The couch thread

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Fish »

Dano wrote:
Charismatic megafauna wrote:We've got a legit 605 deadlift out of crossfitgheym qualifiers...Kudos to Edwin Perryman from Crossfit HEL.

All the rest can suck it.
Yeah, but that fucker didn't do @fit to get a 605 deadlift. You get these strong, competitive guys mixed in once in awhile. Must be a hell of an ego boost to out lift a bunch of she-males and emo's. Not saying a 605 deadlift isn't impressive because it is, but the @fit klan will now claim this lift as an example of the god-like powers of @fit.
That is exactly right. You could take many elite powerlifters or olympic lifters, and they would annhilate couchfit workouts. Though just because they competed at a couchfit comp doesn't mean they actually are couchfitters.

There is a guy over on the couchfit forums with close to a 600 deadlift, but if you look at his log his training hardly resembles anything close to couchfit. It is mostly heavy ass strength training with a few random metcons thrown in, you know, stuff that has been working for ages.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by POD »

Fish wrote:There is a guy over on the couchfit forums with close to a 600 deadlift, but if you look at his log his training hardly resembles anything close to couchfit. It is mostly heavy ass strength training with a few random metcons thrown in, you know, stuff that has been working for ages.
You're probably talking about Anthony Bainbridge. Last I checked, that guy is monstrously strong. His wife, Jodi, also puts up remarkable numbers. She holds a Canadian deadlift record of something like 315 and 105.

If you remember the hullabaloo about the qualifiers being unfair, their affiliate was at the center of that, since they made a 1RM deadlift on of the main events. It was unfair, yes, but for the most part, it was just a bunch of whining from the pansies who are still trying to make it past styrofoam plates on PVC bars.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by cunch »

"I swear I saw this exact same workout/diet a couple years ago from Matt Hughes' website."

I found this on Matt Hughes' site.

Training & Nutrition

Two parts: one when training in Hillsboro and one when training in Granite City

6:00 AM - run for 30-45 minutes (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
6:45 AM - eat breakfast, take son to school, work on farm,
miscellaneous errands
10:00 AM - eat a snack, good carbs and protein (NO SUGAR)
12:30 PM - eat lunch (usually a chicken breast sandwich and salad)
3:30 PM - take XYIENCE NOX-CG3
4:00 PM - lift weights, no more than 1 hr:

Monday - chest
(I hate chest workouts and if I don’t start the
week with chest I won’t do it)
Tuesday - back
Wednesday - might take the day off (lift saturday if I do), maybe arms
Thursday - shoulders
(always separate shoulders and chest
as much as possible because they are both push muscles)
Friday - arms
Saturday - legs

1st: 15 reps
2nd: 10-12 reps
3rd: no more than 6
4th: 10-12

4 exercises per body part

5:00 PM - 30 minute run on treadmill, start at 6 mph and every
five minutes go up 1/2 mile per hour
5:30 PM - stretch for 15-20 minutes after workouts
take Cytosport Musclemilk (my post-workout meal)

Granite City:
6:00 AM - run for 30-45 minutes (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
6:45 AM - eat breakfast
8:30 AM - arrive at the gym:
8:30-9:30 AM: lift for 1 hour
9:30 AM: work on light technique like grappling or hit pads,
run on treadmill or go outside and run sprints
12:00 PM - eat lunch and take afternoon off
3:00 or 3:30 PM - have a snack
6:30 PM - practice:

Monday - sparring with takedowns
Tuesday - grappling
Wednesday - sparring (punches and kicks with 16 oz gloves and headgear)
Thursday - grappling
Friday - no practice (might go into gym to get a run in)

After workout I take Cytosport MuscleMilk.

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Re: The couch thread

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Re: The couch thread

Post by sanchezero »

cunch wrote:"I swear I saw this exact same workout/diet a couple years ago from Matt Hughes' website."

I found this on Matt Hughes' site.

Training & Nutrition

Two parts: one when training in Hillsboro and one when training in Granite City

6:00 AM - run for 30-45 minutes (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
6:45 AM - eat breakfast, take son to school, work on farm,
miscellaneous errands
10:00 AM - eat a snack, good carbs and protein (NO SUGAR)
12:30 PM - eat lunch (usually a chicken breast sandwich and salad)
3:30 PM - take XYIENCE NOX-CG3
4:00 PM -
blah blah blah practice (might go into gym to get a run in)

After workout I take Cytosport MuscleMilk.
so, is that guy really Matt Hughes? he looks different when he cuts to make weight.
have you ever been as far as even considered go want to do look more like?

