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    • Shoulder is trashed via osteoarthritis.  Losing lean muscle tissue.  Putting on fat.  I don’t even really enjoy working out much anymore, it’s now in the category of ‘body maintenance’.

      There is no order to these.  Typically I will walk the dogs, do a MM workout, then later on in the day I’ll pick something else off the list, lately its been the long cardio stuff.

      I haven’t listed it, but I will do YRG as well, and I’m messing around with some upper body only workouts but nothing has really stuck.

      Anyway.  This is what I’m currently doing.  The Morning Minimal workouts are done after I walk the ridgebacks every morning.  They take like 12-15 minutes to do.

      Morning Minimal Workout #1
      goblet squat, 3 sets
      rack push up, using t grip bar for parallel grip, 3 sets (note:  I hold an isometric at the bottom for as long as I can after each set is done)
      dumbbell curls with fat grips, 3 sets.
      -when I feel it, I might add occlusion bands.

      Morning Minimal Workout #2
      Stiff leg DL with kb, off 2 boxes, with massive stretch.  3 sets
      alternating one arm rows with 2 kettlebells, 3 sets (note: I hold an isometric row using the suspension trainer after each set)
      Duffin Upright Rows (DURs), 3 sets (this is one of the few shoulder exercises that doesn’t bother my shoulder)

      Long Cardio 1
      Using Furman’s Ultimate Aerobics Protocol I go
      5 minutes rowerg
      5 minutes skierg
      5 minutes airdyne
      Repeat 4x so 60 minutes of cardio is done.
      Maffetone style, HR kept under 135

      Long Cardio 2
      5 K row
      5K ski
      Finish out hour on bike.
      Maffetone style, HR kept under 135

      Interval 1:

      10 rounds of 45 sec slow/15 second sprint on airdyne

      Interval 2:
      10 rounds of 100m sprint on ski-erg, with 1-2 minutes rest in between

      Interval 3:
      8 repeats of 500m row

      Interval 4:
      35 minutes Nordic 4×4 on air dyne.

      Mixed Interval:

      45/15 Airdyne
      100m Ski Erg
      500m Row Erg
      Repeat 3-5x

      Hybrid Session 1 AD+SSB
      60s Airdyne hard
      SSB squat (assorted reps)

      5-6 rounds.  Progressively heavier weights.

      Hybrid Session 2 DL + Box Jump
      Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes.
      Box Jump x 3 (with step down)
      DL weight is static (like 365 for each rep)  Box height is like 18 because that’s all the box I have.

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
        Shaf .
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      Walked the ridgebacks

      Did MM1, added an airdyne effort on top of the circuit.  Made it a bit more strenuous but I warmed up better.

      airdyne 60s effort
      goblet squat, 3 sets
      rack push up, using t grip bar for parallel grip, 3 sets (note:  I hold an isometric at the bottom for as long as I can after each set is done)
      dumbbell curls with fat grips, 3 sets.

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      I like seeing what you’re up to, please keep posting.  Sorry to hear about your shoulder.  Do you chalk it up to something in particular, or is it just one of those things that happens without a clear cause other than genes?

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        I like seeing what you’re up to, please keep posting. Sorry to hear about your shoulder. Do you chalk it up to something in particular, or is it just one of those things that happens without a clear cause other than genes?

        Probably caused by me being cavalier about pain and not getting things checked out early.  Despite working on it for literally decades, my bench was always mediocre at best.

        15 years ago I should have gotten my shoulders MRI’d.  I would have probably been able to adopt a different kind of plan and had a lot of capacity left in them.  Now I’m basically killing time until I feel enough pain to get a shoulder replacement.


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      Let’s see.

      Airdyne60/SSB Squat:  5 sets.  155 x 10 was the top set.  I was pausing and stretching out the hips in the bottom and this caused an incredible 2 days of DOMS.



      DL:  Double Overhand grip.  Worked up to 275×5.  Grip failed.  Haven’t done a DL in months.  The grip will come up to about 315×5 pretty quick then stall out.  When that happens I’ll switch to mix or straps.  I use the grip to keep intial sessions light.
      Mace 360s.  Super light.  2 sets of 20 each direction
      Stretching for 10:00, hips, hamstrings, lats



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      I’ve kind of combined the morning minimal stuff to hit full body circuit

      Goblet squats with me sitting in the bottom and doing a set of curls
      Jefferson curls
      T Grip bar rack push ups
      Suspension trainer rows, 1 1/4 reps
      Hammer curls with fat grips
      T Grip bar partial dips
      run through 2-3 times then do some bar hangs for 2+ minutes (supported) and lat stretches as those seem to help the shoulder the most.







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