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      Pretty much every market in the world looks severely overbought. I think a correction is coming, and it can be quite a substantial one. Then again, markets can stay irrational for a long time.

    • More!

      From my observation volume is a big factor in terms of injury. I tried loudly glorified anti-glycolytic training from StrongFirst and got my rotator flare up after two sessions. I probably increased the volume too quickly. I tend to do better rotating exercises and doing frequent but shorter training sessions.

      I think after the age of 50 max effort is not a very good idea. Even when I train to failure it is “sort of” failure. Max – “sort of” max. For example, yesterday I did chins DoggCrapp style: 12-6-3. Every set I could probably squeeze another rep, but didn’t. Maybe it’s not the most optimal, but at least I have no regrets.

      The most amusing shit that tends to catch me as I got older is that symptoms are delayed. When I was 25 years old I would train, pull a muscle, felt it straight away and would be forced to stop the training session. These days pain is delayed. I would feel good during a squat workout, for example, push it and be proud of myself. Then couple of hours later I would feel something not right in my lower back. The next morning – agony. That’s why I have to really watch the numbers very closely during my workouts. I also stop at the slightest sign of strain or pain. Fuck it, I rather catch up at the next session than having to take a break for three weeks because of injury.


    • More!

      Thanks, Shaf. It looks very interesting. From my time in GS I like the idea of timed sets. It definitely adds an endurance component. Also forces better focus.

    • More!

      I don’t mind paying to get the forum back to its original version. Or whatever forum version that will look nice and will work without irritating issue. In its current version it sucks. It is not visually appealing (too narrow, avatars too small), logging in takes time, it keeps throwing you out, sending a pm is not intuitive, formatting doesn’t work. I understand Mario has full time job, so it would be just fair to pay him.

    • More!

      Thanks, I will find it.

    • More!

      Bram, what’s the title of the book. Or if you can post a link please.

    • More!

      My modest observation: one armed lifts tend to be more forgiving to my ageing joints. One arm press, one arm bench, one arm row etc. Probably because of a larger ability to adjust angles and axes. Another useful factor – the activation of different muscle groups. For example, one arm bench activates trunk muscles a lot.

    • More!

      I think the point of any template is to provide a framework, and following it to the letter can be counter-productive. As an example, there are plenty of Sheyko routines floating on the Net that use very precise percentages of RM. The problem is that these routines were written for specific lifters for specific purposes. So one could use the principles of progressions in these routines for their goals – peaking, off season, maintenance etc., while following them precisely is counter-productive.

      I think it’s the same with PTTP, Justa singles or anything else. Use tge principles, but adjust the details to suit your goals, physiology and personality.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
        Sangoma .
    • More!

      Every part of the musculo-skeletal system is connected. Back pain a lot of the time is the end result of multiple imbalances. Some muscles too weak, some too strong, short, loose etc. That’s why programs that address multiple levels of movement are most successful. Stretching the hamstrings and hip flexors, strengthening the multifidi, moving and strengthening back movements through various angles will help the majority of back problems.

      The relationship of the feet and the back is an interesting one. A few years ago I went to Europe in winter and was wearing Ugg Boots, a very loose kind of boots made out of sheep skins. After couple of weeks my wife noticed that my right foot is pronated. I know for sure this is because of some imbalance in my lower back. If some imbalances in the back make the feet move out of wack, I wouldn’t be surprised if the problems with feet cause problems with the back. It probably works on a continuous feedback loop.

      I used to be skeptical of kinesiologists. Their talk about this fascia causing that problem still doesn’t make sense to me. Now I think these guys operate similarly to the specialists in Chinese medicine. The concept can be strange, but in practice it works because they address problems in more global way than my colleagues.

    • More!

      Well, my routine is a bastardized hybrid of Justa singles and PTTP. I think the idea of building the max through improving midrange strength is brilliant.

    • More!

      I think there were many misconceptions about Vietnam. Their liberation movement was definitely driven by patriotism, but it was the Communist Party that, thanks to the massive backing from China at the time, that was the major force.

      Sorry to hear about your lost relatives. This is the tragedy of the wars: a bunch of guys in governments decide to have a go, and millions of lives are affected. Time and time again people get sold on the idea of a war as the means to maintain peace, similar to fucking as the means to maintain virginity. Go figure.

    • More!

      Sorry, Luke, I missed your post.

      I am doing the prescribed exercises sporadically, but making sure I do lunges and squats the way he prescribes, knees forward. Also trying to find the time for stretches, they are quite good.

