I cringed. Tyler is loving, charming, and brilliant—he has a photographic memory—but he lacks basic social skills. He doesn’t know when he’s being too loud or when he’s talking too much. He can’t read facial expressions to tell when somebody is sad, curious, or bored. He has a difficult time seeing how others view him. Tyler is what polite company calls awkward. I’ve watched adults respond to him with annoyed looks or pity. Bullies call him goofy, or worse.
But the president was enchanted. Waiting for Tyler to take a breath, he quickly changed the subject with a joke. “Look at your shoes,” Bush told Tyler while putting a hand on his shoulder and steering him toward the photographer. “They’re ugly. Just like your dad’s.” Tyler laughed.
Ten minutes later, we were walking out of the Oval Office when Bush grabbed me by the elbow. “Love that boy,” he said, holding my eyes.
I thought I understood what he meant. It took me years to realize my mistake.
I met W a couple times while he was running for governor, several years before he announced his run for the White House. I'm sure he had an aide feeding him some info, but, in our second meeting several months after the first, he called me my name, and asked about specific people from my hometown that we both knew. He was incredibly engaging and seemed very genuine. He was very perceptive and seemed to be very sharp. It was a very odd contrast to what I'd see from him years later in the media.
BTW, Asperger's is being excluded from the DSM-5, out next year. It will be rolled into "Autism Spectrum Disorder."
Gin Master wrote:BTW, Asperger's is being excluded from the DSM-5, out next year. It will be rolled into "Autism Spectrum Disorder."
This is due to the vast preponderance of ABA members with the disorder. Most of them are pronounced enough that you could diagnose them from a moving train.
"He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that." JS Mill
Gin Master wrote:BTW, Asperger's is being excluded from the DSM-5, out next year. It will be rolled into "Autism Spectrum Disorder."
This is due to the vast preponderance of ABA members with the disorder. Most of them are pronounced enough that you could diagnose them from a moving train.
A forme dojo mate from the old days was in HMX and said Bush 1 was real laid back and unpretencious. He liked to hang out with the HMX crew and watch Football and Baseball.
My buddy was watching a game with the crew and he hears " You want a beer buddy?" He's glued to the play so he does not look when he says back "Sure" when he's handed the beer he's asked "What kind of sandwich you want?" He looks and it's G.H.W. Bush.
" Oh sorry sir! Please, take my seat sir."
" I don't need a seat I want to know what your eating?"
Bush made the whole crew badass sandwiches.
He watched a good number of games with Bush. The man liked fellow aviators and air crew types and seemd like he felt at home amongst them.
Lot's of Bush 1 and Bush 2 stories like this floating around the area.
Hillary? A forme White House Comms guy said sahe was the biggest entitled cunt and he usde to love telling her " I am sorry ma'm but you are not cleared for what is being discussed in this room." Said she had hissy fits and 've heard more interesting tales from the daughter of an Secret Service Agent about how she get's her orgasm on. Either way or both!
He said Al Gore was a fucking rageaholic and they had to replace his laptops monthly because Al would get pissed and throw them into walls and the floor.
Obama sounds like the uppity, imperious cocksucker you see on TV and does not ingratiate himself with the Praetorian guard.
Fucker should have read more history and less Marx and Alensky and he'd know that's not a good idea. They are required to defend you, not jump in front of the bullet for you.
"God forbid we tell the savages to go fuck themselves." Batboy