The Listening ...
Moderator: Dux
The Listening ...
Do not think that
This is all there is
More and more
Wonderful teachings exist—
The sword is unfathomable
This is all there is
More and more
Wonderful teachings exist—
The sword is unfathomable
Topic author - Top
- Posts: 1836
- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:04 am
- Location: 612 Wharf Avenue
The Listening ...
"Sorry I didn't save the world, my friend. I was too busy building mine again" - Kendrick Lamar
The Listening ...
Watched the 1983 Talking Heads concert film, Stop Making Sense. This was my favorite jam:
Do not think that
This is all there is
More and more
Wonderful teachings exist—
The sword is unfathomable
This is all there is
More and more
Wonderful teachings exist—
The sword is unfathomable
The Listening ...
I saw that Talking Heads film when it came out and I was in utter disbelief. A brother of a guy from my Columbia dorm and his friends had said how great it was. I felt if this shit is great the world has really passed me by. I actually watched a couple songs the other day. Byrne is a real entertainer, a lot lot better than I realized and I still hate his music. I am really tempted to watch what you put up despite the fact I felt sick a few days ago listening and watching. Byrne can't do any of these moves anymore I think because he doesn't train and looks completely out of shape but what do i know?
Tell me is there anything currently on anymore that I should know about? Remember I heard Jimi Hendrix 3 times who I thought was the greatest performer and rock guitarist ever and now some people say he wouldn't even be noticed. Huh. I think something is wrong with this picture or me and probably both. I'm a survivor of a long gone era, but it was great when it was happening. My generation, at least a lot of us including idiot lenny, thought we'd stay young forever. Ha ha ha. ... gsteenVEVO
Tell me is there anything currently on anymore that I should know about? Remember I heard Jimi Hendrix 3 times who I thought was the greatest performer and rock guitarist ever and now some people say he wouldn't even be noticed. Huh. I think something is wrong with this picture or me and probably both. I'm a survivor of a long gone era, but it was great when it was happening. My generation, at least a lot of us including idiot lenny, thought we'd stay young forever. Ha ha ha. ... gsteenVEVO
The Listening ...
There’s about 15 songs in the film. I’d say I hated 5, was indifferent towards another 5, and really enjoyed 5. In the video I shared, you see joy in the performer’s faces and bodies, and can hear how in sync they are with one another musically.
IMO, there’s tons of good music out, and it’s so accessible! You just need to listen for it. I’m usually at the same café every morning and try to Shazam my favorite songs they play on to a “Coffee Shop” playlist.
IMO, there’s tons of good music out, and it’s so accessible! You just need to listen for it. I’m usually at the same café every morning and try to Shazam my favorite songs they play on to a “Coffee Shop” playlist.
Do not think that
This is all there is
More and more
Wonderful teachings exist—
The sword is unfathomable
This is all there is
More and more
Wonderful teachings exist—
The sword is unfathomable
The Listening ...
There is music I heard probably on NPR tiny desk I liked when I was lying on the ground depressed in 2020-2021 for a year and a half (there was covid lockdowns and I was terrified) although I can't remember who exactly.
Here is a group I liked to some extent ... imeStories
I know right now I shouldn't be writing this because if i get startled with an incoming missile alarm this is pretty fuckin stupid to be so into this writing and get startled. This aint no joke, this aint disco. You know the words. I really think once Hezbollah and Iran go to town with us, I'd be a lot better off dying really fast than hearing explosions, terrified constantly no matter how much breathing, meditation I do and eventually get nuked. It sounds impossible but I expect it the way we are in this country.
I liked some of the stuff I heard from Africa that I should have bookmarked and the above band, but still for me and not for most of, it not all of your generation Hendrix is the best performer ever, the Beatles are the best song writers (I don't like their last few albums). If I don't watch the Talking Heads video I can enjoy a little bit of Talking Heads but I have finite time left. So do I want to listen to what I like Dylan from the 66 tour where he was booed terribly and could have destroyed his career. In my opinion he oughta quit but this is what he knows and know matter how lousy I think his current stuff is people will show up for concerts but not me. I could go on and on giving names. I put up a lot of music that you could review.
I'm playing a very stupid dangerous game. I won't describe how fuckin stupid I am to keep trying to prove what I already know. I try to give myself back spasms which I'm on the verge of now. I will lift weights even tho I promised not to do anything as stupid as the deadlift you read about probably. I did it with the goblet squat. It's not heavy for you guys but I have this virus for 8 weeks I guess. I need exercise for my mental health. I stupidly push myself yesterday when I know my back, neck, legs are fried out from the deadlift are terrible to see how far i can go. I have a limit. I write down everything I train for. I'm not going to stupidly try to exceed what I last did a month ago. Even idiot lenny is not that fuckin stupid. I got away with it. I could have done more back off sets.
