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Sled Work

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    • I warmed up today with 5 minutes of backwards sled dragging down, and forwards sled dragging back with just 50 on the sled for maybe 60 lbs total. I was warm enough through my legs and hips that I was able to have a squat session. It was pussy weights, but everything was active enough that I was able to squat under control and without pain.

      I’ve got a push/pull sled coming from REP Fitness on the way. I’m probably going to be doing more sled drives and pulls with single leg work until I get the hip figured out.

      Anyone else doing any sled work?

    • More!

      Yeah, I should get a session in soon. Let it slip a bit. Lower body always hurts in a good way afterwards.

      Doing it in the gym is rare because people tend to lay about and stretch on the astroturf, but I bought a Spud Inc one and go to fields nearby. It doesn’t need too much weight to do what I need it to do. The thing about the gym is I can really load it up.

      What’s up with your hip?

    • More!

      I’ve got a torn labrum and minor CAM impingement. The surgeon said I can do things that don’t hurt, but to be aware of hip flexion.

      If I’m good about tissue work, mobility, and strengthening, I can squat light, deadlift medium (for me) weight, and I walk a minimum of 5 miles a day, and often go up to 15 or so with no pain.

      I’ve avoided surgery because outcomes vary pretty wildly from people feeling worse after, to others being able to get back to full activity in less than a year post-operation, but the pain has been a bit more frequent, and outside of something like stem cells (which I guess aren’t usually much use with an impingement impeding healing), I’m thinking I’ll try to get knifed in the next couple of months to avoid or delay a hip replacement, depending on how the joint looks.

      Apparently my nuts will likely go numb for up to a month after because of the nerves, proximity etc, and the bruising will be terrifying to look at.

    • More!

      Yikes. Good luck!

    • More!

      It’ll be interesting. My insurance is changing over at the first of the year, and I’ll make an appointment ASAP to get a referral to an ortho and set up the knifing.

      I’ll be sure to post pics of my nuts because I know you guys are deviants.

    • More!

      I got the push sled from REP fitness, put a light load on it, I almost threw up after ~10 minutes and my lungs hurt for a day.

    • More!

      Do you have a rope to do barbarian sled pulls, or whatever the fuck it’s called? Seems like that would be bad-ass. As would some sort of lateral walking (maybe good…or terrible! for the hips).

      Where’s them nuts at?

    • More!

      Gotta get the hip sliced and diced and then I can show you guys my nuts. Unless you want a before picture.

      Barbarian pulls? Like using the rip for a hand over hand row to pull the sled all the way in?

    • More!

      Joe I had a consult this week with an older, experienced sports physio with a bit of a medical background. Deliberately sought him out as I don’t want someone like me or younger.

      He diagnosed me with hip muscle tightness that may have contributed to an adductor pull. I swear I thought I’d done a labrum but apparently not. He did speak about the surgeries and their outcomes. Made me think of you. Have you gone the conservative route?

      Thinking of your nuts.





    • More!

      Joe I had a consult this week with an older, experienced sports physio with a bit of a medical background. Deliberately sought him out as I don’t want someone like me or younger.

      He diagnosed me with hip muscle tightness that may have contributed to an adductor pull. I swear I thought I’d done a labrum but apparently not. He did speak about the surgeries and their outcomes. Made me think of you. Have you gone the conservative route?

      Thinking of your nuts.

      Thank you for thinking of my nuts. On a related note: I’m taking fadogia agrestis, which will often visibly enlarge the testicles. I’ll put that rundown in the hrt/trt thread I think I have here.

      re: My hip. Yes, I’ve tried to go the conservative route.

      For a while, I thought I’d torn a muscle in my groin like a high adductor tear or maybe even a gracilis tear, but I had zero hip pain. Then, I started getting pain that made me think maybe an inguinal hernia. After having 2 hernia exams in one day, by my primary/GP, and then a general surgeon, I had an ultrasound which showed nothing, and then an MRI. MRI showed a mild impingement, labral tear and maybe a “shallow” hip socket, but not dysplastic.

      Over time, my hip function declined and I started getting more of the classic symptoms.

      Following the FAI fix, and being much better about lifestyle choices has me feeling much better in the last couple of weeks. Most of my lower body work right now is sled work, FAI Fix workouts, and trap bar or rack pulls. Staying out of deep hip flexion has reduced the pain from like a 5 or 6 out of 10 to a 2 or so.

      Outcomes for the surgery for labral tears and impingement, either CAM or pincer, are so all over the map that I’d rather wait for a hip replacement. I’ve looked into it, and it seems like it’s 50/50 for whether people considered it worth it, with a lot of the “not worth it” camp saying it made their pain worse.

      A lot of people have returned to full activity by improving hip function and strength. Haven’t heard anyone who’s been a Starrett person getting back, but I’m sure there are some.

    • More!

      Gotta get the hip sliced and diced and then I can show you guys my nuts. Unless you want a before picture. Barbarian pulls? Like using the rip for a hand over hand row to pull the sled all the way in?

      I couldn’t think of a good name, but yeah that’s the exercise.

      Still not seeing nut pics, maybe I need to refresh the screen a few more times?

    • More!


      My client Gary had a hip replacement last year (literally last November).  After 6 weeks of PT, we developed a program in conjunction with his PT and now he’s killing it: zero hip/knee/lower back pain, and just got the second Eagle of his life (he’s an avid golfer).

      I bring this up to say a) hip replacements do seem to work b) it makes sense to listen to the PT and incorporate their suggestions going forwards.


      In contrast, my buddy (25 years younger than my client) had one, quit PT as soon as it was finished, and now feels unstable and inflexible.

    • More!

      My nuts deserve a thread of their own.

      I’m not looking at a replacement, but a potential shaving of the bone and repair of the labrum.

      I woke up today with zero discomfort, put in some work time and my back and hip feel great. Pain is weird.

    • More!

      Maybe your workouts are helping it?  Keep tracking what you’re doing, sometimes we inadvertently stumble on something helpful 🙂

    • More!

      Maybe your workouts are helping it? Keep tracking what you’re doing, sometimes we inadvertently stumble on something helpful 🙂

      The updated FAI Fix program is more comprehensive and does a better job of testing areas of pain, stiffness, hyperlaxity etc. It’s really just an approach to improving overall hip function through mobility and fairly simple strength work, along with tissue work and static stretches.

      It’s interesting to me how many joint issues are alleviated by opening up the surrounding tissues so the joint can function like it’s supposed to.

    • More!

      What kind of tissue work are you doing? If you don’t mind sharing….

      I feel pretty limited in my useful knowledge of soft-tissue work to include.

    • More!

      I was prescribed ass stretches which have made a night and day difference in about a week. Makes me think I’ve been suffering unnecessarily.

      Some glute stetches, typically the one on your back with legs folded over, I don’t feel in the affected side – but a few of them have hit the capsule and I think it’s going well.

      I think I’m going to wind back a lot of my anti stretching, soft tissue rhetoric. A coach I saw on YT mentioned that sometimes if you don’t hold until you feel the area let up, you can aggravate it. Maybe my fast, adhd approach just made those areas angry.

      Either way, I warmed up with some sled drags yesterday and pulled (I think) a lifetime double-overhand, no straps PR after not deadlifting since April. Didn’t feel the hips or the groin more importantly.

      Afterwards I did adductor isometrics on the naughty/good girl machine.

      I hope the kids acknowledged I wasn’t using straps. Everyone. Uses. Straps. These. Days.


      • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by
        Luke .
      • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by
        Luke .






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