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I was prescribed ass stretches which have made a night and day difference in about a week. Makes me think I’ve been suffering unnecessarily.
Some glute stetches, typically the one on your back with legs folded over, I don’t feel in the affected side – but a few of them have hit the capsule and I think it’s going well.
I think I’m going to wind back a lot of my anti stretching, soft tissue rhetoric. A coach I saw on YT mentioned that sometimes if you don’t hold until you feel the area let up, you can aggravate it. Maybe my fast, adhd approach just made those areas angry.
Either way, I warmed up with some sled drags yesterday and pulled (I think) a lifetime double-overhand, no straps PR after not deadlifting since April. Didn’t feel the hips or the groin more importantly.
Afterwards I did adductor isometrics on the naughty/good girl machine.
I hope the kids acknowledged I wasn’t using straps. Everyone. Uses. Straps. These. Days.
Joe I had a consult this week with an older, experienced sports physio with a bit of a medical background. Deliberately sought him out as I don’t want someone like me or younger.
He diagnosed me with hip muscle tightness that may have contributed to an adductor pull. I swear I thought I’d done a labrum but apparently not. He did speak about the surgeries and their outcomes. Made me think of you. Have you gone the conservative route?
Thinking of your nuts.
Sorry, Luke, I missed your post. I am doing the prescribed exercises sporadically, but making sure I do lunges and squats the way he prescribes, knees forward. Also trying to find the time for stretches, they are quite good.
Sango – has he got member-only hip specific routines that he might not have on YouTube?
Yeah, I should get a session in soon. Let it slip a bit. Lower body always hurts in a good way afterwards.
Doing it in the gym is rare because people tend to lay about and stretch on the astroturf, but I bought a Spud Inc one and go to fields nearby. It doesn’t need too much weight to do what I need it to do. The thing about the gym is I can really load it up.
What’s up with your hip?
When I was 25 years old I would train, pull a muscle, felt it straight away and would be forced to stop the training session. These days pain is delayed. I would feel good during a squat workout, for example, push it and be proud of myself. Then couple of hours later I would feel something not right in my lower back. The next morning – agony. That’s why I have to really watch the numbers very closely during my workouts. I also stop at the slightest sign of strain or pain. Fuck it, I rather catch up at the next session than having to take a break for three weeks because of injury.
Very interesting!
Who are the discussers? Why you, dear reader. Eating well, a good night’s sleep, a solid effort in the gym, then repeating this for months on end….this requires grit, determination…insert your favorite synonym. What’s helped you? Are you struggling right now?
About 4 years I ago I read that “Peaking” book’s intro (in the IGx library) about how the author was extremely regimented and then flamed out @ competition time. I think after that day I dismissed the notion of being too dialed in – honestly I’d never get there anyway – I’m too chaotic and temperamental. Maybe this completely runs counter to the rest of the book!
What I do want to put my disclipline towards is just not doing the dumb shit programming wise anymore.
If you do low enough volume each workout, that should be fine, no? I used to squat MWF, but just 3 sets of 10-20 reps…still put on some muscle and strength.
I find at the higher % ranges – I can do a lot of work in session and walk away fine – but then need a week to recover. I’m going to really limit the volume now gyms are open again to see if my frequency can be improved.
Bench pressing I’m now as legally wide as possible, but not all the time. I was very weak wide grip but gradually brought it up to be my strongest.
For years close grip was my go to and while it does me a lot of good, I think I left something on the table not looking at expanding it sooner.
Keep your shoulders healthy and you shouldn’t have a problem with gradual exposure.