Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by DrDonkeyLove »

The Venerable Bogatir X wrote:

Last but not least is my boy SPELLS!, whom I've known for about 15 years now. He is on my very short list of IGx non-veterans that I will do just about anything for short of felony crime or gay sex and since it's unlikely he'd ask me for either, I would pretty much do anything for him....he is a stand-up mofo. (Shape is the only one who won't stop bugging me to bend him over.) Now he/Spells is also a colossal kook with his hardcore, rigid, left wing mindset, but a lot of you guys have been brainwashed that way along the lines that me and my ilk got brainwashed over 13 weeks in Parris Island, I suppose.

I know I said the reality is, most people who have guns would basically have them shoved up their ass by a bad guy before they squeezed off a round. But that is today's America. Not your grandpa's or great grandpa's America. The good news is I think we can get back there PDQ. As someone pointed out, our caliber of young men who have been to combat as volunteers over the last 20 years is nothing short of spectacular. Now it's leveraging that 4% or whatever to help out the other 96% or whatever.
Much like my Jesuit trained brother, SPELLS! is wrong about most things, but he at least thinks and argues mostly coherently. Libs are necessary here or this place becomes a conservative/libertarian echo chamber. But he's still wrong about most everything if that hasn't been mentioned sufficiently.

If only Jeek were here to argue incoherently.
Mao wrote:Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party

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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by The Venerable Bogatir X »

DrDonkeyLove wrote:
The Venerable Bogatir X wrote:

Last but not least is my boy SPELLS!, whom I've known for about 15 years now. He is on my very short list of IGx non-veterans that I will do just about anything for short of felony crime or gay sex and since it's unlikely he'd ask me for either, I would pretty much do anything for him....he is a stand-up mofo. (Shape is the only one who won't stop bugging me to bend him over.) Now he/Spells is also a colossal kook with his hardcore, rigid, left wing mindset, but a lot of you guys have been brainwashed that way along the lines that me and my ilk got brainwashed over 13 weeks in Parris Island, I suppose.

I know I said the reality is, most people who have guns would basically have them shoved up their ass by a bad guy before they squeezed off a round. But that is today's America. Not your grandpa's or great grandpa's America. The good news is I think we can get back there PDQ. As someone pointed out, our caliber of young men who have been to combat as volunteers over the last 20 years is nothing short of spectacular. Now it's leveraging that 4% or whatever to help out the other 96% or whatever.
Much like my Jesuit trained brother, SPELLS! is wrong about most things, but he at least thinks and argues mostly coherently. Libs are necessary here or this place becomes a conservative/libertarian echo chamber. But he's still wrong about most everything if that hasn't been mentioned sufficiently.

If only Jeek were here to argue incoherently.
I could not agree with you more about Spells, my fine Donkey friend. As far as Jeek goes, he and I have been having this same battle on the Facebook, along with Bigpeach.....ever fight with an elephant and a giraffe at the same time? Especially when both are batshit crazy? He has recently dubbed me "Jimbopotimus" which I found to be brilliant.

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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Shapecharge »


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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by dead man walking »

nafod wrote: When I saw that William S Burroughs shot his wife in the face while drunk and trying hit a glass on her head, I LOL'd. I get it now, you were being ironic. I guess. I also head Burroughs saying, "They alwayesh come afshter da guns of the - hold shtill, hon, I'm trying to aim here (hic)..."

So when I saw the IGx chief pharmacist make reference to his kids and guns, I had this vision of Blaid and Blaid Jr standing out back next to a picnic table with with shots, lines, and a pile of prescription pills laid out, wearing lab coats with holsters, popping and shooting and trying to knock empty prescription bottles of Testosterone Replacement Therapy off each other's heads, bullets zinging into the neighbor's outhouse on one side and the old broken down pickup truck on other.
this is most excellent. i'm surprised igx brethren haven't applauded this.
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Grandpa's Spells »

Shootings create an out-sized perception of risk and danger on both sides IMO. If, despite the remote risk of needing a gun, you think, "Well, I'm gonna be prepared anyway, because X," I don't think it's unreasonable to concede the fact that mass shootings represent a tiny risk to most people that it's worth working on doing things to reduce them.

I still don't have a problem with the typical suburban citizen carrying, despite not needing to, because it's a pretty typical mind-your-own-business situation. But a more stringent path to get there affects behavior and reduces the number guns falling through the cracks.

