Much like my Jesuit trained brother, SPELLS! is wrong about most things, but he at least thinks and argues mostly coherently. Libs are necessary here or this place becomes a conservative/libertarian echo chamber. But he's still wrong about most everything if that hasn't been mentioned sufficiently.The Venerable Bogatir X wrote:
Last but not least is my boy SPELLS!, whom I've known for about 15 years now. He is on my very short list of IGx non-veterans that I will do just about anything for short of felony crime or gay sex and since it's unlikely he'd ask me for either, I would pretty much do anything for him....he is a stand-up mofo. (Shape is the only one who won't stop bugging me to bend him over.) Now he/Spells is also a colossal kook with his hardcore, rigid, left wing mindset, but a lot of you guys have been brainwashed that way along the lines that me and my ilk got brainwashed over 13 weeks in Parris Island, I suppose.
I know I said the reality is, most people who have guns would basically have them shoved up their ass by a bad guy before they squeezed off a round. But that is today's America. Not your grandpa's or great grandpa's America. The good news is I think we can get back there PDQ. As someone pointed out, our caliber of young men who have been to combat as volunteers over the last 20 years is nothing short of spectacular. Now it's leveraging that 4% or whatever to help out the other 96% or whatever.
If only Jeek were here to argue incoherently.