The couch thread

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Sofa King »

Gin Master wrote:Like the great artists of old, Couch has to reach another plane before programming the WODs. Here is artistic process captured on film. ... assed-out/
Funnier than "Irish Yoga." Actually, the pic of the puke covered car reminds me of a friend of mine who drank a couple of 40's, took a handful of Vivarin, passed out in my backseat, and proceeded to puke the mix all over the floor of my car.
Good times.
WGM wrote:Fall off a chinup bar, drop a barbell on your head, or piss yourself at the bottom of a squat and the Internet will never forget you.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Fat Cat »

Reminds me of the guy who passed out and woke up with a pink dick spray painted on his car.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by CultBuster »

So a video of Casey and Natalie Burgener killing a work out and these douces want to comment on it?
the workout calls for clean and jerk, but the video shows him doing a power clean and jerk...

i think ill just stick with how it is written, clean and jerk. bring the pain!

Comment #53 - Posted by: Jonathan D at May 7, 2009 10:12 PM
I am more of a full ROM guy, meaning I would sacrifice time for a full Squat Clean...

I think it is important to identify where the weak point in your kinetic chain in the Clean and train to that. My Squat is way weaker than the Clean (naturally), so I always do Squat Cleans (as advised by the FAQ).

Remember, training for time is for the people who have perfect form, have no GPP chinks, and ae ready for the Crossfit Games; training your weaknesses is for the rest of us.

Who really cares if you can Power Clean "Grace" in 4 Mins if your Hamstrings are a disaster and you can't even front squat 135...let alone 30x....

Do the exercises right, you're only competing against yourself anyways. If you cheat this round, you're gonna have to cheat next time or your times are gonna be off anyways.

Comment #55 - Posted by: Stryder at May 7, 2009 10:20 PM
Who are these fucking tools who watch a video of two real ath;etes doing "Grace" and then questioning their form?

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »

Squat is way weaker than the clean? Are you fucking kidding me?

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Re: The couch thread

Post by POD »

Why does like to post videos of non-CrossFitters blasting through their workouts? Josh Everett, Rob Orlando, now the Burgeners...

I like how Steve Rakow limited to number of possible scenarios to 3 in his post regarding the RRG today.
1. insurance company settles, you get dropped
2. insurance company fights, but loses, you get dropped
3. RRG fights, wins, and peace and harmony are spread throughout the land!

He also forgot the following scenarios:
4. insurance company fights, wins, you might get dropped (?)
5. RRG fights, the CF attorney rambles on about modal domains and shit, makes the judge/jury pitty the plaintiff even more, and you lose
6. the RRG refuses to respect your claim at all, since CrossFit doesn't hurt people, only bad trainers do
7. the government finally gets wise to how Glasshole is sidestepping past every business practice law he can, then you get entangled in some federal investigation for being an partial owner of a company he initiated
8. Glassman takes the $500k then runs off to some foreign country (oddly enough, the CF Nation still loves him for it, and he continues to sell overpriced certs abroad to all the eager CrossFitters around the world who couldn't afford a plane ticket to Santa Cruz along with their cert fee)

This was also an interesting part of Steve's post:
Steve Rakow wrote:Scenario #2 -
Your insurer decides to litigate the claim, but gets an attorney that can't even pronounce rhabdomyolysis correctly, is a fat pig sitting behind a desk, but he's a good litigator nonetheless.
I'm not sure what the fat pig part has to do with his being a lawyer, especially since Steve said he's a "good litigator nonetheless." Also, it's very common for business professionals to be sitting behind a desk, so I'm not sure if that was supposed to imply anything. Would you expect a lawyer to have a card table in his office to work at? I'd hardly think so.

Gant's post covered everything non-inflammatory that I wanted to say.
Gant Grimes wrote:No, I don't think it will make. Many affiliates and trainers either don't believe the hype/scare, don't have the money, or don't appreciate the bully tactics going on. The CF community has taken on a stark "with us or against us" mentality the last 18 months, and this is the latest manifestation of that. That's a shame.

The RRG is being formed in response to CF affiliates' inability to obtain insurance. Think about that. This is a work-around, not a solution. Is the problem that everyone in the world, including doctors, exercise scientists, and insurers, are a bunch of dumbasses that just don't "get" CrossFit? Or does it have something to do with the fact that an untrained individual (with no athletic experience) can show up on Friday, get certified to teach CF methods over the weekend, and then get turned loose to train someone (equally untrained and equally unathletic) on Monday?

Steve's hypothetical is well-written bit of coercive marketing. One of the RRG's selling points is "lawyers who understand and do CF." This is unnecessary, and every litigator worth his salt knows it (Steve, you know it, too). It also suggests that RRG lawyers are the only ones who conduct discovery or even know how to work up a case. Come on.