    • More!

      Thanks, Luke. I don’t know my max, but I am happy with a very rough approximation. Around 100 kg is where my lower back starts getting in trouble.

      For now I am going to stick to singles, 10 reps per session. My technique is crap and my back unforgiving, so I have to make every rep technically perfect. My cycle for now is six steps, 2 kg. When I get to 100 kg I will switch to 2.5 – 3 kg increases, probably shorten the cycle to 5 steps.

      The rest of the workout – KB presses, chins, KB front squats.

    • More!

      I want to stick to a minimalist program, for couple of reasons. I don’t cope well with volume, and so adding various assistance lifts is likely to make me tired. It also makes planning more difficult. I am a crappy lifter, and relying on my lifting intuition and things like PRE left me injured more often than not. That’s why I would like something simple, like Pavel’s PTTP.

      In regards to the actual weight increases I am curious about the optimal steps. On one hand, once you hit the max at the end of the microcycle you have to back off far enough off that max in order to make the decrease meaningful. On the other, it should be too much of a back off so that you don’t lose the achieved strength. I am probably overthinking it, and 2.5 kg steps are probably ok.

    • More!

      Gene, I missed one of your previous posts. You are right, “nation building” sounds very progressive and liberal, but it’s the same arrogant way to look down at another nation.

      In more general terms, every nation has its own way. If Afghanistan has to go through the medieval age that Europe went through a few centuries ago – so be it. Interfering in the natural course of events is useless. From this point of view Afghanistan resembles Vietnam. Communist Party in Vietnam became very popular in 1953 and would undoubtedly win the election should such occur. Foreign powers kept the lid closed for another 20 years, and when it the pressure eventually burst it open it had lots of consequences. North Vietnamese army collapsed as fast as Afghani army now. I wouldn’t like to be in Afghanistan for the next decade.

    • More!

      The “collapse”. The Pashtun dominate Afghanistan. They are tribal. People work with their tribal elders. The Americans will go home, like the Soviets, British, Moguls and Greeks went home. Back to tribalism. Take off your government uniform, put on a turban. Most Pashtun live in Pakistan. The Pakistani ISI supports the Taliban. Pakistan needs a friendly nation at their back while they confront India. Make friends with the dominant group, make sure that they’re Muslim. Now they can focus on those idol worshipers in New Delhi. How come nobody is giving George W Bush credit? He is the one who tried to nation build in Afghanistan. Biden got handed a mess. Why hasn’t Biden asked the Republicans if they read history books? Nobody has conquered Afghanistan. Every bit of the mess in 2021 goes back to 2001. We tried to do the impossible. Nation build in Afghanistan. We failed.

      Nation building in another country is similar to building a relationship in another family. Just move in and sort their problems out.


    • More!

      How come nobody is giving George W Bush credit? He is the one who tried to nation build in Afghanistan. Biden got handed a mess. Why hasn’t Biden asked the Republicans if they read history books? Nobody has conquered Afghanistan. Every bit of the mess in 2021 goes back to 2001. We tried to do the impossible. Nation build in Afghanistan. We failed.

      Now, imagine George W Bush coming to your house with the intention to fix the issues in your family. He is going to sort out how you talk to your wife, who is looking after the kids, how she is looking after the house and so on. Sounds constructive? It’s as retarded when someone goes to another country with the purpose to “build a nation”. Afghanistan has the nation that has been formed over the centuries, naturally, and the fact that no intruder has been able to stay there for any meaningful period of time is the testimony to my statement.

      Building the nation wasn’t the idea behind the invasion. Just like the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with the weapons of mass destruction or international terrorism.

    • More!

      How I made $2,000,000 in the stock market

      One of the best books on investing/trading (for me).

      Fundamental analysis is a doubtful activity for many reasons. Corporate accountants will have no trouble massaging numbers and showing a great profit instead of a loss. Published financial data is always outdated, and by the time we get it those whose decisions matter – banks, fund managers – already acted on it.

      What I am getting at is that valuing Bitcoin is as moot as trying to value any instrument, and the best way to make decisions about investing in it should be made on price. If it goes up it makes sense to take a long position, put some sort of a stop loss and have an exit strategy.

    • More!

      Afghanistan is a fascinating place. Both geographically and historically. Now, what’s the difference between the stupid decision by the Soviets to take control over that country in 1979 and that of Bush in 2001?

      By the way, is the fall of Afghanistan Trump’s fall?




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