Naps, glad this is feeling less personal today, because it wasn't to me, and I wouldn't want bent feelings. That being said, this:
But have you killed anyone with a ladder, you pussy?
is THE GREATEST IGX RETORT IN YEARS. I almost fell asleep last night, remembered it, and started laughing again. It requires absolutely no context whatsoever, like that "Christ what an asshole" bit a while back. Por ejemplo:






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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by The Venerable Bogatir X »

Grandpa's Spells wrote:
Naps, glad this is feeling less personal today, because it wasn't to me, and I wouldn't want bent feelings.
I actually woke up in the middle of the night thinking I needed to clarify my stance with you, first thing, so I am glad I worried a bit over nothing. You pure gold, you James Carvelle dicksucker. ;-)

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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by The Venerable Bogatir X »

WRT guns and dad, for all of his many, many, flaws, was also a NYC Cop. What he did for my brother and I as little kids in the 70s was show us his guns, had us hold them (unloaded) allowed us to keep a bullet or two. He also told us where his hiding spots were. Now this might alarm some of you, but what he simply did was demystify the gun to us and at the same time taught us it was not something to be fucked with.

We do need more guns in the hands of average Joe's and Jane's if you ask me. They also need to become intimate with them and shoot the fuck out of them for awhile.....veterans who have fired many thousands of rounds of ammo back in the day can skip this part (although the won't). The rest of you? Hells fuck least a box of 50 per month.

My kids know about our weapons (my son calls the Mossberg daddy's Marine gun). My kids know how the working end of bullets and shells works, too. They also know that it's not like Hawaii 5-0 where they get to shoot 'em up and then drive off in a dead sexy Camaro.

I have to recant part of this. My dad and his NYPD partner at the time, took all of us camping up in the Catskills and they both had us fire their duty weapons, as well as squirrel guns and I doubt I was 10 at the time, which means my bro was 8.
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Testiclaw »

Grandpa's Spells wrote:Shootings create an out-sized perception of risk and danger on both sides IMO. If, despite the remote risk of needing a gun, you think, "Well, I'm gonna be prepared anyway, because X," I don't think it's unreasonable to concede the fact that mass shootings represent a tiny risk to most people that it's worth working on doing things to reduce them.

I still don't have a problem with the typical suburban citizen carrying, despite not needing to, because it's a pretty typical mind-your-own-business situation. But a more stringent path to get there affects behavior and reduces the number guns falling through the cracks.

Naps, glad this is feeling less personal today, because it wasn't to me, and I wouldn't want bent feelings. That being said, this:
But have you killed anyone with a ladder, you pussy?
is THE GREATEST IGX RETORT IN YEARS. I almost fell asleep last night, remembered it, and started laughing again. It requires absolutely no context whatsoever, like that "Christ what an asshole" bit a while back. Por ejemplo:






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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by The Venerable Bogatir X »

nafod wrote:
The Venerable Bogatir X wrote:Hot holy fuck. Really Nafod? Who the fuck even thinks this way? I might have you gauged all wrong.
Not sure what you are talking about, or why Blaidd's panties are so bunched, but let me just say...

When I saw that William S Burroughs shot his wife in the face while drunk and trying hit a glass on her head, I LOL'd. I get it now, you were being ironic. I guess. I also head Burroughs saying, "They alwayesh come afshter da guns of the - hold shtill, hon, I'm trying to aim here (hic)..."

So when I saw the IGx chief pharmacist make reference to his kids and guns, I had this vision of Blaid and Blaid Jr standing out back next to a picnic table with with shots, lines, and a pile of prescription pills laid out, wearing lab coats with holsters, popping and shooting and trying to knock empty prescription bottles of Testosterone Replacement Therapy off each other's heads, bullets zinging into the neighbor's outhouse on one side and the old broken down pickup truck on other.
Yeah, that reeks of no class and you're getting what you deserve. One of our IGx libs once said my daughter would end up on a stripper pole or some such shit.....I don't even think she was 3 years old at the time. He quickly apologized to me by way of PM and he's still here. I accepted his apology but never forgot how his mind works. Don't be another one of those guys....figure it out.

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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by milosz »

Jesus Christ, we've got some fragile snowflakes around here.

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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Blaidd Drwg »

milosz wrote:Jesus Christ, we've got some fragile snowflakes around here.
Really, tell?

NAFOD may be a ruinously sick piece of human trash. His wife may fuck hyenas, but even so, degenerate that I am, I wouldn't cast aspersions on his progeny.
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by The Venerable Bogatir X »

Grandpa's Spells wrote:
The Venerable Bogatir X wrote:If you really believe that, I hope to God you get a vasectomy like tomorrow.
Eh, I think if grown adults want to prepare themselves for rampaging Crips instead of heart disease, that's their prerogative. But when there's a kid involved, there's a greater responsibility to deal with.

