The couch thread

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Re: The couch thread

Post by sigifrith007 »

Gin Master wrote:I don't know if there's a cure for your faggotry, but it wouldn't hurt to check out with Zuzana (aka adult star Susana Spears).


whats amazing is that most of the comments on the videos are actually about fitness and stuff.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by TerryB » Rippetoe admitting that Cultfitters fuck up barbell training and that Cultfit's beloved power formula is inaccurate and actually rewards poor performance. Uh oh, Couch. Major flaws being pointed out by your few knowledgeable trainers.
Money Train Rippetoe wrote:High-rep deadlifts are a wonderful metcon exercise, perfectly safe at weights you can do for 21 reps even when done wrong like most CFers do them. The current vogue is to bounce them off the floor to decrease the time and "increase the intensity", with no attention paid to the lumbar extension. It is important to recognize that the work of muscular contraction that is done when the back is set in extension between reps, although not measurable in foot-pounds, is work nonetheless. The pulling together of the z-lines in the sarcomeres of the erector spinae and the holding of this position of isometric contraction consumes ATP. That's why it's easier to go faster if you don't do it, and therefore why your intensity decreases if you sacrifice good spinal position for a faster time.
When asked,
Would you have the same opinion of some of the snatches that we have seen in a workout like Isabel?
Ripp said:
Rippetoe wrote:And the cleans in Grace.
Ripp then goes on to say that:
Rippetoe wrote:Faster with shitty form creates holes in the final results.
Rippetoe wrote:But 30 pulls of any type done with the spine held in extension and reset from a dead stop will always involve more ATP-consuming muscular work than 30 bounced reps done with Superball (TM) plates and the spinal erectors allowed to relax and the spinal ligaments allowed to carry the relatively light load. The bar moves the same distance, granted, but the harder-to-quantify isometric work done by the position-holding muscles cannot be ignored in an accurate assessment of the effort, and this extra work is easily observable in the increased time involved in the stricter version of the set.
Long story short, Couch's power formula is inaccurate, and Cultfit's methodology rewards ineffective, corner-cutting training.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by Mountebank »

Excellent find, proto! =D>

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Thud »

Rip has no understanding of 20% slop as a workload coefficient traversing an inverse three dimensional modal domain.

Rip needs to drink more and train less and devote himself to slaying windmills to really get it.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Holland Oates »

See this is one of my major problems with Cultfit as sport.

In the early years you could time your workouts and compare them to people who were actually doing them right. No fucking butterfly kips, no fucking bouncing the weights off the floor, and no need to fucking lie like the faggots do now days.

How sad is your life that you have to lie about your fucking workouts to feel good about yourself.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »

WRONG! Matt Gagliardi lied about his workout times plenty!

As soon as the WOD blog went up, someone lied about their workout time.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Holland Oates »

The Bastard Son of the Shafman wrote:WRONG! Matt Gagliardi lied about his workout times plenty!

As soon as the WOD blog went up, someone lied about their workout time.
Is he the one that got slapped down for posting a WOD time with 5 400 meter runs that averaged out to a faster 400 than the world record?

And Shaf when I actually did Cutlfit there were maybe 50 comments on a busy day as opposed to the 200 to 500 posts now days.

And I love how the number of posts is cut in half when it's an actually heavy workout.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by Mountebank » ...
Short teaser on the role of posture in shoulder impingement, which I agree with. Reason for posting is that the final quote is the best part:
Kelly Starret wrote:The problem is not with the programming, the problem is with the athlete.
True cultspeak. Funny how all @F can do is rip on everyone else's programming, yet in theirs the ONLY chink is in the athletes themselves. @F programming creates heavily imbalanced physiques. They all get the slumped shoulders due to no exercises that involve scapular retraction and/or significant external rotation elements. The problem is EXACTLY with the programming. The "sloppy" execution only further exacerbates the poor posture that everyone tends towards when heavily fatigued--which is then heavily engrained into the CNS through hundreds of garbage reps.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by JimZipCode »

protobuilder wrote:
Money Train Rippetoe wrote:It is important to recognize that the work of muscular contraction that is done when the back is set in extension between reps, although not measurable in foot-pounds, is work nonetheless. The pulling together of the z-lines in the sarcomeres of the erector spinae and the holding of this position of isometric contraction consumes ATP.
Long story short, Couch's power formula is inaccurate
How do you measure "work" with exercises, anyway? What I remember from freshman physics is, if you snatch with 135 #, then drop the bar, the amount of "work" done is zero: because the bar is right back where it started. No net displacement. Likewise if you have someone who can't do a pull-up (like, uh, me), and you start them off with doing negatives off the pull-up bar; then the whole time, as they are sweating & straining and working up to a real pull-up, the amount of "work" done is zero because the force is acting against the line of motion.