Also, what's with the posturing that the RRG will never settle a case? Really? It has already determined that CF is always right and any person that gets rhabdo doing a WOD is always wrong? That's not the way it works.

$500K is a lot to raise, but it's a drop in the bucket if ignorant L1 trainers start screwing people up. I wonder if the money could be better spent on 1) full time quality control trainers that work for HQ and audit affiliates, 2) standardizing the CF certs and requiring demonstration of actual knowledge and ability before certifying new trainers, and/or 3) requiring continuing education for CF trainers.

The first line of defense is quality and reasonable care. Affiliates should demand that HQ increase the knowledge and performance requirements to get certified, not fund a safety net to protect the ignorant.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Alfred_E._Neuman »

Patrick Donnelly wrote: Gant's post covered everything non-inflammatory that I wanted to say.
Gant Grimes wrote: $500K is a lot to raise, but it's a drop in the bucket if ignorant L1 trainers start screwing people up. I wonder if the money could be better spent on 1) full time quality control trainers that work for HQ and audit affiliates, 2) standardizing the CF certs and requiring demonstration of actual knowledge and ability before certifying new trainers, and/or 3) requiring continuing education for CF trainers.

The first line of defense is quality and reasonable care. Affiliates should demand that HQ increase the knowledge and performance requirements to get certified, not fund a safety net to protect the ignorant.
I'm thinkng that if @FHQ started setting up a definative standardized training systme and auditing the affiliates, this would bring them square into the "franchise" territory. There goes couch's ability to hide behind tax loopholes. No more independent affiliates doing their own thing, it's now ALL under the HQ umbrella.

Not to mention,if HQ has audited an affiliate and declared them top shelf, and they still give some poor sap rhabdo, it's no longer "bad trainer". It's tracable back to HQ in the lawsuit.
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Re: The couch thread

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Holy Cow »

Where did Grimes post that, PD?

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Re: The couch thread

Post by POD »

In these comments: ... 508_1.html
(The same place Steve Rakow's post came from earlier.)

Here's some more stuff from him, just preserving it in case it gets deleted.
Gant Grims wrote:I agree that forming an RRG is preemptive and proactive. Still, there are plenty of scare/hype/coercive tactics being used. Surely you'll agree that there's a bit of peer pressure going on. The whole bit about losing your business and life savings are scare tactics. Even though they might be true, they are scare tactics. The end does not justify the means, especially when you're asking people for money.

I'm not arguing against insurance. It's necessary. But the insurance the RRG provides is only a small piece of the puzzle. The best insurance comes from not screwing people up in the first place. This comes from education (including continuing ed), supervision, and quality control. Jeff Martin is not going to rhabdo somebody. Neither is Jon Gilson or Jodi Bainbridge or most of the other people that post here. But when your RRG insures L1's, you're covering the least qualified members of the community. That's ok when least qualified are also well qualified. But is that the case here? What is the threshold for getting an L1 cert besides paying and showing up? Nothing. That would concern me as a trainer. And that is what concerns traditional insurance companies, among other things.

Lisbeth, nobody on this thread has mentioned the Glassmans, so I assume post #20 was in response to some emails or inquiries you received. I don't have a problem with the Glassmans, but I can understand if people are frustrated with this process. Folks have come to expect a little more corporate transparency over the past few years. I have yet to see a corporate CEO publicly answer a question with "there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than you realize" and get away with it. Yet it happens here or on the forums all the time, usually with some poor bastard getting skewered and then dog-piled by the rest of the community. "Where is my money going" is a fair question.

I have no doubt the Glassmans have given, will give, and will continue to give to the RRG. Hell, they'll probably stand in the gap at the last hour to finish capitalizing the RRG. Nobody is questioning their commitment.

John, you are reading my comment about doctors waaay out of context. Pushing the RRG on the basis that "it's worked for doctors" is selling a bill of goods (it's worked for the Catholic Church, too, if that helps). That whole legal environment is different. Many states now have caps on medical malpractice actions. Why would a physician pay outlandish premiums when his exposure is relatively low (a $250K max judgment on a case that takes $100K to try is relatively low exposure). An RRG makes sense for these guys, especially the ones that don't use a scalpel or forceps. Also, prevailing in a lawsuit against a doctor requires proof that the physician deviated from the normal standard of care. That standard of care is defined. Those doctors are accredited. None of that applies to CrossFit trainers. It's not even apples to oranges; it's apples to pickups.

