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      My prediction is guilty (probably of lesser charges) followed by pompous, self-righteous celebrities and athletes looking for any press coverage or TV time they can get.

      I haven’t watched much of the trial but I get the impression that this is a kid who genuinely thought he was doing a good thing when he went to the location of the riots, but things escalated to a level he was not prepared to deal with.  That doesn’t mean he was justified in shooting, but I also don’t think he went there with the intention of doing so.

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      I know one person that has done extremely well in crypto (multi-millions) and many people who have lost the majority of their investment.  The advice from the one person who has done well is that you can not be a passive investor.  The market on crypto is not regulated and it runs 24/7.  You need to spend several hours per day including weekends staying on top of what is going on.  You also need to develop a strong network of like-minded investors to help keep you aligned.  Without the effort and network you are destined to be caught up in one of the big swings and likely to loose much of your investment.

      If I were a younger man I could see myself jumping in with both feet.  Right now I am on a predictable path financially and afraid of making the leap.  I am the type of guy who goes to the casino with $20 and is happy to leave when it is gone, so crypto is not for me … at least not yet.

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      I don’t give a fuck about Afghans, but I do give a fuck about US soldiers because my son is one of them.  My beef in this is that the exit plan was shit and that was obvious from the start.  Our president fucked that up and people died because of that.  Instead of taking ownership for his mistakes he blamed Trump.  That is fucked up.


      I agree that the US should have exited Afghanistan long ago – just don’t get people killed in the process.

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      I have family in the military.  Back in March I was asking what the biggest concern was at the time.  I was told that it was the situation in Afghanistan.  What I was told then was that as US troops handed over control and exited an area, the Taliban would show up the next day.  They would tell the Afghan army to lay down their weapons and walk away or they would kill them and their family.  The Afghan army did not resist and just walked away.  This was not an isolated incident.  It happened in every case without exception.

      If a low level military person knew this in March, the president had to know as well.  I am not a fan of Trump, but saying it was his plan and his fault is a bullshit excuse of the highest magnitude.  Biden is the president of the fucking United States of America.  If he didn’t like the plan he could change it.  If he couldn’t see what low level enlisted men could see was coming then he is as inept as advertised.  What is tragic is that US soldiers and US citizens lost their lives due to this idiot.  Their blood is on his hands and I can’t see any other way around it.

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      My employer is starting down an interesting path …  They are saying no one can come into our facility that can not prove they have been fully vaccinated.  They also said that they want everyone to return to in-person work by the end of September.  The inevitable conclusion is that they won’t have to fire employees.  They will just make the rules such that unvaccinated employees will not be able to show up for work as required.  According to HR rules this results in voluntary termination.  Essentially the employees are not fired, they quit.


      I get the feeling this will become the new norm.

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      I agree.  It is hard to muster up the energy to care about crossfit these days.  I liken it to professional wrestling.  When you are a kid and  first get into watching wrestling you are excited to see the heros and the villains.  You are surprised when the babyface turns or when the heel becomes a good guy.  Eventually you see the plot lines repeating themselves and you start to loose interest.  That is what crossfit has become to me.  I like to occasionally tune in to see what’s new, but it is not must see TV anymore.  I don’t have 10 people a day telling me how great crossfit is and that I need to switch to paleo.  I no longer find joy in trolling the crossfitters that I know.  Maybe it is the pandemic since I worked from home for over a year, but it is not in my face anymore I rarely even hear about it.

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      The Mayo Clinic announced earlier this week that they are doing the same.

      I am a believer that the vaccine works, that it reduces the chances of contracting the virus, and if you do get infected it reduces the severity of the symptoms.  I have had COVID and it sucked.  My job requires me to interact with people all across Asia on a daily basis and I can tell you the delta variant is killing way more people in that part of the world than most people in the US realize.  Getting vaccinated is the right thing … but in the US you can’t force people to do the right thing.  Our constitution and bill of rights allow for people to make stupid choices.  I don’t see how requiring employees to be vaccinated will hold up in court.  I can possibly see it as something that could be used as a condition of employment for new employees, but I don’t think it will hold up to legal scrutiny to require those who already are working to then have to get vaccinated or be fired.

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      Good topic.

      I am an old guy as well, and fully admit to being a curmudgeon.  I recognized early on the addictive quality of Facebook.  I lasted 2 weeks with an account and found myself checking it several times a day, and then several times an hour, and then having it available to check non-stop.  Once I realized what was going on I went through the incredibly difficult process of deleting my account.  Since then I took the path of “the easiest way to quit is to never start”.  I have no Instagram, no Tic-Toc, no Snap Chat.  My kids tell me all the time how much I am “missing out” by not staring at my screen all day – but I find it incredibly liberating to be able to sit and read or just talk to someone without that nagging feeling of  needing to check my phone.  One of the other things I found helpful is turning off notifications.  My wife’s phone is constantly buzzing or beeping with notifications from all her apps.  I can’t stand that and turned off all notification except for texts.

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      New to the forum, but not new to IGX.  I took the opportunity of the new site to actually register rather than just lurking …


      I read non-fiction almost exclusively.  I have been on a kick to read about medal of honor recipients.  In the last few months I read:

      • Red Platoon  –  Great story about the Battle of Keating.  Well worth the read.
      • Alone at Dawn  –  Story of John Chapman who was an Air Force combat controller.  I didn’t realize how bad ass those guys are until I read the book.  It also outlines how the SEALs were total assholes.  I have tons of respects for all special ops teams – but in this case the SEALs come out looking pretty bad.

      I am currently reading The Davidian Massacre.  I picked it up in Waco a while back.  I happen to be traveling there and took a morning to drive out to the Branch Davidian compound.  It was odd …  the gate was open but they had a No Trespassing sign hung on it.  I was with my daughter and she really wanted to check it out so we drove in.  There is a small visitor center just inside the gate that was closed, but there was a hand written sign on the door to call a phone number for service.  My daughter called and a women agreed to meet us and give us a personal tour of the property.  It was really cool.  She was a member of the Davidians but she and her husband left before all the shit went down because Koresh was sleeping with all the women (and girls) in the group.  After the “event” she and her husband went back and are managing the property now.  It was really cool to talk to her about what happened.  She was very honest about things and gave a first hand account of what was really going on.  She recommended the book as an alternate account to what you see in the documentaries on Netflix, etc.  The book is not written in story format, but it goes in-depth to all the bullshit going on with the BATF that lead up to the event.  Koresh was clearly a kook, but the BATF had no business going in there the way they did.

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      There was a time I quite drinking for about 5 years.  I was going through a divorce and at one point a I made a comment about needing a drink.  My then 8-year-old son looked at me and innocently asked “why?”.  That hit me hard and I just stopped.  After a while I missed it – not getting drunk and feeling like shit, but there are some drinks I really enjoy.  One of my guilty pleasures is a well paired Scotch and cigar, or a really good red wine with a steak.  For me, separating “need” from “want” was important.  Not everyone is able to do that, but finding that balance was key to me personally.

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