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Wed., Nov. 17, 2021
Biked 65 minutes
Thur., Nov. 18, 2021
Total resting time 15:11 minutes
Tue., Nov. 16, 2021
Completed the workout in 32:10 minutes. (I should be measuring the total rest time, so that I don’t create a perverse incentive to speed up the TGUs and rob myself of TUT.)
Mon., Nov. 15, 2021
Two (?) kettlebell workouts this week, consisting of:
Gradually I’m adding reps opportunistically to the swing sets, just because I can. Keeping the rest periods compressed. Ditto with the slo-mo getups.
Cardio this week continues to be just “catch-as-catch-can” this week, consisting of walking, riding, or chopping wood for half an hour at a time, maybe 10 times/week.
Wed., Oct. 26, 2021
Walked 4 miles. (No pack.)
Thur., Oct. 27, 2021
In the TGU, I used to have this “hitch” on the L side after the roll when sitting up. The kind of hitch where your feet come off the ground and you need body English to break your torso off the ground. That’s gone now, and I credit the slow-motion work for that. (As it happens, I suspect it wasn’t a strength imbalance or weak point but just a difference in how I used my support arm on the two sides. The trick is to have the elbow of my support arm slightly bent.)
I spent most of the week traveling, so workouts were improvised:
Friday: Half hour of improvised yoga flow and pistols in airport.
Saturday: 5 sets of pullups (11, 5, 5, 6, 4). These were basically AMRAP sets.
Monday: walking with leg weights
Tue., Oct. 19, 2021
swings (2 hands, Hardstyle) (10L, 10R) x5 sets: 36kg, 36kg, 40kg, 36kg, 32 kg
24kg TGUs (1L, 1R) x5 sets, done slowly, especially the awkward, poorly supported phases like the bridge and the pistol-like lunge
Pullups (chest to bar): 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Sixty-second rests.
Oct. 3-5
Huge fucking Bataan death march of a backwoods hunting trip. In the week that followed, just walked a few miles every day or two.
Tue., Oct. 12, 2021
Tom has put me on a base-building program of swings, TGUs, and pullups, with LSD workouts. Today I started with…
That kind of smoked me. It feels like forever since I did any grinds.
Wed., Sept. 22, 2021
Worst fucking insomnia of my life. Went for a 30-minute ruck.
Thur., Sept. 23, 2021
Quick KB workout. Minute-on, minute-off with the usual cluster (3 swings, 1 CPP) using 24kg. (Tried 28kg for one pair of sets, but it was too much to hold without over-gripping.) Unlike past such workouts, I was really doing just one minute at a time, not one minute L and one minute R. Total of 16 sets, average 30 rpm, total volume 720 poods.
Sat., Sept. 18, 2021
5-hour hike with 4500-ft. elevation gain. Nice and slow, inside my MAF zone the whole time, felt hugely energized the rest of the day.
Sun., Sept. 19, 2021 171.6 lbs. (!)
KB “dirty work” ladders with the usual routine (3 swings, 1 CPP) with the 20kg. 6-8-10-12-2-4-6-8-2-4 minutes, for a total 62 minutes with a 1:1 work-rest ratio. At 25 rpm (where each swing, clean, or push press is one rep), that’s a total volume of 1930 poods, which is another huge volume PR.
Wed., Sept. 15, 2021. 167.2 lbs. (PR)
“Dirty work” with 20kg. 3 sets of 10 minutes each in 40 minutes. In the sweaty heat, callouses were a problem so I did 20 swings, 1 clean, and 6 push presses. Because of the faster tempo and short rests, my HR got up there at the end. Total volume: 1000 poods. (Damn, no wonder I breathed so hard. That was a pretty dense workout.)
I’ve walked or rucked daily this week.
Sat., Sept. 11, 2021 167.6 lbs. (PR*)
* i.e. for purposes of my time working with Tom.
KB “dirty work.” Today was a true “light day.” Tom has been working with me on the idea that, “It’s what you can sustain, not what you can take.” (More on that in his recent interview below…) Intellectually that’s something I know and preach to others; in my personal practice, I might have wandered somewhere along the way. In particular, Tom has been pulling back on my bridle and keeping me from galloping off into heavier bells. Note I say “heavier,” not “heavy.” So far I’ve mostly stayed well below 24kg, which is not what I’d normally call heavy. In my days of (blindly groping, self-taught, unimpressive) GS training, 24kg was just a normal working weight.
However, two things are different. First is something I’ve overlooked until now, namely the greater duration, volume, and tempo. In days of yore, under VF’s OTW, a workout might involve two working sets of 5-10 minutes. So 10-20 minutes total, and at low rpms (at least where the 24kg bells were concerned). Let’s say maybe 6 rpm in the jerk and 12 or 14 in the snatch. Add a set each of heavy swings and OAJs and you’re looking at 600 poods of volume for the day, tops. That’s about half of what I’m doing now with Tom, where total time is longer and the tempo is faster. (The other different thing is that I’m 15 years older now, and that has to count for something.)
With that in mind, today’s light was a minor epiphany: I could feel palpably that, for now, 24kg really does lie on the other side of some invisible but noticeable line for me. See, I did 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, alternating 18kg and 24kg. (The idea was that, since I don’t have my 21kg with me right now, the average intensity would still come out to 21kg.) The 18kg sets felt much like my 21kg sets do: like I could go just as long as I needed to. But though the 24kg sets felt OK, there was no feeling that I could keep chugging along for 50 minutes, or even 20, or even 10. No, I was watching that clock and only too happy to end the set. It wasn’t killing me, but it wasn’t effortless grace like the light bell either. Subjectively, it felt like the difference between running at 105 bpm (well below my aerobic threshold) and 135 bpm, a little above it. At 105 I could go all day; at 135 it’s exciting for awhile, but I’m spending real energy.
All told, today was the usual (3 swings + 1 CPP) for 4 sets of 2 minutes with 18kg and 3 sets of 2 minutes with 24kg, with 2-minutes rests. Total volume was 460 poods, which makes it the lightest day so far.
Cooled down with a few gorilla pullups, Hindu pushups, and some hangboarding.
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Also not any sort of physics brain, but I figure it could be any of the following:
Tue., Sept. 7, 2021. 170.0 lbs. (!!)
Lighter day with the KBs. My palms were still irritated and threatening to tear. So I split each minute: 15 swings (30 secs) and about 10 push presses (30 secs). 21 kg for 2 sets of 10 minutes each, with about 8 minutes of rest in between. Pretty tough.
Total volume: 650 poods