I had a hard time finding information about "child-proofing" a gun that doesn't render it useless in an emergency. Maybe you don't child-proof. OK. Every person I know who train/clean their guns regularly has at least one ND in their house. Most people don't train to a useful degree anyway.

Latest stats I saw showed that a white American was about as likely to get shot at as a guy who lives in Belgium or Finland. And that includes the white American males who do a ton of dumb shit. Guns are fun, they're a useful tool when you need one, but for anybody here, "when" is "statistically never." If you think you need one to defend against a real threat to your kids, you're nuts. It's really time to wake the fuck up. Your kids would be much, much better served if you invested in defending yourself on the shit likely to actually kill you and them.
I missed responding to this....but your first sentence and last sentence are both gold and clearly leveraged against someone like say, me, as an internet kill shot. Nice job.

IMO, the easiest way to childproof a gun and also keep it as an effective weapon in seconds for home protection/home invasion is a zip tie it 1x or even 2x and keep a nail clipper or needle nose pliers right next to it (especially so for a revolver). If you have to ask me how or where to put the zip tie, then please do kill yourself. Then, put said weapon where you might keep your wife's Rabbit toy. You will be very good to go and no one needs to know if that's how you want to play it.

I do not live in an expensive home, but I do live in an expensive zip code with nearly zero crime. Crazy that I should have had two events in recent years where in one I am ready to perhaps lay into a motherfucker with a pipe (and a cop screaming at me "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO WITH THIS SITUATION?" as he'd got his 9 on me. And the second time a (female) deputy pounding on my door asking me if I used Uber or if I had a son that did so as there was a high end Escalade outside my house an apparently someone gave them my address. I explained to her that the boy (at the time) was 5 and I had been asleep for hours. In this case, I put the pipe away before I opened the door since I could see the flashing lights.

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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by milosz »

Blaidd Drwg wrote:
milosz wrote:Jesus Christ, we've got some fragile snowflakes around here.
Really, tell?

NAFOD may be a ruinously sick piece of human trash. His wife may fuck hyenas, but even so, degenerate that I am, I wouldn't cast aspersions on his progeny.
Good for you?


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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by The Venerable Bogatir X »


The sad part (for me) is I want to like someone like you. You just make it fucking impossible.

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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Blaidd Drwg »

Grandpa's Spells wrote:Eh, I think if grown adults want to prepare themselves for rampaging Crips instead of heart disease, that's their prerogative. But when there's a kid involved, there's a greater responsibility to deal with.

I had a hard time finding information about "child-proofing" a gun that doesn't render it useless in an emergency. Maybe you don't child-proof. OK. Every person I know who train/clean their guns regularly has at least one ND in their house. Most people don't train to a useful degree anyway.

Latest stats I saw showed that a white American was about as likely to get shot at as a guy who lives in Belgium or Finland. And that includes the white American males who do a ton of dumb shit. Guns are fun, they're a useful tool when you need one, but for anybody here, "when" is "statistically never." If you think you need one to defend against a real threat to your kids, you're nuts. It's really time to wake the fuck up. Your kids would be much, much better served if you invested in defending yourself on the shit likely to actually kill you and them.

Jesus Spells....where the fuck was this clear thinking 3 pages ago? I think those of us on the other side of this debate have been crystal fuckin clear in agreeing with "defending yourself on the shit likely to actually kill you and them" Jokes aside....that includes shit like ladders, scaffolding, falling out of windows, off roofs. Just being a pedestrian is probably one of the most dangerous things are kids do daily. Read the statistics I posted on all cause mortality for kids.

Being a smart pedestrian, knowing how to swim, knowing some basic physics and understanding dangerous tools. A gun safe, a bag of zip ties, some gun safety lessons and you have mitigated one of those risks to a huge degree.

No one to my knowledge on this thread is arguing we need to arm up to fight off zombie negro hordes any more than we need to immediately panic about the trench coat mafia. By the same token we're appalled at the misguided thinking that comes from every single one of these events and the tedious public debate that follows where people who have no fucking clue about any sort of risks, let alone the risk of a gun in the home, want to spray legislation like a pesticide.
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Turdacious »

Grandpa's Spells wrote:Shootings create an out-sized perception of risk and danger on both sides IMO. If, despite the remote risk of needing a gun, you think, "Well, I'm gonna be prepared anyway, because X," I don't think it's unreasonable to concede the fact that mass shootings represent a tiny risk to most people that it's worth working on doing things to reduce them.

