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We’re in lockdown again / personal training

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    • Sydney & Melbourne – and probably some other states to follow – are in lockdown again here in Australia. Gyms closed etc.


      Our govt. has massively fucked up vaccines partly due to complacency –  Covid never really took hold here and we got to carry on fairly normally while the rest of the world was taking it. Now the cat’s out of the bag and we could be looking at 2 months of the same routine and the powers that be want zero Covid.


      I regretted investing in equipment during the last lockdown, only for it to end and not look like we’d ever be facing another. Selfishly, I’m now quite happy I can do some outdoor workouts while others can’t. Also my hip’s been bad so removing the temptation of squatting has been helpful.


      I think I should get a training cert. I live in an affluent area and there’s bound to be unfit CEOs around. In fact, a guy and his son approached me one day and asked what I would recommend they do.


      Have those of you who train people noticed any trends with gym closures vs. reopenings? More clients when things closed? It seemed when the world reopened here, Covid-fear of gyms wasn’t really observable, but I have been thinking about whether there is irrefutably a new paradigm we’ll have to live with, vaccines or not, wherever we live.

      – how are you going?

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      Hey, Luke, I am fine. I have a relaxed and rather fatalistic attitude to things like these. Could be something to do with my northern barbarian genes. I think getting a coaching certificate is not a bad idea at all. You are in Manly, aren’t you? High blood pressure, diabetes and being overweight are risk factors for severe covid, and getting fit addresses all of them at once. This alone is motivation enough to get a personal trainer. One thing though, it is very hard to work with clients. When we came to Australia in 2004 my wife did a certificate (or diploma, I don’t remember). The main thing was to keep a client entertained and motivated. You and I know that you can progress on a handful of exercises for years. Most clients however want variety, otherwise they get bored.

      My wife gave up after a year. Now she makes cakes. Way more successful! 🙄


      Stay safe.

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      Is it just me or is there a very authoritarian streak to Australian government?

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      Isn’t it something stupid, like 10 cases and 1 death that has locked you guys down?

      I suppose I should go and check.

      The problem Aus and NZ are going to have is that they have zero resistance in the population, especially since Aus fucked up the vaccination program, due to the ease and severity of lockdowns.

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      What is the chain of logic?  If the government sees its role as keeping people safe, outlaw tobacco, alcohol, and HFCS.

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      “Whilst it is in human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that. So if you run into a neighbor, don’t start up a conversation. Now is the time for minimizing interaction with others.”

      Real edict from the real health officials of NSW.

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      The gyms around here that have survived now seem to be doing a booming business – I base this solely on how crowded the local Lifetime is, and what I see driving by local gyms and their parking lot traffic. I suspect most are still struggling and the numbers are not what they were pre-pandemic, but right now they are doing pretty well.

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      Couple of days ago I took a picture from the TV screen. It can’t figure the way to upload it to the forum, but in essence it’s the news headline: “Covid crisis. 110 cases in NSW”.

      The population of New South Wales is about 8 million. 5.5 of them live in Sydney, and that’s where all cases are. It gives you the incidence of 1:50,000. And that’s unfortunately a good illustration of the media manners. What will they call it if there are 1000 new cases one day, Armagedon? Apocalypse?

      I am not saying they should let covid run amok. One can argue about the policies, and it’s hard to know what a good one is at the moment. I definitely wouldn’t want to be a politician. My beef is with the media. Journalism is supposed to be a cold hearted presentation of facts clear of biases.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
        Sangoma .
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      Couple of days ago I took a picture from the TV screen. It can’t figure the way to upload it to the forum, but in essence it’s the news headline: “Covid crisis. 110 cases in NSW”. The population of New South Wales is about 8 million. 5.5 of them live in Sydney, and that’s where all cases are. It gives you the incidence of 1:50,000. And that’s unfortunately a good illustration of the media manners. What will they call it if there are 1000 new cases one day, Armagedon? Apocalypse? I am not saying they should let covid run amok. One can argue about the policies, and it’s hard to know what a good one is at the moment. I definitely wouldn’t want to be a politician. My beef is with the media. Journalism is supposed to be a cold hearted presentation of facts clear of biases.


      Sangoma, what do you make of this? Link: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/27/10/21-1427_article


      An outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 caused by the Gamma variant of concern infected 24/44 (55%) employees of a gold mine in French Guiana (87% symptomatic, no severe forms). The attack rate was 60% (15/25) among fully vaccinated miners and 75% (3/4) among unvaccinated miners without a history of infection.



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      Is it just me or is there a very authoritarian streak to Australian government?

      There are definitely state governments like this, but the lady who runs Sango & my state was being ultra cool and resisting the harsher measures – until she couldn’t. It got out of her hands and now all the other states are shaming us and refusing to send Pfizer to short circuit the spread.

      The other bitches would lockdown at someone coughing, so I appreciated the freedom here. Now a massive over correction is happening and we’re in a state of emergency as of yesterday.

      There has emerged this bizarre hero worship of leaders, particularly in Victoria. A guy who essentially failed step after step is being treated like a saviour/father figure and his model of incompetence somehow became the playbook other states want us to adopt. It’s so strange. But I hear even his popularity is now waning.

      A pundit who’s been pretty accurate to date believes we’re going to hit a civil disobedience stage, maybe say shuttered businesses just throw open the doors, then when vaccinations hit a threshold the powers that be will ease off. Or, at some point soon, a state leader will go renegade – declare lockdowns can’t go on and become Florida.

      Isn’t it something stupid, like 10 cases and 1 death that has locked you guys down? I suppose I should go and check. The problem Aus and NZ are going to have is that they have zero resistance in the population, especially since Aus fucked up the vaccination program, due to the ease and severity of lockdowns.

      It started like this but there’s been a rise. Several “communities” don’t really like not visiting family while being infectious so it’s exploding in different areas of Sydney.






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