Plank world record snatched from my hands by 2 minutes

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Plank world record snatched from my hands by 2 minutes

Post by DrDonkeyLove »

The Telegraph
An average Joe might be able to hold the position for up to a minute, while a trained gym bunny would be proud of making it to three minutes. So spare a thought for the physical strength and mental resilience of Mao Weidong, who last week set a new world record by holding the plank position for a whopping four hours and 26 minutes.
Mao wrote:Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party

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Re: Plank world record snatched from my hands by 2 minutes

Post by nafod »

Honestly, if you can hold it for 4 hrs and 26 minutes...can't you hold it for 4 hrs and 27 minutes?
Don’t believe everything you think.

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