Mob sets fire to US consulate in Benghazi: witness
AFP, Tuesday 11 Sep 2012
UPDATE 3: ...
An armed mob protesting over a film they said offended Islam, attacked the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi on Tuesday and set fire to the building, witnesses reported. ... tness.aspx
How's that Arab Spring looking?
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
The ground war in Afghanistan hotted up yesterday when the Allies revealed plans to airdrop a platoon of crack French existentialist philosophers into the country to destroy the morale of Taleban zealots by proving the non-existence of God.
Elements from the feared Jean-Paul Sartre Brigade, or 'Black Berets', will be parachuted into the combat zones to spread doubt, despondency and existential anomie among the enemy. Hardened by numerous intellectual battles fought during their long occupation of Paris's Left Bank, their first action will be to establish a number of pavement cafes at strategic points near the front lines. There they will drink coffee and talk animatedly about the absurd nature of life and man's lonely isolation in the universe. They will be accompanied by a number of heartbreakingly beautiful girlfriends who will further spread dismay by sticking their tongues in the philosophers' ears every five minutes and looking remote and unattainable to everyone else.
Their leader, Colonel Marc-Ange Belmondo, spoke yesterday of his confidence in the success of their mission. Sorbonne graduate Belmondo, a very intense and unshaven young man in a black pullover, gesticulated wildly and said, "The Taleban are caught in a logical fallacy of the most ridiculous. There is no God and I can prove it. Take your tongue out of my ear, Juliet, I am talking."
Marc-Ange plans to deliver an impassioned thesis on man's nauseating freedom of action with special reference to the work of Foucault and the films of Alfred Hitchcock.
However, humanitarian agencies have been quick to condemn the operation as inhumane, pointing out that the effects of passive smoking from the Frenchmens' endless Gitanes could wreak a terrible toll on civilians in the area.
Speculation was mounting last night that Britain may also contribute to the effort by dropping Professor Stephen Hawking into Afghanistan to propagate his non-deistic theory of the creation of the universe.
Other tactics to demonstrate the non-existence of God will include the dropping of leaflets pointing out the fact that Michael Jackson has a new album out and Oprah Winfrey has not died yet.
This is only one of several Psy-Ops operations mounted by the Allies to undermine the unswerving religious fanaticism that fuels the Taleban's fighting spirit. Pentagon sources have recently confirmed rumours that America has already sent in a 200-foot-tall robot Jesus, which roams the Taleban front lines glowing eerily and shooting flames out of its fingers while saying, 'I am the way, the truth and the life, follow me or die.' However, plans to have the giant Christ kick the crap out of a slightly effeminate 80-foot Mohammed in central Kabul were discarded as insensitive to Muslim allies.
It hurts to say it, but Hillary handled this better than both Obama and Romney.
hillary clinton wrote:Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet," Clinton said. "The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.
It hurts to say it, but Hillary handled this better than both Obama and Romney.
hillary clinton wrote:Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet," Clinton said. "The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.
This is an act of war. The creatures rioting and killing our people must be cleaned from the earth. If our illustrious CIC has at least 1 hair on his anorexic ass he will at this time drone every goddamned one of those schizophrenic worthless trouble making pieces of goat shit out of existence.
Likewise in Egypt.
Obama's narcissism and arrogance is only superseded by his naivete and stupidity.
I get the Marines letting some people climb over the wall and demonstrate, but how do 50 or 60 rioters not get killed before anybody gets within 50 ft of the fucking Ambassador?
Edit: Google indicates there were no Marines.
One of the downsides of the Internet is that it allows like-minded people to form communities, and sometimes those communities are stupid.
Grandpa's Spells wrote:I get the Marines letting some people climb over the wall and demonstrate, but how do 50 or 60 rioters not get killed before anybody gets within 50 ft of the fucking Ambassador?
Edit: Google indicates there were no Marines.
Hired mercenaries. 50 Marines are enroute now though. When did Marines stop guarding embassies?
Kazuya Mishima wrote:they can pry the bacon from my cold dead hand.
So a handful of Marines armed with light weaponry are supposed to put down a huge crowd of frenzied psychotic raghead cocksuckers? No no. Air support. Wipe out every one of them with one fell swoop!
Freedom to assemble peacefully. Not freedom to assemble to attack and kill.
Obama's narcissism and arrogance is only superseded by his naivete and stupidity.
You have an armed group of protesters outside a US consulate in the Middle East on September 11 and security wasn't increased a few steps?
In searching for this, news outlets seem more intent on criticizing Romney for saying that perhaps the US shouldn't have synthesizing with the protesters.
WildGorillaMan wrote:Enthusiasm combined with no skill whatsoever can sometimes carry the day.
Well, since we helped our buddies from Al Quaeda overthrow the secular dictator, it should be no problem having them catch these bad guys and put them to trial!
Terry B. wrote:In searching for this, news outlets seem more intent on criticizing Romney for saying that perhaps the US shouldn't have synthesizing with the protesters.
Romney is being a lie-man on this one. It's particularly disgusting, hence the criticism.
One of the downsides of the Internet is that it allows like-minded people to form communities, and sometimes those communities are stupid.
Terry B. wrote:In searching for this, news outlets seem more intent on criticizing Romney for saying that perhaps the US shouldn't have synthesizing with the protesters.
Romney is being a lie-man on this one. It's particularly disgusting, hence the criticism.
Agreed, but 2 out of 5 sites have THAT as the lead story over what actually happened.
WildGorillaMan wrote:Enthusiasm combined with no skill whatsoever can sometimes carry the day.
Herv100 wrote:Well, since we helped our buddies from Al Quaeda overthrow the secular dictator, it should be no problem having them catch these bad guys and put them to trial!
To trial my ass. Kill the motherfuckers on the spot.
Obama's narcissism and arrogance is only superseded by his naivete and stupidity.
Terry B. wrote:This kind of thing happened all the time when Gaddafi was in control of things.
ah the good ol' days!
Time for us to wake the fuck up the Middle East is just getting going
The Neo-cons said this in the early 2000s, IIRC.
10, 20, 50 years from now, I think the resounding historical conclusion will be that the US fucked up Middle East policy for decades. Bush blundered, Obama failed...the real question is, will Hillary fix things in 2016?