I'm sure "exercise science" dealt with this issue a long time ago. How do they measure it?

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Re: The couch thread

Post by TerryB »

JimZipCode wrote:How do you measure "work" with exercises, anyway?
Well Jim I'm glad you asked! The Genius of Couch has developed a uniquely innovative, and tested, metric for providing verifiable, and indisputable, hard data of just such modal domains as "work." To wit, the fittest person is the one who can move the most weight the furthest distance in the shortest amount of time. This is "work." Or "power output." Hence, according to Couch's hard science approach and formula-based methodologies, these hard working folks are demonstrating more power output than even the highest skilled Olympian:

This is hard, verifiable evidence and is subjected to scientific scrutiny and the scientific method. Cultfit is the first system of its kind to do so, just ask Couch.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by Gin Master »

Anyone who criticizes teh Couch is an idiot. Not only did he invent pullups, work capacity measurements, and, IIRC, work itself, he also led the way in restoratives.

Here is a pic of Couch in 1970 using an ice bath.


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Re: The couch thread

Post by mr. snrub »

Isn't the slop=technique just a modern version of the 50's Olympic press controversy?

Minus actual strength.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Mountebank »

That's an astute observation, from what I've read, since it was all before my time.

From The Tragic History of the Military Press in Olympic and World Championship Competition, 1928-1972:
Problems, however, plagued the press from the outset. Although the original intention was for lifters to perform it in “military” style, with body ramrod straight, heels together, and head facing forward, this proved impractical, and various forms of “cheating” developed enabling lifters to use the larger muscle groups of the legs, hips, and lower torso in subtle ways instead of relying on just the arm and shoulder muscles. The urge to win by any means, combined with lax enforcement of rules, political pressures, and ultimately a tradition of drift transformed the press from a strength movement to another quick lift, leading the International Weightlifting Federation to eliminate it from all future competitions at the 1972 Olympics in Munich.
The similarity is shocking, especially when combined with Rippetoe's statements above, with the final result being teh awesome... <<<<q :rock:

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Fat Cat »

What happened to the tits vs. shari war? Any Sapphism I should be aware of?
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Re: The couch thread

Post by POD »

Resident Quack wrote:That's an astute observation, from what I've read, since it was all before my time.

From The Tragic History of the Military Press in Olympic and World Championship Competition, 1928-1972:
Problems, however, plagued the press from the outset. Although the original intention was for lifters to perform it in “military” style, with body ramrod straight, heels together, and head facing forward, this proved impractical, and various forms of “cheating” developed enabling lifters to use the larger muscle groups of the legs, hips, and lower torso in subtle ways instead of relying on just the arm and shoulder muscles. The urge to win by any means, combined with lax enforcement of rules, political pressures, and ultimately a tradition of drift transformed the press from a strength movement to another quick lift, leading the International Weightlifting Federation to eliminate it from all future competitions at the 1972 Olympics in Munich.
The similarity is shocking, especially when combined with Rippetoe's statements above, with the final result being teh awesome... <<<<q :rock:
There's nothing inherently dangerous about the Olympic press if performed correctly - there are however, things inherently dangerous with CrossFit, despite how much they try to convince themselves otherwise.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by mr. snrub »

Patrick Donnelly wrote:
Resident Quack wrote:There's nothing inherently dangerous about the Olympic press if performed correctly - there are however, things inherently dangerous with CrossFit, despite how much they try to convince themselves otherwise. ... -h/one.jpg

My whole point was that the Olympic press transformed from a pure strength lift to more of a cheat/technique lift, with the technique given leeway in order to get more work accomplished. Sound familiar? Sure, done PROPERLY, its fine. One of the reasons it was abolished was, among other things, growing lower back health concerns. When you're essentially benching 300-500 lbs without a bench, somethings gotta be supporting all that weight.

Resident Quack,
Great article, saw it on P&B this morning. Also has some insight into the downfall of olympic lifting in America and how some thought removing the press is what caused it.