Here is a song from Tom Petty. I won't back down. ... mPettyVEVO
Even idiot lenny is learning through states of sheer terror that for whatever reason God (which is a German pagan word originally and doesn't begin to convey what the Hebrew names for what is called God could possibly mean.) In my not too humble opinion, after decades of study there is no such thing as JudeoChristian civilization. i don't expect you to believe me. Jesus spoke in probably Aramaic which got translated into Greek and then into English. If anybody reading this knows a foreign language and has lived out of the USA and gotten to know the foreigners and spoken their language really well with them they can tell you there's no way to translate certain words into English. Believe me or not. I’m not trying to put anybody down. I’m not trying to offend anyone here believe me.
You have to see the body language, the tone of voice etc. of people in a foreign language, eat their food and get to know their culture. It takes time and it isn’t a few weeks but probably at least a few years.
The Christians in my opinion completely misunderstood the Jewish tradition. What is translated as commandments could mean numerous things including Binding Oneself to the Only One. It sounds crazy but I have meditated for decades with all kinds of meditations - Buddhist, Christian, Sufi, Zen and different Jewish mystical meditations. It just ain't the same believe it or not. There are beautiful people who do marvelous things and are what can be termed saints in every walk of life and every religion and even people who profess to be atheists can be such people. Bram you may be one of them. I doubt I’m getting to San Diego any time soon but if I do by chance I will try to talk to you to face to face. I’m not taking an oath about it, (another terrible translation) because I keep learning over and over I promise things stupidly I can’t live up to and should have suffered a lot over it. I won’t describe it now.
idiot lenny in this moment and hopefully keeps saying to himself back down motherfucker. You won't get protected forever. Grow up, enough to take minimal responsibility. I once had a very responsible job in business for years. I know how to be an adult. I gotta stop being a child. Enough is enough. I won't get protected forever by the Only One. I am sorry to be so vague. I don't know what word to use. The Infinite Unity with no parts, totally beyond time and space that can not be conceived of is one possible definition that is no definition and is probably meaningless.
This probably won’t mean much but here goes Maimonides ... y0QAvD_BwE
a super genius in Torah who learned medicine on his own and was the chief doctor of the ruler of Egypt wrote something to the effect which I am not going to look for in the original which actually may have been Arabic but probably Hebrew.
“All you can know about God (a word I hate using) is that you can’t know anything.”
Now there was another genius rabbi ... -David.htm
Who lived about the same time as Maimonides who said You can’t even know that much. You can’t even know that you can’t even know anything about God.
What does that tell you. It starts getting to the point where if you take this seriously your rational mind either drives you crazy like Spinoza although he had syphillis or you say I give if I’m me and admit I gotta have limits.
What ever I will say either you have had some sort of experience i have had it numerous times without drugs and barely took drugs in the 60s and i am willing to admit that maybe it is just my neurons firing in a particular pattern and I label it thusly. There's no way I think I will ever know.
Enuf is enuf of playing stupid. We all have an expiration date.
I promised myself I would set limits on emails and writing of 15 minutes which again idiot lenny forgot. I’m sweating, maybe I’m feverish. Enuf is enuf. I gotta grow up. Don’t expect me to reply anytime soon and probably never.
You got what you got. I have to attempt to to get over this manic phase. My wife wants me in a mental hospital
I don’t want to go for a lot of reasons
We have been married 37 years. If I had known what I was getting into I’d never had a single girl friend. I learned over and over the people I get closest to and think I help the most hurt me the most.
I never want another woman again. It’s for idiot lenny to sign off and grow the fuck up
There is music I heard probably on NPR tiny desk I liked when I was lying on the ground depressed in 2020-2021 for a year and a half (there was covid lockdowns and I was terrified) although I can't remember who exactly.
Here is a group I liked to some extent ... imeStories
I know right now I shouldn't be writing this because if i get startled with an incoming missile alarm this is pretty fuckin stupid to be so into this writing and get startled. This aint no joke, this aint disco. You know the words. I really think once Hezbollah and Iran go to town with us, I'd be a lot better off dying really fast than hearing explosions, terrified constantly no matter how much breathing, meditation I do and eventually get nuked. It sounds impossible but I expect it the way we are in this country.