Look, I wish everyone the best. I have a lot of friends in the community and a lot of friends that own CF affiliates. I don't make my living as a trainer; I make it as a civil litigator that has been on both sides of the bar. I'm just pointing out the holes. And there are holes. There is also a lot of crap the community has been put on record (via the forums) that will be most unhelpful when the time comes. Nobody listened to me a year ago when I posted on the forums that Makimba Mims would easily win his case. It doesn't seem so funny anymore.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Mickey O'neil »

Jake Patrick wrote:We Are HARDCORE!!!


These people are retards.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by AdamtightAss »

Jake Patrick wrote:We Are HARDCORE!!!


Them bitches stole my glory hole idea. At least they didn't write anything gay on the wall. Fucking @fit fags.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Anon »

Hi Adam, long time no see.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by Crust Bucket »

WTF are those 'tards doing with the knucklebells? It looks like they'll all lined up at an airport urinal hoping to make their 2" weeners longer. Was jeek taking that picture? Fucker in the orange shirt looks like he was caught at something.
syaigh wrote: The thought of eating that giant veiny monstrosity makes me want to barf.
You're an ASS!

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Re: The couch thread

Post by AdamtightAss »

Joe wrote:Hi Adam, long time no see.
Sup weakling.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by AdamtightAss »

Crust Bucket wrote:WTF are those 'tards doing with the knucklebells? It looks like they'll all lined up at an airport urinal hoping to make their 2" weeners longer. Was jeek taking that picture? Fucker in the orange shirt looks like he was caught at something.
They are doing static holds at nut level dumbass. It is a RKC time tested method of increasing the overall testosterone by an endurance hold while having the kettlebell in contact with the nuts. Fuck, I sleep with a 2 pood strapped to my junk.

How do you asshats not know this shit?

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Turdacious »

I learned something today, cool-- I didn't know they made PVC kettlebells.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by Mountebank »

The Unflushable DEATHTURD wrote:I learned something today, cool-- I didn't know they made PVC kettlebells.
Shit. How else do you break through drywall? ](*,)

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Holy Cow »

Well fellas, I finally read the whole Christmas Cookie thread, all 14 pages. Can I be part of the club? You guys are neato! :rolleyes:
Last edited by Holy Cow on Sat May 09, 2009 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Dunn »

Jake Patrick wrote:Well fellas, I finally read the whole Christmas Cookie thread, all 14 pages. Can I be part of the club? You guys are neato!

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Re: The couch thread

Post by POD »

Mickey O'neil wrote:
Jake Patrick wrote:We Are HARDCORE!!!


These people are retards.
I give them credit for giving their clients dust masks though. You know some affiliates probably wouldn't have thought of that.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by sanchezero »

those masks are part of an elite oxygen restriction, they don't wanna get swine flu.
have you ever been as far as even considered go want to do look more like?

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Re: The couch thread

Post by JamesonBushmill »

Patrick Donnelly wrote:
This was also an interesting part of Steve's post:
Steve Rakow wrote:Scenario #2 -
Your insurer decides to litigate the claim, but gets an attorney that can't even pronounce rhabdomyolysis correctly, is a fat pig sitting behind a desk, but he's a good litigator nonetheless.
I'm not sure what the fat pig part has to do with his being a lawyer, especially since Steve said he's a "good litigator nonetheless." Also, it's very common for business professionals to be sitting behind a desk, so I'm not sure if that was supposed to imply anything. Would you expect a lawyer to have a card table in his office to work at? I'd hardly think so.
I am continuously amazed at the open disdain they now show for their potential clientele. Glasshole ridicules the intelligence of people who post in the comments, CuntE talks mad shit in those private moderator forums, and now the affiliates paint disparaging pictures of portly people.

While everyone loves looking at tight ass, roided up Joli in videos, it is the fat asses who pay the 180 a month "unlimited" dues that keep these douche emporiums open and will fund their mass exodus to a non extradition country. You would think they would have the sense not to show blatant contempt.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Mountebank »

The glorification of this crap is some of the stupidest stuff I've ever seen. ... C_0057.jpg
I think a new mascot should be drawn up..."Callusie"... :Hangman:

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Re: The couch thread

Post by CultBuster »


I appreciate that you've stepped in here and offered another perspective. I, too, have litigated and continue to maintain a small part-time solo law practice.
This guy is pushing RRG harder than anyone on the boards. Could not figure it out,assumed it was just fervency of a good disciple. Now maybe another motive? A litigator who is also a @fitter would be a perfect fit to 'protect" the community. What's a few hundred billable hours among community members. Remember we will never settle, so the lawyers will have to bill for that litigation. At least it won't be some an attorney that can't even pronounce rhabdomyolysis correctly, is a fat pig sitting behind a desk, but he's a good litigator nonetheless.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by FRKCTL »

The Bastard Son of the Shafman wrote:Squat is way weaker than the clean? Are you fucking kidding me?
Not a good ratio...

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