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Re: The couch thread

Post by nafod »

JimZipCode wrote:How do you measure "work" with exercises, anyway? What I remember from freshman physics is, if you snatch with 135 #, then drop the bar, the amount of "work" done is zero: because the bar is right back where it started.
No. The amount of work done to the bar by the lifter = weight x height. The bar then gets the free ride down.
Likewise if you have someone who can't do a pull-up (like, uh, me), and you start them off with doing negatives off the pull-up bar; then the whole time, as they are sweating & straining and working up to a real pull-up, the amount of "work" done is zero because the force is acting against the line of motion.
Actually, at first glance you might think it would be energy dumped into the muscle, and it is if you kip or use a stretch of the muscle to store energy and rebound.

But if done slowly, it is more like a Harrier hovering and slowly descending. While still coming down, it is using up energy. Sports Science hasn't figured out isometric or negatives too well as far as where the energy is going.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by WildGorillaMan »

protobuilder wrote: Rippetoe admitting that Cultfitters fuck up barbell training and that Cultfit's beloved power formula is inaccurate and actually rewards poor performance. Uh oh, Couch. Major flaws being pointed out by your few knowledgeable trainers.
Money Train Rippetoe wrote:High-rep deadlifts are a wonderful metcon exercise, perfectly safe at weights you can do for 21 reps even when done wrong like most CFers do them. The current vogue is to bounce them off the floor to decrease the time and "increase the intensity", with no attention paid to the lumbar extension. It is important to recognize that the work of muscular contraction that is done when the back is set in extension between reps, although not measurable in foot-pounds, is work nonetheless. The pulling together of the z-lines in the sarcomeres of the erector spinae and the holding of this position of isometric contraction consumes ATP. That's why it's easier to go faster if you don't do it, and therefore why your intensity decreases if you sacrifice good spinal position for a faster time.
When asked,
Would you have the same opinion of some of the snatches that we have seen in a workout like Isabel?
Ripp said:
Rippetoe wrote:And the cleans in Grace.
Ripp then goes on to say that:
Rippetoe wrote:Faster with shitty form creates holes in the final results.
Rippetoe wrote:But 30 pulls of any type done with the spine held in extension and reset from a dead stop will always involve more ATP-consuming muscular work than 30 bounced reps done with Superball (TM) plates and the spinal erectors allowed to relax and the spinal ligaments allowed to carry the relatively light load. The bar moves the same distance, granted, but the harder-to-quantify isometric work done by the position-holding muscles cannot be ignored in an accurate assessment of the effort, and this extra work is easily observable in the increased time involved in the stricter version of the set.
Long story short, Couch's power formula is inaccurate, and Cultfit's methodology rewards ineffective, corner-cutting training.

There was a photo off of the @fit main site a year or two back that we had some fun with at the time on P&B. I searched for it recently, but to no avail. In addition to a gratuitous shirtless pic of one of their then-poster boys it had some gobbledeygook formula that proved that push pressing 40kg for a gazillion reps was a greater physical feat than a 1x200kg push press. Total horseshit, in fact I think it claimed to calculate horsepower, or horseshitpower or something.

Wish I could find it. Maybe one of you fuckers has it saved in your haterade folder on your PC.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by Alfred_E._Neuman »

WildGorillaMan wrote: There was a photo off of the @fit main site a year or two back that we had some fun with at the time on P&B. I searched for it recently, but to no avail. In addition to a gratuitous shirtless pic of one of their then-poster boys it had some gobbledeygook formula that proved that push pressing 40kg for a gazillion reps was a greater physical feat than a 1x200kg push press. Total horseshit, in fact I think it claimed to calculate horsepower, or horseshitpower or something.

Wish I could find it. Maybe one of you fuckers has it saved in your haterade folder on your PC.
There's also a video of where they attempt to explain the thousand reps of BW squatting they do. They say something to the effect that a top shelf @f'er cat throw out X horsepower for a given time doing the BW squat fast as hell, but a powerlifter squatting a heavy weight at a MUCH lower RMP only puts out Y horsepower.

He fails to make any predictions on which one will kick the other's ass in anything where actual strength counts.
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Re: The couch thread

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »

The PMenu has this gadget: ... Output.php

Only this may be somewhat useful as a metric.

