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Friday, November 19th
Shoulder Circles, 1-Leg Ankle Circles, Wrist Circles, Hip Circles, Neck Circles, Arm Cross-Overs, Reverse Lunge w/ Overhead Reach, Lateral Step w/ High Knee, Standing Twist, 1-Arm Circles Back, Leg Swings Side, Leg Swings Front, 1-Arm Circles Forwards
Chin-Ups x 8, Pull-Ups x 5, Chin-Ups x 5, Pull-Ups x 4
DB Bent Over Row 20’s x 4 sets
Cable Squat-Stance Row 110lbs x 20 x 4 sets
BB Curl 45lbs x 3 sets
DB Hammer Curl 15’s x 3 sets
BB Reverse Curl ~25lbs x 2 sets
Hanging Knee Raise x 3 sets
Lying Knee Raise x 3 sets
BOSU Ball Band Pull-Over x 2 sets
TRX Reverse Flies x 4 sets
Ulnar Deviation x 20 x 2 sets
Radial Deviation x 20 x 2 sets
Stretch Lats, Biceps, Rear Delts, Forearms, Hip Flexors, Abs
Thursday, November 18th
Safety Bar Box Squats 135lbs x 20, 15, 12
DB Calf Raises 20lbs x 20, 15, 12
DB Walking Lunges 15’s x 12 each x 3 sets
DB Seated Calf Raise 35’s x 20, 45’s x 15 x 2 sets
Wall-Leaning Shin Raises x 20 x 3 sets
Slow Roundhouse Kicks x 20 each x 3 sets
Band Standing 1-Leg Adduction – Red x 20 each x 3 sets
Glute Ham Raise x 12, 12, 10
Slow Front Kicks x 20 each x 3 sets
Glute Bridge w/ Alt. Leg Extension [on heels] x 15 each x 3 sets
Slow Back Kicks x 20 each x 3 sets
BB Deadlift 135lbs x 10 x 3 sets
Band TKE – Purple x 20 each x 3 sets
Stretch Calves, Hip Flexors, Glutes, Quads, Adductors, Hamstrings
Yoga 30 minutes
Wednesday, November 17th
Surfing 3 hours
Saw a turtle today! Never have seen a turtle in San Diego, and this one was big and quite up close. It stuck it’s head out like MRRRAAAWWWR and then it happened to be right next to the wave I was catching, so I got to check out it’s green shell. Yeeeew
At my beefiest, and I’m a lanky dude, I had the following things:
A) A girl asked, “What’s wrong with your neck? Why is it so big?” I was doing neck harness extensions with a 45lb plate.
B) A couple girls said, “Your tits are bigger than mine.”
C) The rash on the inner thighs when jogging.
Everybody has an ideal healthy size, after that it’s all trade-offs.
Monday, November 15th
Sore from yesterday! Upper traps, rear delts, core, adductors, hamstrings…just in general.
Surfing 1 hour
Weird tide swings, and I had work through the juiciest window. Caught a few waves, but definitely challenging conditions!
Listened to a great podcast, Jim Loehr on Tim Ferris Ep. 490.
Was driving, so I took voice memos, and these are some transcriptions…
* Jim asks: “Who do you want to be and how would that person react in challenging situations? What’s the image that you want to create for others?”
* Me: “If I can’t catch a wave and I’m having a hard time…I’d paddle over to the side, take a couple deep breaths, think about what I’m grateful for, maybe compliment some people in the line-up, shake my arms out, reset myself, then…see what happens.”
* Jim: “By looking at someone’s body language, you have a pretty good idea of how they’re coaching themselves (aka what their Inner Voice is saying).”
* Me: “I’d like to keep that in mind when surfing. When I’m having those…dark thoughts, I feel like I round my shoulders or stick out my bottom jaw. And I feel like when I shake it off, I’m tall and my shoulders are back.”
* How you compose yourself physically, is how you will address yourself mentally.
* “When I get caught in those bad mindsets…giving off bad energy…and I feel like, ‘Man, the waves just don’t wanna come’…and when I shift perspective…and I’m focused and I’m hopeful…and I let go of attachment to the outcome…it feels really awesome.”
* “I’m very deliberate about when I surf. Sometimes I surf every day…sometimes I’ll skip a few days. Sometimes the waves don’t look fun…sometimes they look exactly the same, but my attitude is different. And so I’m consciously always surfing when I’m pretty stoked. And I think that’s a beautiful way to live.”
* Jim asks: “Who are you you when you’re most proud of yourself? When you’re at your very best? Particularly when you’re in a stressful situation….”
* Me: “I return to this surf experience I had maybe 7 years ago. Where I paddled out, and somebody immediately cut me off. And I could feel the anger start to rise up. And I said to myself, “Well, maybe the next wave will be better.” And I pivoted my head. And because I hadn’t spent any time, you know, looking at him, or thinking about him, or invested any energy in being upset, I was able to immediately see a great wave coming right to me, and paddled into it. And I proceeded to have the best surf of my life…I caught wave after wave after wave…I surfed really well. I think about that ability to shake things off, and stay present, and stay optimistic….I think that’s a a good representative of me at my very best.”
You’re right, it is two different things.
Yes, you can be a juicy Gorilla with a body image issue and die from roids…though I think that’s is it’s own disorder. I mean fuck, some people are crack heads. Or meth addicts. I don’t think common sense indicates steroid use — or crack, or meth — being healthy.
You can also justify science/some fitness author/etc. for the reason you lift like a twelve-year old and eat like a starving ballerina.