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »

Just somewhat related to this topic is the emergence of Daniel Mays making BOTO's and POD's triumvirate complete.

This was posted on the P&B and is one of the more interesting* posts that's come up lately.

*Interesting as a cry out for a manfucking buddy to plug a hole.
I have a high IQ, I'm not trying to brag but I took the tests, always the best at math got through college whatever. IQ don't mean shit, my friend had a terrible IQ, not smart, the consummate hard working B+ student while I'm sitting there whizzing through the AP classes, throwing parties on the weekends and still top 10% at like the most legit school in The most legit county (Think The Hills of the South). I live in Cary NC if any of y'all know.

Anyways, he would always resent me, because I'd be so full of myself. My teachers would give tests on purpose to hold people over and I'd finish with 2 minutes left Kobe on that shit and turn it in. I really did get an A on it, I'm blessed, second guessing myself and checking work actually makes me do WORSE every time, I mean I'm lucky and I know that now. Did you check your work "Yes" (Of course I didn't check my work it's chemistry in sophomore year who gives a fuck, same thing for the FE exam though I finished that in 3 hours total time and was drunk at the pool at 2 pm when everyone's like it's 8 hours of hell. I don't give a fuck if I passed or failed).

I'd always wonder why, and I finally figured it out. I would talk down to him like yeah I'm so smart and you try so hard and I still win. I was like he is just jealous bla bla bla. No, that's not fucking it. He wouldn't have cared if I was the way I was and treated him with respect but I was being a faggot. He would have died for my natural talent because he loved computer science and knew he could do so much better at it if he had my talent. I'd always bitch about comp sci cuz it just takes effort and is bullshit haha. You can't just "get it" you gotta crank it out, effort effort effort.

Well poetic justice, he is now in the Big Blue Internship with IBM, double major business computer science, probably going to get $70 k a year when he gets out. I graduated in Civil Engineering and now am working at Moe's (Best job I've ever held, I'm so happy the real estate market went to shit!). Now I'm like Scott you are a monster, your drive inspires me to do greater things with myself. And now he loves me. No more envy, he's a real motherfucker, but he gave me Hell because I was being a faggot. It taught me a great lesson, it's how you treat the people below you when you get nothing back that matters. But you do get something back, you get back that your not a Fucking deuche bag.

Here is why I think everyone here hates crossfit. It represents the ultimate mechanization of "I want to be a badass, but I'm not a badass." The ultimate western Ideology. Get the money, get the car, then get the girl, then your happy, that's that. Short workouts, count your calories to the T, then you get ripped, and yeah your in shape and fucking awesome, also make sure to tell everyone in the gym how badass and how hard your workouts are. FUCK That. It's harder living in the ghetto without money for Enough food or proper nutrition. Leave badassery to the Zulu warriors in Africa who charged at machine guns and didn't give a fuck cuz they were protecting theirs at all costs. Some would say they lost, I think that we lost. Look at our country, everyone hates their parents, pressure cooker, I gotta get this that and the other.

Well here's the deal. I used to CF and all that stuff (It is GOOD, I mean I can't say I didn't learn a bunch of AWESOME useful shit that did change my life, and yes I was a super zealous one at first but give them time, most of them will get over the deuchiness). Just look at how many of them are trying to "get big". Well honestly, their still fucked until they realize "getting big" ain't gonna change your insecurities, honestly it seems to add to them mostly. That's why I like this board, y'all do what you do cuz you do it. I want to throw this hammer really fucking far, how do I throw it farther, things of this nature.