I still don't have a problem with the typical suburban citizen carrying, despite not needing to, because it's a pretty typical mind-your-own-business situation. But a more stringent path to get there affects behavior and reduces the number guns falling through the cracks.
Interesting. Didn't you move a few months back because of concerns about crime?
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by TerryB »

What on earth are you blathering about???
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Grandpa's Spells »

Turdacious wrote:
Grandpa's Spells wrote:Shootings create an out-sized perception of risk and danger on both sides IMO. If, despite the remote risk of needing a gun, you think, "Well, I'm gonna be prepared anyway, because X," I don't think it's unreasonable to concede the fact that mass shootings represent a tiny risk to most people that it's worth working on doing things to reduce them.

I still don't have a problem with the typical suburban citizen carrying, despite not needing to, because it's a pretty typical mind-your-own-business situation. But a more stringent path to get there affects behavior and reduces the number guns falling through the cracks.
Interesting. Didn't you move a few months back because of concerns about crime?
I haven't discussed this much, but it plays here, so sure.

Where I lived was the north side neighborhood that has areas with gang problems, which are otherwise concentrated in a few South and West side neighborhoods. This neighborhood changes a lot block to block. We had factions a few blocks north and south of my place that started getting into it.

Gang violence is inter-gang, and if you don't have a street name you're pretty safe from it. It's also very late night stuff for the most part, when I'm in bed, and Lincoln Park is dangerous after 2:00 AM.

That being said, I was present for a drive-by, which wasn't fun, ran into some drunk, angry, armed guys mourning at the spot where one of theirs had been killed the night before, and then we had a broad-daylight murder <2 blocks away the next week.

I'm not happy about this, but it's not directly impacting me. They also were never spots where having a gun would be handy. But I also got married, my wife grew up in an allegedly nice part of New Jersey, hated the neighborhood anyway, and didn't want to hear about why hearing gunshots and murders in your neighborhood aren't that dangerous if you don't have a nickname like Lil Pookie.

So we moved around Lincoln Square, it's all white people with strollers, and the idea of "needing" a gun there is completely alien. They had their first homicide in years shortly after we moved there and everybody freaked out.

And all this aside, people in Englewood or Fuller Park would find the least bit of concern for a white adult male in RP who thinks he saw some shit to be hilarious.

tl/dr; my wife's concerns were a contributing factor, and it wasn't the suburbs.
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by DrDonkeyLove »

Grandpa's Spells wrote:
Turdacious wrote:
Grandpa's Spells wrote:Shootings create an out-sized perception of risk and danger on both sides IMO. If, despite the remote risk of needing a gun, you think, "Well, I'm gonna be prepared anyway, because X," I don't think it's unreasonable to concede the fact that mass shootings represent a tiny risk to most people that it's worth working on doing things to reduce them.

I still don't have a problem with the typical suburban citizen carrying, despite not needing to, because it's a pretty typical mind-your-own-business situation. But a more stringent path to get there affects behavior and reduces the number guns falling through the cracks.
Interesting. Didn't you move a few months back because of concerns about crime?
I haven't discussed this much, but it plays here, so sure.

Where I lived was the north side neighborhood that has areas with gang problems, which are otherwise concentrated in a few South and West side neighborhoods. This neighborhood changes a lot block to block. We had factions a few blocks north and south of my place that started getting into it.

Gang violence is inter-gang, and if you don't have a street name you're pretty safe from it. It's also very late night stuff for the most part, when I'm in bed, and Lincoln Park is dangerous after 2:00 AM.

That being said, I was present for a drive-by, which wasn't fun, ran into some drunk, angry, armed guys mourning at the spot where one of theirs had been killed the night before, and then we had a broad-daylight murder <2 blocks away the next week.

I'm not happy about this, but it's not directly impacting me. They also were never spots where having a gun would be handy. But I also got married, my wife grew up in an allegedly nice part of New Jersey, hated the neighborhood anyway, and didn't want to hear about why hearing gunshots and murders in your neighborhood aren't that dangerous if you don't have a nickname like Lil Pookie.

So we moved around Lincoln Square, it's all white people with strollers, and the idea of "needing" a gun there is completely alien. They had their first homicide in years shortly after we moved there and everybody freaked out.

And all this aside, people in Englewood or Fuller Park would find the least bit of concern for a white adult male in RP who thinks he saw some shit to be hilarious.

tl/dr; my wife's concerns were a contributing factor, and it wasn't the suburbs.
Rich white privilege rears its racist elitist head again.

