Been messing around with this, and thought it was worth sharing:
Pick 1 exercise from each category, do 2-3 rounds, go workout. I chose examples, but any ankle/hip/knee/shoulder/rotation drill is fine. Extra shit (neck rotations, crab walk, etc.) is good too, hitting these main five seems like a good standard though.
3-5 reps a side for tougher drills, 7 reps each direction for medium, 10-15 for easy (or 15-20 seconds) seems like a good rule of thumb.
Hope you find it helpful!
Jumping Jacks
Calf Raise/Shin Raise
1-Leg Standing Ankle Circles
Hip Circles
Leg Swings Front
High Knees
Side Step to Lateral Lunge
1-Arm Shoulder Circles
Arm Crossovers
Jumping Jacks
Broomstick Deadlift
High Plank to Runner’s Lunge to Thoracic Rotation
Running in Place (ankles) x 15-20 seconds
Jumping Jacks (hips, ankles, shoulders) x 10-15
3 rounds
Squats (knees) x 10-15
High Plank to Runner’s Lunge to Thoracic Rotation (hips, shoulders, lower back) x 3-5
1-Leg Standing Hip Circles (hips) x 10 each
2-3 rounds
If you made it this far, any tips or suggestions? Thank you!
Edit: how you type this up, is not how it appears! Trying to make it more eyeball friendly!
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This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by