Mike Mentzer was totally insane, but it’s the kind of insanity that makes it hard to look away. But to answer your question directly, no. I am fucking around with Mentzer’s HD stuff right now because I simply can’t bear the thought of doing one more 5/3/1 spreadsheet right now. They’ve been very effective for me, so I will probably go back at some point, but I need a break and some low-volume, high-intensity training may help for a few weeks.
I’m a HIT oriented guy, too.
I liked Martin Berkhan’s reverse pyramid training, DC Training, Myo-Reps etc, or just flat out 1-2 top sets to failure, or as close as I can safely get working alone. When I just do one or two sets, I often go push-pull everyday for 6 days and rest Sunday as God intended.
I also don’t do a lot of traditional barbell training anymore because I just don’t feel great anymore, but a combination of weighted chins and dips, kettlebell presses, ring work, and even bands sometimes has me feeling good the last few weeks.