I liked some of the stuff I heard from Africa that I should have bookmarked and the above band, but still for me and not for most of, it not all of your generation Hendrix is the best performer ever, the Beatles are the best song writers (I don't like their last few albums). If I don't watch the Talking Heads video I can enjoy a little bit of Talking Heads but I have finite time left. So do I want to listen to what I like Dylan from the 66 tour where he was booed terribly and could have destroyed his career. In my opinion he oughta quit but this is what he knows and know matter how lousy I think his current stuff is people will show up for concerts but not me. I could go on and on giving names. I put up a lot of music that you could review.
I'm playing a very stupid dangerous game. I won't describe how fuckin stupid I am to keep trying to prove what I already know. I try to give myself back spasms which I'm on the verge of now. I will lift weights even tho I promised not to do anything as stupid as the deadlift you read about probably. I did it with the goblet squat. It's not heavy for you guys but I have this virus for 8 weeks I guess. I need exercise for my mental health. I stupidly push myself yesterday when I know my back, neck, legs are fried out from the deadlift are terrible to see how far i can go. I have a limit. I write down everything I train for. I'm not going to stupidly try to exceed what I last did a month ago. Even idiot lenny is not that fuckin stupid. I got away with it. I could have done more back off sets.
Here is a song from Tom Petty. I won't back down. ... mPettyVEVO
Even idiot lenny is learning through states of sheer terror that for whatever reason God (which is a German pagan word originally and doesn't begin to convey what the Hebrew names for what is called God could possibly mean.) In my not too humble opinion, after decades of study there is no such thing as JudeoChristian civilization. i don't expect you to believe me. Jesus spoke in probably Aramaic which got translated into Greek and then into English. If anybody reading this knows a foreign language and has lived out of the USA and gotten to know the foreigners and spoken their language really well with them they can tell you there's no way to translate certain words into English. Believe me or not. I’m not trying to put anybody down. I’m not trying to offend anyone here believe me.
You have to see the body language, the tone of voice etc. of people in a foreign language, eat their food and get to know their culture. It takes time and it isn’t a few weeks but probably at least a few years.
The Christians in my opinion completely misunderstood the Jewish tradition. What is translated as commandments could mean numerous things including Binding Oneself to the Only One. It sounds crazy but I have meditated for decades with all kinds of meditations - Buddhist, Christian, Sufi, Zen and different Jewish mystical meditations. It just ain't the same believe it or not. There are beautiful people who do marvelous things and are what can be termed saints in every walk of life and every religion and even people who profess to be atheists can be such people. Bram you may be one of them. I doubt I’m getting to San Diego any time soon but if I do by chance I will try to talk to you to face to face. I’m not taking an oath about it, (another terrible translation) because I keep learning over and over I promise things stupidly I can’t live up to and should have suffered a lot over it. I won’t describe it now.
idiot lenny in this moment and hopefully keeps saying to himself back down motherfucker. You won't get protected forever. Grow up, enough to take minimal responsibility. I once had a very responsible job in business for years. I know how to be an adult. I gotta stop being a child. Enough is enough. I won't get protected forever by the Only One. I am sorry to be so vague. I don't know what word to use. The Infinite Unity with no parts, totally beyond time and space that can not be conceived of is one possible definition that is no definition and is probably meaningless.
This probably won’t mean much but here goes Maimonides ... y0QAvD_BwE
a super genius in Torah who learned medicine on his own and was the chief doctor of the ruler of Egypt wrote something to the effect which I am not going to look for in the original which actually may have been Arabic but probably Hebrew.
“All you can know about God (a word I hate using) is that you can’t know anything.”
Now there was another genius rabbi ... -David.htm
Who lived about the same time as Maimonides who said You can’t even know that much. You can’t even know that you can’t even know anything about God.
What does that tell you. It starts getting to the point where if you take this seriously your rational mind either drives you crazy like Spinoza although he had syphillis or you say I give if I’m me and admit I gotta have limits.
What ever I will say either you have had some sort of experience i have had it numerous times without drugs and barely took drugs in the 60s and i am willing to admit that maybe it is just my neurons firing in a particular pattern and I label it thusly. There's no way I think I will ever know.
Enuf is enuf of playing stupid. We all have an expiration date.
I promised myself I would set limits on emails and writing of 15 minutes which again idiot lenny forgot. I’m sweating, maybe I’m feverish. Enuf is enuf. I gotta grow up. Don’t expect me to reply anytime soon and probably never.
You got what you got. I have to attempt to to get over this manic phase. My wife wants me in a mental hospital
I don’t want to go for a lot of reasons
We have been married 37 years. If I had known what I was getting into I’d never had a single girl friend. I learned over and over the people I get closest to and think I help the most hurt me the most.