Sooooooooooooooooooo....... All that being said, Here is my new training regimen, and with this training regimen, not only do I have more energy in EVERYTHING, and am I faster at ice skating, more agile, A BETTER LEADER(most important), Vroom Vroom the Party starter (I threw a party Friday that was literally, all I can say is the "crazy" parties I see in movies can't hold a candle to this one) is

-Tip the Mexicans that clean your dishes at Ci Ci's
-Talk to Mexicans in as much Spanish as you can, honestly just say "hasta leugo" as you leave with a big smile and that's enough
-Don't be pissed at black people for not tipping as much, they don't have much money dick wads, whatever you expect to happen will happen. Black people will tip, or if they can't tip they'll talk about dance moves or the new Beyonce CD
-Squat heavy once or twice weekly depending on how you feel. 20 reps, or 1 rep is usually what I do depending on how I feel. Be fucking Amped in the gym, not yelling to be a deuchebag, but like elevate the atmosphere with your power. Have one goal in mind in the gym, tunnel vision, do the FUCKING squat. Then do kurls in the squat rack with your squat shoes on just to piss of the Crossfitters but since your such a badass they won't have the cajones to post about it on their "in the gym" threads. Sometimes to 500 reps of kurls with just the bar so that they can be really upset, it doesn't matter that NO ONE ELSE is using the racks or the fact that the straight bar kurls only go up to 80 lbs or anything. Then do kipping pullups at the end just cuz their fun.
-Dance 2-4 hours a night 2-4 times weekly, be sure to drink as much alcohol as possible. Don't give a fuck and do it all by yourself in the floor like you want to fuck yourself. Weirdly enough if your burning tons of calories it seems to metabolize the alcohol so that you can drink a fuck ton and you don't get as drunk, and when you do your in a good enough place to stop, cuz you can't dance if your not happy with yourself.
-Wake up and if your hungry go to Ci Ci's and eat until your full, when your full stop eating because stuffing yourself silly is retarded. Eat healthy foods most of the time. Even if you can't get much, eat bananas(cheap as fuck) rather than bread if you can avoid it. Blueberries, Omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, mag and sunlight can solve just about every health problem
-If your mamma gives you food to eat you eat it
-Play something you like, do shit you like. Use the gym to get somewhere else in life
-Shoot archery
-Learn how to shoot a gun so you can protect the things you love from haters(there are haters)
-Do WWF wrestling moves their fun!!!
-If you see a fat person on a treadmill in the gym be happy their in the gym rather than saying a bunch of shit about basically how ripped you are and how insecure that makes you. The fat people will tip you in whatever way they can(not hate you)


Honestly, the only thing I can really say is this. I'm 165 now with my legs as big as when I was stuffing myself silly and got up to 180.

In another thread they mentioned "Cock Strong" as the most important straight. This program will make you "Cock Strong" but it's not the only way, just live life. Fucking pick shit up, climb trees, jump over shit that you see rather than walk around it. Run to your car when your done with work cuz fuck!!! YOUR DONE WITH WORK!!! TIME TO HAVE FUN whatever fun for you is.

Love Life or hate it but don't be luke warm and scared. That's where the real Hell is.

Read All We Need of Hell with the mindset that Duffy is the Crossfitter and Tump is This board for the most part. It's interesting haha, thats what I thought right when I picked that book up.


P.S. Oh and if you don't believe it or want an example of how to dance to get stronger (read not the Strongest, but definitely strong enough) just call me out so I can post a video on Youtube and become famous. It'd be a good excuse.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Trip »

Couldn't get past the "I work at Moe's....."

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Gin Master »

The Bastard Son of the Shafman wrote:Just somewhat related to this topic is the emergence of Daniel Mays making BOTO's and POD's triumvirate complete.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »

There they are. Congrats boys!

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Sassenach »

The Bastard Son of the Shafman wrote:Just somewhat related to this topic is the emergence of Daniel Mays making BOTO's and POD's triumvirate complete.

This was posted on the P&B and is one of the more interesting* posts that's come up lately.

*Interesting as a cry out for a manfucking buddy to plug a hole.
faggotry, blah blah... .
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Re: The couch thread

Post by GoDogGo! »

The Bastard Son of the Shafman wrote:Just somewhat related to this topic is the emergence of Daniel Mays making BOTO's and POD's triumvirate complete.

This was posted on the P&B and is one of the more interesting* posts that's come up lately.

*Interesting as a cry out for a manfucking buddy to plug a hole.
$10 says he went to Duke.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by Crust Bucket »

Trip wrote:Couldn't get past the "I work at Moe's....."
Me either.
syaigh wrote: The thought of eating that giant veiny monstrosity makes me want to barf.
You're an ASS!

