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Emails and Preferred Pronouns

Forums Free Speech Emails and Preferred Pronouns

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    • I’m noticing that more and more people are putting their preferred pronouns in their signature blocks of their work emails. A few months ago, it was only the people in their 20’s. Now it’s people in their 30’s and 40’s. Maybe 5-10% of people, not evenly distributed, all white collar. What trends are you seeing?

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
        Turdacious .
    • More!

      Clearly the 20 years old dictating culture again in this case, and then the boomers not wanting to feel old and out of touch. Or worse, sensible people having to fall in line against their will.

      A company I used to work for has the woke diversity executive now; the temptation to call them a waste of time and money on LinkedIn is irresistible.

      Another friend tells me that here in the banking sector it just isn’t stood for. The higher ups push back on this kind of thing, even telling people BLM wouldn’t be brought up or discussed.

      A friend’s dad made a really good point about all the empathetic company-cares bullshit: where is it when someone’s getting chased out for poor performance or behind on targets etc.?

    • More!

      I’m glad.  Let’s me know what pronoun a person prefers.

      Take Luke…..I assume Luke goes by “he/him.”  But I don’t know that.  I’m just making assumptions on his gender identity based on his name.  Perhaps Luke is non binary and actually prefers “they/them.”

      If that’s the case, now I know how to refer to them.

      And if Luke is “he/him” then putting that on his email shows he recognizes that gender identity should not be assumed.

      Luke, I apologize for all the assumptions I’ve built about you based on ingrained cultural biases.

    • More!

      My friend’s sister changed her name, then started identifying as trans and them/they.

      Because I’m over there a decent amount, over time it went from different to normal. As my ex says, “Is this the hill you want to die on?” Saying them/they doesn’t affect me one way or another, so I don’t really give a fuck to worry about it 🙂

    • More!

      I’ve only seen it a couple times, and they were all identifying in the conventional manner.  That said, I find it annoying.  I wish I were an eagle, soaring along canyons, but I’m not.  I’m a male human.  Physiognomy easily identifies me as such.  No matter how I *choose* to identify – I’m a human male.  Likewise, no matter how you *choose* to identify, you are male or female, and aside from some very obscure cases, you are *only* male or female.  Whatever you want to be called in your fantasy group is fine, but you haven’t the least of my sympathy, if someone, noting that you are biologically an X, calls you an X.


      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
        stickfigure .
    • More!

      My friend’s sister changed her name, then started identifying as trans and them/they. Because I’m over there a decent amount, over time it went from different to normal. As my ex says, “Is this the hill you want to die on?” Saying them/they doesn’t affect me one way or another, so I don’t really give a fuck to worry about it 🙂


      😀 *clapping emoji from the last forum*



    • More!

      I’ve only seen it a couple times, and they were all identifying in the conventional manner. That said, I find it annoying. I wish I were an eagle, soaring along canyons, but I’m not. I’m a male human. Physiognomy easily identifies me as such. No matter how I *choose* to identify – I’m a human male. Likewise, no matter how you *choose* to identify, you are male or female, and aside from some very obscure cases, you are *only* male or female. Whatever you want to be called in your fantasy group is fine, but you haven’t the least of my sympathy, if someone, noting that you are biologically an X, calls you an X. Stick


      I guess the difference is we have no evidence of humans that are eagles.

      But we do have ample amounts of evidence over centuries that there are humans born with a penis that do not identify as male.

      And some of it has nothing to do with “identity” but the politics of language.

      Most people are born with either a penis or a vagina.

      But “Male”/”Female” are social constructs and the evidence leads to the conclusion that it’s not as clear cut that “penis = male” and “vagina = female.”

    • More!

      I get it, but it is exhausting. So many opportunities for me to fuck it up and people to be offended by my micro aggression. Sigh.


      Been thinking about spending my email signature with #_3sd / #_3sdm

    • More!



      duck you spell check

    • More!

      Double sigh

    • More!

      I’ve only seen it a couple times, and they were all identifying in the conventional manner. That said, I find it annoying. I wish I were an eagle, soaring along canyons, but I’m not. I’m a male human. Physiognomy easily identifies me as such. No matter how I *choose* to identify – I’m a human male. Likewise, no matter how you *choose* to identify, you are male or female, and aside from some very obscure cases, you are *only* male or female. Whatever you want to be called in your fantasy group is fine, but you haven’t the least of my sympathy, if someone, noting that you are biologically an X, calls you an X.


      This. I just ignore that dumb shit.

    • More!

      Clearly the 20 years old dictating culture again in this case, and then the boomers not wanting to feel old and out of touch. Or worse, sensible people having to fall in line against their will. A company I used to work for has the woke diversity executive now; the temptation to call them a waste of time and money on LinkedIn is irresistible. Another friend tells me that here in the banking sector it just isn’t stood for. The higher ups push back on this kind of thing, even telling people BLM wouldn’t be brought up or discussed. A friend’s dad made a really good point about all the empathetic company-cares bullshit: where is it when someone’s getting chased out for poor performance or behind on targets etc.?


      The only pronouns I will ever use are: he, she and it.

      If you refuse to be addressed as a “he” or a “she”, I will refer to you as an “it”. Period.

      I don’t give a fuck about anyone’s gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or even self-identification. But I won’t be bullied into accepting this trendy and absurd crazyness.

      You can self-identify as a Pokémon for all I care, but I won’t call you Pikachu.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
        SubClaw .
      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
        SubClaw .






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