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Biden’s America: Voting Rights and Restrictions

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    • States have already enacted more than 20 laws this year that will make it harder for Americans to vote — and many legislatures are still in session.

      Across the country, the effort to restrict the vote continues, with a wave of bills moving through state legislatures and becoming law.

      Between January 1 and May 14, 2021, at least 14 states enacted 22 new laws that restrict access to the vote. footnote1_idrlkz9 1  The United States is on track to far exceed its most recent period of significant voter suppression — 2011. By October of that year, 19 restrictive laws were enacted in 14 states. This year, the country has already reached that level, and it’s only May.


      Let’s be clear here: voting “restrictions” are good.  The vast majority of Americans shouldn’t vote and if they can be dissuaded from voting by lack of drive-through polls and ballot harvesting, all I can say is fuck off and don’t come back!


      Somebody will have to explain to me how requiring ID to vote is an undue burden on our dusky fellow citizens, as I can’t see it.  I need an ID to travel, drive, go to the bank, write a check, or buy a gun. If requiring ID to vote is racist, then it’s racist in all those instances as well, and I’m sure you will agree, we should do away with all of those requirements.


      Also, since all of these laws have been enacted democratically by the states, why do you libz hate democracy?  Why do you want to silence the voice of the people?

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
        Fat Cat .
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
        Fat Cat .
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      It’s a slippery slope and yada, yada, but it’s stupid to ‘get out the vote’.  Getting the opinion of the most uneducated, apathetic, and self-absorbed sector of the populace is *not* a recipe for success.  Basic ID, citizenship, and literacy tests are all sensible.

      Also, LOL at you getting a firearm – do you have a HI “permit to post about owning a firearm that you can’t shoot because HI ranges suck balls?”.  HI just about makes NYC or Jersey seem free…


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        Please do not get me started on Hawaii’s firearm laws.  This state should serve as a warning to anyone who contemplates voting Democrat.

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      Here in lovely Oregon, it’s a mere $40 every eight years for basic ID.  If you can’t afford the twenty-buck-a-presidential-election tax, you can go fuck yourself forever.

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      What I don’t understand is why America is led around by the tail.  The black American population is like 12.7% of the total population, but they occupy pride of place in ALL media whether it’s music, news, politics, sports, etc.  They are from an economic and political participation standpoint, irrelevant DFLs, yet utterly over-represented.  Meanwhile, other non-White populations in America like Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans are essentially ignored.

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      Texas dems just strolled out to protest the voting ‘restrictions’ that the majority of the people of Texas want to be put into place.  Texans, overall, want ID to be shown before voting, etc.

      Ironically, even after this new law gets put into place, voting is still more restrictive in certain northeastern coastal states and certain northwestern coastal states than here.


      • More!

        Texas dems just strolled out to protest the voting ‘restrictions’ that the majority of the people of Texas want to be put into place. Texans, overall, want ID to be shown before voting, etc. Ironically, even after this new law gets put into place, voting is still more restrictive in certain northeastern coastal states and certain northwestern coastal states than here.


        All this does is painfully illustrate the fact that Democrats are not, in any way, protecting voting rights because when people vote against their platform, they happily break the law to thwart the will of the people.  This is a naked power struggle and all moral-fag grasping for the ethical high ground should be laughed at.






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