In truth, you're probably not rich and certainly not racist but many gun grabbers don't look at the circumstances of the low income black father who wants to keep Lil Pookie out of his living room or the low income hillbillies in the Adirondacks who had two vicious murderers roaming about. They look at the world from very safe spaces with an elites lack of concern for those stuck in less safe circumstances.
Mao wrote:Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party

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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Grandpa's Spells »

DrDonkeyLove wrote:In truth, you're probably not rich and certainly not racist but many gun grabbers don't look at the circumstances of the low income black father who wants to keep Lil Pookie out of his living room
Uh, those people are the gun grabbers. I think they've considered their own circumstances between the funerals, and think more guns is not going to help much.
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Blaidd Drwg »

Grandpa's Spells wrote:
DrDonkeyLove wrote:In truth, you're probably not rich and certainly not racist but many gun grabbers don't look at the circumstances of the low income black father who wants to keep Lil Pookie out of his living room
Uh, those people are the gun grabbers. I think they've considered their own circumstances between the funerals, and think more guns is not going to help much.
Not that simple.

Men in particular lean towards protecting the right to own guns as opposed controlling gun ownership. This tracks regardless of race. Poor black and hispanic women and unregistered voters fall clearly on the other side of the line in wishing for more gun control. At least as of this poll in 2011. ... l-2011.pdf
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Turdacious »

Grandpa's Spells wrote:
Turdacious wrote:
Grandpa's Spells wrote:Shootings create an out-sized perception of risk and danger on both sides IMO. If, despite the remote risk of needing a gun, you think, "Well, I'm gonna be prepared anyway, because X," I don't think it's unreasonable to concede the fact that mass shootings represent a tiny risk to most people that it's worth working on doing things to reduce them.

I still don't have a problem with the typical suburban citizen carrying, despite not needing to, because it's a pretty typical mind-your-own-business situation. But a more stringent path to get there affects behavior and reduces the number guns falling through the cracks.
Interesting. Didn't you move a few months back because of concerns about crime?
I haven't discussed this much, but it plays here, so sure.

Where I lived was the north side neighborhood that has areas with gang problems, which are otherwise concentrated in a few South and West side neighborhoods. This neighborhood changes a lot block to block. We had factions a few blocks north and south of my place that started getting into it.

Gang violence is inter-gang, and if you don't have a street name you're pretty safe from it. It's also very late night stuff for the most part, when I'm in bed, and Lincoln Park is dangerous after 2:00 AM.

That being said, I was present for a drive-by, which wasn't fun, ran into some drunk, angry, armed guys mourning at the spot where one of theirs had been killed the night before, and then we had a broad-daylight murder <2 blocks away the next week.

I'm not happy about this, but it's not directly impacting me. They also were never spots where having a gun would be handy. But I also got married, my wife grew up in an allegedly nice part of New Jersey, hated the neighborhood anyway, and didn't want to hear about why hearing gunshots and murders in your neighborhood aren't that dangerous if you don't have a nickname like Lil Pookie.

So we moved around Lincoln Square, it's all white people with strollers, and the idea of "needing" a gun there is completely alien. They had their first homicide in years shortly after we moved there and everybody freaked out.

And all this aside, people in Englewood or Fuller Park would find the least bit of concern for a white adult male in RP who thinks he saw some shit to be hilarious.

tl/dr; my wife's concerns were a contributing factor, and it wasn't the suburbs.
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Grandpa's Spells »

Definitely not a majority white neighborhood. 40% tops.
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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by Boris »

Doesn't matter that he may be right that bum rushing the gunman may be the best option, but if you weren't there and you're a politician you don't shoot your mouth off about it... ... -election/

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Re: Anybody hear about the school shooting in Oregon yesterday?

Post by The Venerable Bogatir X »

Man, I could be wrong here, but because I'm totally correct and this might save one of your asses or a family member, I will harp. I think only Dylan or perhaps Shaggy has ever posted about how effective Wasp Spray really is. Do yourself a favor you cheap bastards and skip your Starbucks run tomorrow/Saturday, hit Lowe's or Home D and buy that mother fucking can of was spray. Do not do this in your house but do put out a target in your yard or even shoot at a tree. Draw some eyeballs on that tree and a mouth if you want or just a simple 10" circle. Time yourself.....see how much utter damage you can do to a mope with that shit.....even if he is moving at the speed of Usain Bolt you're gonna get enough in his eyes or lungs to stop him or at least make it near impossible for him to fight you. Then, unsnip the zip tie from your gun and shoot the guy or beat him senseless with your wife's Rabbit toy, if you feel it's necessary to do so.

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