Outstanding public fuck up

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Outstanding public fuck up

Post by Luke »

http://www.news.com.au/world/europe/dep ... 7457965932


A BRITISH deputy speaker in charge of upholding standards in the House of Lords has resigned after allegedly being filmed snorting cocaine with two sex workers.

Video obtained by the Sun on Sunday allegedly shows Baron John Sewel, 69, naked and snorting white powder from a woman’s breasts at his rent-protected London apartment.

The married father of four, who is involved in legislating on sexual offences acts, prostitution and brothel-keeping laws, now faces a police investigation.

Lords Speaker Baroness D’Souza branded Sewel’s behaviour “shocking and unacceptable” and said she was calling in Scotland Yard.

“Today’s revelations about the behaviour of Lord Sewel are both shocking and unacceptable. Lord Sewel has this morning resigned as Chairman of Committees,” Lady D’Souza said in a statement.

“The House of Lords will continue to uphold standards in public life and will not tolerate departure from these standards. These serious allegations will be referred to the House of Lords Commissioner for Standards and the Metropolitan Police for investigation as a matter of urgency.”

Lord Sewel, once a key ally of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, has resigned from his role as Deputy Speaker and the Chairman of the Privileges and Conduct Committee.

Baron Sewel has not commented on the shocking 45-minute video, which allegedly shows him telling the $425-a-night call girls that he wanted to “be led astray”.

Hunched over a table, the crossbench peer is pictured holding a rolled-up bank note and snorting white powder.

Minutes later, he is seen lying naked on a bed before calling over one of the women, pulling down her top and snorting more powder off her breasts.

One of the escorts is filmed saying to him, “You’re such a party animal!”, to which he allegedly replied, “I know. Disgusting, isn’t it?”

He was also caught saying he wanted an Asian prostitute to join them, adding: “They sort of look innocent but you know they’re wh***s. That’s a really nice combination isn’t it?”

The Sun reported Sewel insisted on turning a framed photo of his wife, Jennifer, face down on the table before the romp kicked off.

Sewel, who has two children and two stepchildren, wrote a blog for the Huffington Post earlier this month about the House of Lords’ new powers to banish peers who breach the code of conduct.

“The actions of a few damage our reputation,” wrote Lord Sewel.

“Scandals make good headlines. All Members now sign a declaration to obey the code and the seven principles of public life. The requirement that Members must always act on their personal honour has been reinforced.

“No system of regulation can be perfect, but the House of Lords has come a long way since 2010 in improving its regulation of its Members and punishing the small number who misbehave. Today’s new sanctions strengthen the regime further.”

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Re: Outstanding public fuck up

Post by Turdacious »

"Liberalism is arbitrarily selective in its choice of whose dignity to champion." Adrian Vermeule

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