and not commit crimes, but no citizenship path without going home first.

Suspect at least part of wall will be built and Surveillance from Drones, Aircraft, or Aerosonde increased. Border Patrol will be allowed to their jobs. Border will be a lot more secure.

Refugee resettlement will slow down a lot but not stop. More importantly than a Muslim immigration ban there will be a Visa enforcement protocol. They don't renew, they get to follow the Felons home. But the media will lament the poor bastard who fails his vetting and gets sent back to Goat Island.

Think there will be an infrastructure focused jobs bill. Not like the last porkulus, but the pork level will be telling one way or the other.

Believe foreign policy will be muted and more isolationist, but the increased fear and respect other nations give the US because Obama not in office will be notable. I honestly think this might be about the same if she won.

Trade is going to be renegotiated. With some success but not 100%.

The DC ruling class, who involves both party and the media is going to be really unhappy. Barrack will be their spokesman by default. And Obama will be a buddy on the downlow to Trump. In a non ghey way.

The economy will increase markedly but will be weighted down by interest rate increases as the fed tries to control inflation and fuck Trump. See previous prediction.

I think sanctuary cities may need to start bake sales or taco Tuesdays. Because Fed Funds may get held up.

The left is going to scream bloody murder non stop. Trump will try to placate them maybe a month or two until he realizes there is no way to make them happy.

This is going to be great political Theater. Nobody will be 100% happy with Trump, but the right will be about 75% happy. The left maybe 25%. But if Dean gets the DNC seat it could be rocky. I respect and worry about Dean. Despite his looniness he is a smart and tough guy. Ellison is a Congressman who is running for reelection every two years. Doesn't have the time for a full time gig and has the additional optic of being a Muslim. I really hope the DNC picks him.

I reserve the right to adjust them up until the inauguration. AG, HHS, Homeland Security, State and Treasury appointments will really matter. Where Gingrich ends up is important in my view.

BTW i am no fan of either of either Preibus or Bannon. But having them in opposition and competition is a nice move. But agin we will see. So far this has been almost as good as the Maddow election night meltdown, did the left really think they were going to get to pick COS and Special Advisor?

More crazy to follow. But as Climber511 said my workouts interest me more.
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Re: Prediction time

Post by Testiclaw »

powerlifter54 wrote:
Testiclaw wrote:
powerlifter54 wrote:Butthurt. Lots and lots of lefty Butthurt.
Well, that's just a given. I mean, just look at us.

But...would you be willing to put a few specific predictions out there?
But if Dean gets the DNC seat it could be rocky. I respect and worry about Dean. Despite his looniness he is a smart and tough guy. Ellison is a Congressman who is running for reelection every two years. Doesn't have the time for a full time gig and has the additional optic of being a Muslim. I really hope the DNC picks him.
Dean had the right idea for the 50-state strategy.

The campaign chairs and DNC should be bulldozed after this election.

I still can't believe his "fall from grace" was a yell.
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Re: Prediction time

Post by The Ginger Beard Man »

Americans will hate each other more and more. Finger pointing and accusations of racism and various other forms of bigotry will get louder and louder. Things are going to get ugly.
Blaidd Drwg wrote:Disengage from the outcome and do work.
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Re: Prediction time

Post by dead man walking »

chris christie will be sec'y of transportation. . . obviously
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Re: Prediction time

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »

Trump checks out about a year into it. Pence takes over in his name.

Roe v attempt to turn this over will occur.
Obamacare...the birth control stipulation will be removed.
Corporate welfare will soar even higher.
The Christian right will scream more and more about them being marginalized even though the influence will be rising on a monthly basis
Racism and misogyny and xenophobia will be barely held in check by the actions of everyday citizens whom take it on themselves to fight prejudice in their daily lives.
Pence will attempt to roll back same sex marriages and equal rights for gays, but in this case, Trump stops it.
Justices will be nominated that nobody is happy about.
Infrastructure will be half assed
Job creation will be half assed
The economy will sputter on, slowing down but keep on grinding
The situation in the Middle East will worsen, with China and Russia both starting to project power there, Islamicists will start to regard China and Russia as great devils as well.
3 years in, a certain high profile politician will be assassinated, necessitating Trump to return to the business of being a full time president.

In 6 months a certain gay English right wing pundit will be killed.

2 years from now, Republicans will lose their majority.

4 years from now, Republicans will lose the presidency.

5 years from now, we will start this cycle all over again.

The nation will remain divided, the Dems will continue to foster the racial divides by encouraging people to hate white men.
Last edited by Shafpocalypse Now on Mon Nov 14, 2016 9:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Prediction time

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »

Here's my reasoning on assassination attempts...the left leaning have always been far more eager to kill for their credos. The sheer density of murder in the name of Communism in the 20th century staggers the imagination.

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Re: Prediction time

Post by milosz »

Testiclaw wrote: Dean had the right idea for the 50-state strategy.

The campaign chairs and DNC should be bulldozed after this election.

I still can't believe his "fall from grace" was a yell.
The proposed candidates for DNC chair mostly appear to be rather different from the Clintonistas of this cycle. Dean would be a smart choice because they don't need a Congressman running things when not working and campaigning, they need someone whose full-time job is being the Chair.

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