I’m leery of research serving to demotivate people. If you want to be bigger and stronger, it’s probably likely you can be. But you’ll have to lift more weight, for more reps, and more sets. And eat a lot. And unless you look like a beast, you’re probably slacking in one, or more, categories vs. some genetic ceiling.
…..I had to go back and see how the hell I got on this diversion. A) Roidy Gorillas B) Skinny bodybuilding/hypertrophy experts C) where’s the in-between?
That trainer buddy is anal retentive about his sleep and macros. It’s like that Dorian Yates quote, “Diet is 100% of success. Training is 100% of success. Sleep is 100% of success.” You gotta bust your ass, crush your diet, and commit to recovery.
And I’m not remotely disagreeing on the legit Gorillas out there having difficulty going even bigger. But when I see some skinny fitness expert and they say “it’s my genes, and my tendon insertions.” I think, “Bitch, you don’t train hard enough or eat enough.”
BTW, isn’t Lyle Macdonald scrawny?
Sunday, November 14th
Running in Place + Jumping Jacks x 3 rounds
Broomstick Overhead Squats + Slow Mountain Climbers + Crescent Kicks + Axe Kicks x 2 rounds
Stretch Calves, Biceps, Hip Flexors
Depth Jumps [6″ box] to Ring the Bell [10′] x 5 L/5 R x 3 sets
Med Ball Slams 6lbs x 15 x 3 sets
1-Leg Bench Leaps [6″] to Ring the Bell x 5 each side x 3 sets
Med Ball Chest Slams 6lbs x 20 x 3 sets
Alt. Leg Raise w/ Iso Crunch + Arm Pull-Over x 15 each, 12, 10
Band Rotations w/ Red [3-5 seconds out, 3-5 seconds in] x 5 each x 3 sets
Squat Stance Cable Rows 110lbs x 20 x 3 sets
Glute-Ham Raises x 12 x 3 sets
1-Arm Perpendicular Rear Delt Flies 5lbs x 13R/12L, 12R/8L
BB Deadlift 115lbs x 15, 12, 10
DB Side Lying External Rotation 5lbs x 20 each x 2 sets
Stretch Calves, Hip Flexors, Glutes, Adductors, Quads, Hamstrings, Chest, Lats, Biceps, Triceps, Forearms, Obliques, Abs
Surfing 2.25 hours
Caught a couple fun waves close to shore, then some bigger ones further out. Tim Bessell, a local surfer and shaper, and owner of a beautiful bottom turn was out. I asked him for any tips and he said to compress your legs as you go into your turn, and to straighten your legs as you come out. Thanks, Tim!
Towards the end the surf got really sluggish, and I stayed out longer than I should have in hopes of catching a wave…then showed up late for dinner with friends. Am pondering how I could prevent this next time — the drive to catch a wave vs. being respectful of other commitments.
Food for thought:
In contest surfing, there are two schools of thought. There is the “stylist.” I have been termed this by many people who have borrowed the word from skiing. As far as I can ascertain, applied to surfing, it would mean that the the surfer concentrates primarily on maintaining complete control at all times — with good form (whatever that is). This naturally limits maneuverability and tricks.
I know of no name for the other school or style, but in every surfing contest I have judged, there was always the contestant who “gets the job done.” These surfers do many things on a board and are willing to lose some control or composure and even take an occasional spill. In contrast there will be an equally good surfer doing a little bit less, but always maintaining control. In other words, the “stylist” will look smoother, but won’t be doing as much. If he was he wouldn’t look so smooth, and vice versa.
Remember, there are two schools of thought — often it becomes apparent in the style. In the first, the wave is an incidental means of expressing one’s ability to others; often a gym or track field would serve the same purpose. In the second, a wave is simply a beautiful expression of nature and respected as reason enough to participate. The “stylist” merges with the wave, while the former merely “uses” the wave.
What is good?
Words by Phil Edwards, 1964, Surfer of the Year at 1st SURFER Awards
First, I’m revealing my own insecurities (I’m definitely on the stringy side).
Second, I know a fellow trainer that has rationalized himself into an unimpressive physique. He fervently believes that workouts longer than an hour are detrimental to his hormonal profile, but also believes that you have to have perfect rest periods (often resting 3-5 minutes), so ends up doing 12-14 work sets. On top of that…he also thinks he has short tendon insertions (or long — whichever the excuse is), and that’s why he can’t grow arms, but I’ve looked at his programming and he’ll do 3 sets of arms for three weeks, then skip it for a few cycles.
Third, I think we all have a pretty fucking huge potential (injuries notwithstanding). If someone is doing 8+ sets to failure on a stubborn body part, multiple days a week, employing some variety in rep range/exercise selection, and eating a caloric surplus…well, then I might believe they have a genetic limit. But otherwise it just sounds like excuses and rationalizations.
My client Gary had a hip replacement last year (literally last November). After 6 weeks of PT, we developed a program in conjunction with his PT and now he’s killing it: zero hip/knee/lower back pain, and just got the second Eagle of his life (he’s an avid golfer).
I bring this up to say a) hip replacements do seem to work b) it makes sense to listen to the PT and incorporate their suggestions going forwards.
In contrast, my buddy (25 years younger than my client) had one, quit PT as soon as it was finished, and now feels unstable and inflexible.
Gotta get the hip sliced and diced and then I can show you guys my nuts. Unless you want a before picture. Barbarian pulls? Like using the rip for a hand over hand row to pull the sled all the way in?
I couldn’t think of a good name, but yeah that’s the exercise.
Still not seeing nut pics, maybe I need to refresh the screen a few more times?