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Forums › Trooper’s Training Forum – In memory of Col. James “Jim” R Tirey, USA › Discipline: A Discussion
Who are the discussers? Why you, dear reader.
Eating well, a good night’s sleep, a solid effort in the gym, then repeating this for months on end….this requires grit, determination…insert your favorite synonym.
What’s helped you?
Are you struggling right now?
I’ve tried to quit coffee before. But after a few days, I’ll have a cup, and then a week or two later I’m back to normal. Recently, I got food poisoning. After shitting and puking and feeling terrible, caffeine sounded disgusting. It’s been fifteen days now, and I don’t see myself going back.`
Part of that was drinking ten cups of coffee worth of caffeine. It didn’t seem reasonable to try for one cup, knowing I’d probably just go back to all the cups.
Simple things. That are meaningful. That seem achievable. Current diet is five meals a day, which is a bit annoying, but I haven’t missed a day yet. It’s simple and should make me BEAST MODE.
Meal quantity and timing doesn’t really matter for the average Joe. Coach Trevor was on Mark Bell’s podcast recently and said “If you’re not hungry, don’t eat that meal. Your body’s trying to tell you something.” He’s a “coach” I guess, but also the majority of the show was a discussion of AAS, SARMS etc since he’s a chemist and developed several SARMS.
That said, having the discipline to not eat things is a lot harder for most people than the discipline to eat. If you’re the other way around, then good on you for getting your kcals down.
I’m about as motivated and disciplined as I’ve been. Minimal downtime, growing something that will maybe let me actually retire someday, working on a relationship that’s gotten rocky, and still being a good son all require focus and determination, and I’m not faltering.
I’ll have days or moments when I don’t have the same energy, but I’m showing up and doing the work. Some days it’s higher quality, or I have to choose what gets the majority of my attention, but I never let anything fall.
First, nicely done B! Keep on trucking.
Second, in order not to look like a prick that has shit figured out (I don’t), as one example of things I’m not disciplined about, I would love to brush + floss 2x/day, but it eludes me. I brush twice and floss once on average, but that second floss is a motherfucker.
Third, that 5 meals has a couple goals/benefits:
A) Started with 3 meals, then 4, then 4 + snack. Was overly hungry until I hit 5. Now I’m just satiated (for the most part).
B) More muscle, more energy, less fat at the same weight is the goal…this is working but I need to tighten up the food choices.
B) General discipline….it’s easier to say no to alcohol, junk food, huge portions, etc. when you’re not starving.
C) To not think about diet. 5 meals, good choices, pretty simple.
As another side to this…
Just had a big conversation with a friend whose pursuing a Master’s in Emotional Intelligence (or something with a similar title). She sez in the current research that extrinsic motivation is important for accomplishing things. And that it’s basically inseparable from anything we do.
Anything I’ve been actually disciplined about + accomplished was a mix of extrinsic and intrinsic. For example, any time I’ve followed a diet to look better (extrinsic…and usually to get sexy time), I run out of steam after a few days or weeks. But if I’ve done it for that reason and to prove to myself that I could weigh X or be in great shape (intrinsic), I keep on trucking.
Today was the first day I threw 5 meals out the window.
But I drank beer, ate steak, had chocolate, cake, etc. Back on the horse tomorrow.
Trying to floss right after meal 1 and meal 5, but ooog the second one is rough. I was a camp counselor when I was eighteen and these two ten-year old kids had abnormally perfect teeth. I asked them what the deal was and they said their parents made them floss 2x/day. Been failing at it ever since.
This website I’m sure isn’t dead, but it does seem like it could use some protein and steroids…
Anyways, after two weeks of 5 meals a day…I have decided that is not the path to Valhalla I was looking for nutritionally. OTOH, at least I can cross that approach off the list. Unsure what the next step will be, but Baffled’s comment about not eating hungry stuck in my teeth, and I was definitely cramming unwanted food down my pie-hole.
Who are the discussers? Why you, dear reader. Eating well, a good night’s sleep, a solid effort in the gym, then repeating this for months on end….this requires grit, determination…insert your favorite synonym. What’s helped you? Are you struggling right now?
About 4 years I ago I read that “Peaking” book’s intro (in the IGx library) about how the author was extremely regimented and then flamed out @ competition time. I think after that day I dismissed the notion of being too dialed in – honestly I’d never get there anyway – I’m too chaotic and temperamental. Maybe this completely runs counter to the rest of the book!
What I do want to put my disclipline towards is just not doing the dumb shit programming wise anymore.
What I do want to put my disclipline towards is just not doing the dumb shit programming wise anymore.
Some examples of dumb shit programming?
Generally just the “this feels too light, I’m going to add weight/max out” Heard a great quote from Mark Bell last night to the effect of: handling heavier weights than you’re ready for on a given day is only negative input and telling your system how to move weight poorly.
That’s a tough one…
I did biceps last week…Since I haven’t done more than 3-4 sets of biceps for the past few years, I did a 45lb bar and 15lb dumbbells. And I was getting sets of 5 reps on each of those after a few sets. On one hand, it felt embarrassing. On the other, that’s where my arms were at that day. I just trusted in good form and that the process of getting stronger/bigger works fine without being rushed.
Navigating the ego in weight training is a challenge.
And yeah, using shitty form means some part of you isn’t ready yet for that lift….
I don’t feel like I have a lot of discipline, but I try to make habits. I’ve made doing something training/workout-wise a daily habit. Today, for example, I did 100 push-ups (in 4 sets) – not much, but it’s something. Unless I get really sick and can’t train for the next month (knock on wood), I will have done something 90%+ of all days in 2021. Decent habits (sleep, hygiene, work, ‘training’, etc) are often about the only think keeping me from totally losing it, and sometimes I even find myself in good grooves of progress.
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