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Re: The couch thread

Post by TerryB »

That's why I like this board, y'all do what you do cuz you do it. I want to throw this hammer really fucking far, how do I throw it farther, things of this nature.
"Know that! & Know it deep you fucking loser!"


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Re: The couch thread

Post by JohnnyBadAss »

Did he really say not to expect black people to tip much cause they don't have much money and they'll tell you about dance moves or Beyonce instead? :Hangman:

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Re: The couch thread

Post by POD »

Who is Daniel Mays? I've never heard of him before.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by WildGorillaMan »

after all these kweer posts I need to get my schmoe on to wash the taste of faggage out of my mouth. ... 970b-800wi ... 970c-800wi

no, baby, leave the socks on: ... 970b-800wi

say what you like about @fit, at least they teach ball-handling skills


Image ... 970b-800wi ... 970b-800wi
You'll Hurt Your Back

basically I'm Raoul Duke trying to fit into a Philip K. Dick movie remake.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by POD »

Along that line, I purchased a pair of farmer's walk bars myself four days ago from a CrossFitter. They were hardly used.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by WildGorillaMan »

Patrick Donnelly wrote:

Along that line, I purchased a pair of farmer's walk bars myself four days ago from a CrossFitter. They were hardly used.
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No need for them. Even the 75lb is too heavy for me.
To be fair, how many people can do reps with a kettlebell that equals their bodyweight?
You'll Hurt Your Back

basically I'm Raoul Duke trying to fit into a Philip K. Dick movie remake.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Gin Master »

Patrick Donnelly wrote:Along that line, I purchased a pair of farmer's walk bars myself four days ago from a CrossFitter. They were hardly used.
Those are paralletes, POD.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by sanchezero »

Gin Master wrote:
The Bastard Son of the Shafman wrote:Just somewhat related to this topic is the emergence of Daniel Mays making BOTO's and POD's triumvirate complete.
these fellas get around...
have you ever been as far as even considered go want to do look more like?

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Mickey O'neil »

It is very obvious that this Daniel Mays cat is a knob gobbler. Mighty full of himself. He needs a punch in the throat. Maybe several.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by The Ginger Beard Man »

Shaf, thanks for posting that. :butthead: I actually read it. 3 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. :finga:
Blaidd Drwg wrote:Disengage from the outcome and do work.
Jezzy Bell wrote:Use a fucking barbell, pansy.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Turdacious »

Re the writer of the message Shaf posted:

"Liberalism is arbitrarily selective in its choice of whose dignity to champion." Adrian Vermeule

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Fish »

Patrick Donnelly wrote:
Fish wrote:There is a guy over on the couchfit forums with close to a 600 deadlift, but if you look at his log his training hardly resembles anything close to couchfit. It is mostly heavy ass strength training with a few random metcons thrown in, you know, stuff that has been working for ages.
You're probably talking about Anthony Bainbridge. Last I checked, that guy is monstrously strong. His wife, Jodi, also puts up remarkable numbers. She holds a Canadian deadlift record of something like 315 and 105.

If you remember the hullabaloo about the qualifiers being unfair, their affiliate was at the center of that, since they made a 1RM deadlift on of the main events. It was unfair, yes, but for the most part, it was just a bunch of whining from the pansies who are still trying to make it past styrofoam plates on PVC bars.
That is exactly who I was talking about. He is very impressive for someone that is affiliated with @F, but I would bet large amounts of money he didn't get that strong from doing @F. Strong mother fucking dude for only weighing 170.

I am actually about to go browse the forums over there. It makes me feel better about my own life.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Mountebank »

More from Tate's "special" seminar to @F trainers: ...
There's enough irony in the last sentence to last a while...
Tate wrote:Events...all a @F event, a squat, a bench, a deadlift, pass patterns...things that are critical, that's where technique has to be important.
Big mistake was that @F events aren't critical, as technique other than a generally unqualified Level I @F couch counting the rep is not important. I wonder if anyone told Tate about the 20% slop goal after he spoke, I hope they did.

I was asked today if I'd be attending the Gaymes. No thanks, I'll not be going to Cult Central. I don't think I'd make it back out.
Last edited by Mountebank on Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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