Took some time off the barbells and did other stuff. Mostly because my days are packed, so it was KB, band and calisthenics stuff that I can do in my guest room where I have a chinning bar, KBs and some other stuff for dips.
Easing back in because I could feel how off the motor control was. It was weird to get fatigued with really light weights, but whatever.
Focusing on a 303 or so tempo as I really can’t afford an injury from working out and my work is pretty physical on most days. Really just trying to stay looking reasonably strong and have enough strength to do the work I do.
Bench 155 x 13, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2
– Myoreps, so counting the first set, I had about 19 “effective reps” being within 2-3 reps of failure.
Behind the Neck Press 65 x 15, 15, 15
– slow and controlled and trying to open my shoulders a little more
Squat 135 x 10, 10, 10
– with straps set up for a safety squat hack. My left hip isn’t in the best shape, so really light and controlled is going to be the path. I’ll probably never squat 300 again, and that’s fine. Whatever turns on the legs and keeps me from being excessively weak in the lower body is good enough.
Forgot I finished with a couple sets of banded overhead tricep extensions using a door anchor.
This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
Joe Doe