I put in 22 bw squats done in 20 seconds at my height and weight (taken from a Tabata session)

Reps - 22
Travel, Body - 0.45 meters
Work, Body - 8522.75 joules
Total Work - 8522.75 joules

20 seconds
Work Performed
8522.75 joules
869.06 kg-m
6286.38 ft-lbs

Power Output
426.14 watts
0.58 horsepower
314.3 ft-lbs/sec
Then 500x3 in the back squat using a 3 second per rep cadence

Back Squat
Reps - 3
Travel, Body - 0.45 meters
Work, Body - 1162.19 joules
Travel, Weight - 0.69 meters
Work, Weight - 4603.68 joules
Total Work - 5765.87 joules

9 seconds
Work Performed
5765.87 joules
587.95 kg-m
4252.91 ft-lbs

Power Output
640.65 watts
0.87 horsepower
472.52 ft-lbs/sec
Slightly more to it than w=fd and f=ma

Perform the 500x3 in a 5 second cadence:

Back Squat
Reps - 3
Travel, Body - 0.45 meters
Work, Body - 1162.19 joules
Travel, Weight - 0.69 meters
Work, Weight - 4603.68 joules
Total Work - 5765.87 joules

15 seconds
Work Performed
5765.87 joules
587.95 kg-m
4252.91 ft-lbs

Power Output
384.39 watts
0.52 horsepower
283.51 ft-lbs/sec


Re: The couch thread

Post by sigifrith007 »

WildGorillaMan wrote:
protobuilder wrote: Rippetoe admitting that Cultfitters fuck up barbell training and that Cultfit's beloved power formula is inaccurate and actually rewards poor performance. Uh oh, Couch. Major flaws being pointed out by your few knowledgeable trainers.
Money Train Rippetoe wrote:High-rep deadlifts are a wonderful metcon exercise, perfectly safe at weights you can do for 21 reps even when done wrong like most CFers do them. The current vogue is to bounce them off the floor to decrease the time and "increase the intensity", with no attention paid to the lumbar extension. It is important to recognize that the work of muscular contraction that is done when the back is set in extension between reps, although not measurable in foot-pounds, is work nonetheless. The pulling together of the z-lines in the sarcomeres of the erector spinae and the holding of this position of isometric contraction consumes ATP. That's why it's easier to go faster if you don't do it, and therefore why your intensity decreases if you sacrifice good spinal position for a faster time.
When asked,
Would you have the same opinion of some of the snatches that we have seen in a workout like Isabel?
Ripp said:
Rippetoe wrote:And the cleans in Grace.
Ripp then goes on to say that:
Rippetoe wrote:Faster with shitty form creates holes in the final results.
Rippetoe wrote:But 30 pulls of any type done with the spine held in extension and reset from a dead stop will always involve more ATP-consuming muscular work than 30 bounced reps done with Superball (TM) plates and the spinal erectors allowed to relax and the spinal ligaments allowed to carry the relatively light load. The bar moves the same distance, granted, but the harder-to-quantify isometric work done by the position-holding muscles cannot be ignored in an accurate assessment of the effort, and this extra work is easily observable in the increased time involved in the stricter version of the set.
Long story short, Couch's power formula is inaccurate, and Cultfit's methodology rewards ineffective, corner-cutting training.

There was a photo off of the @fit main site a year or two back that we had some fun with at the time on P&B. I searched for it recently, but to no avail. In addition to a gratuitous shirtless pic of one of their then-poster boys it had some gobbledeygook formula that proved that push pressing 40kg for a gazillion reps was a greater physical feat than a 1x200kg push press. Total horseshit, in fact I think it claimed to calculate horsepower, or horseshitpower or something.

Wish I could find it. Maybe one of you fuckers has it saved in your haterade folder on your PC.
I, in fact, have push pressed 200kg. No video but witnesses. Video exists of me push pressing 182.5kg for 3 reps. I could easily train for a month, and match any MFers feat with 40kg. those with the 40kg "achievement" could train a lifetime and not match my 200kg. Get the fuck out of here. I respect anyone, for any difficult feat of strength or endurance. But that is over the top. to equate something special with something rather mundane is, well, not cool.


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Re: The couch thread

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »


This is an awesome group picture. The level 4 XF trainers!

2 of the rare and elusive black crossfitters are present, as is an undertrained Nicole. At least 5 dudes are on some sort of low aromatizing oral as well, probably stanozolol or oxandrolone, or maybe even oral turinbol, depending on what the fuck is going around right now.

Below, is, of course, the classic Nicole and Eva picture.


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Re: The couch thread

Post by Anon »

Is that "I puked 4 times" they are flashing?
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Re: The couch thread

Post by ___________ »

Do steroids make a guy gay, or is it @fit?

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Re: The couch thread

Post by Crust Bucket »

Didn't know 'tards could count that high :finga: :JRJHK:
syaigh wrote: The thought of eating that giant veiny monstrosity makes me want to barf.
You're an ASS!

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