I never want another woman again. It’s for idiot lenny to sign off and grow the fuck up
- Top
- Posts: 1781
- Joined: Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:08 am
The Listening ...
Not only is it nigh impossible to translate from one language to another with the entire meaning intact, the Pentateuch was written in a deliberately poetic style. Calvinists interpreted evocative metaphor as literal truth, both from Hebrew and Greek, which also was written with shades of meaning utterly lost in translation. It's all Chose Your Own Adventure anyway though. Does the creator exist? Does he care? What does it want? I don't know. Maybe he's got a malicious sense of humor and one of the wackiest cults turns out to be right, that their prophecy is in fact correct and their god will give them the ultimate reward. Of course the ultimate reward, non existence for eternity, is ours to claim any time we choose. I keep putting it off and I think any explanation I could give would be so much retconning -- it could have happened and still might.
I'm either going to try to buy this effed up site and try to fix it or pack it in I think. I get logged out over and over. Takes two or three logins per post.
I'm either going to try to buy this effed up site and try to fix it or pack it in I think. I get logged out over and over. Takes two or three logins per post.
The Listening ...
I'd never listened to Khruangbin before. I really enjoy that song you shared! Gonna add it to my "Coffee Shop" playlist because it's definitely got that vibe.
I grew up with my dad playing The Beatles and Dylan nearly constantly (usually him singing/playing guitar/harmonica covers of Dylan). Although I like Dylan's early stuff a ton, Dylan released this song in 1997 and I think it's one of his best:
And I like your description "The Infinite Unity." That's a very nice way to put it.
Sometimes it feels like there's so many chords to the universe. There's one's of hatred and kindness, greed and giving. Whether they call out to us or not, we don't have to sing along. Haha, that said, I still sing along with some of the shitty ones for whatever reason.
Sending good thoughts :)
I'd never listened to Khruangbin before. I really enjoy that song you shared! Gonna add it to my "Coffee Shop" playlist because it's definitely got that vibe.
I grew up with my dad playing The Beatles and Dylan nearly constantly (usually him singing/playing guitar/harmonica covers of Dylan). Although I like Dylan's early stuff a ton, Dylan released this song in 1997 and I think it's one of his best:
And I like your description "The Infinite Unity." That's a very nice way to put it.
Sometimes it feels like there's so many chords to the universe. There's one's of hatred and kindness, greed and giving. Whether they call out to us or not, we don't have to sing along. Haha, that said, I still sing along with some of the shitty ones for whatever reason.
Sending good thoughts :)
Do not think that
This is all there is
More and more
Wonderful teachings exist—
The sword is unfathomable
This is all there is
More and more
Wonderful teachings exist—
The sword is unfathomable
Topic author - Top
- Posts: 1836
- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:04 am
- Location: 612 Wharf Avenue
The Listening ...
Times like these remind me that being Nobody is all I've ever wanted -
"Sorry I didn't save the world, my friend. I was too busy building mine again" - Kendrick Lamar
The Listening ... ... drix-Topic
the first Hendrix song I ever heard which was only available as a UK import
a guy in my Columbia dorm had bought it. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Hendrix for me is the #1. If you know what the bell curve is in statistics, he is the #1 at the far right. He was the most incredible performer ever. I heard and saw a lot of music, theatre, etc. in my life. Jimi Hendrix was a freak who didn't fit in any place. He said When the power of love overcomes the love of power there will be peace. I'm still waiting. I'm not holding my breath.
Maybe you guys will live to see peace in the world.
Topic author - Top
- Posts: 1836
- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:04 am
- Location: 612 Wharf Avenue
The Listening ...
Guardians of the Galaxy 3 reminded me -
"Sorry I didn't save the world, my friend. I was too busy building mine again" - Kendrick Lamar
The Listening ... ... =marcleroy
one of you guys rescue me from the insanity of this crazy world.
one of you guys rescue me from the insanity of this crazy world.
The Listening ...
i won't back down in the face of posters of kidnapped kids. let em die. instead of letting out 3 hamas killers to kill 85 of us and i wish my old man had killed me when i was a kid but i'm still here saying that the shrinks suck so bad they can't help the poor traumatized kids kidnapped in gaza and they're better off dead than a lifetime of trauma and being fucked up and dealing with rotten shrinks who one day if humanity survives will think these fuckers are as good as blood letting and leaches in the middle ages and i won't back down ... mPettyVEVO ... mPettyVEVO
The Listening ...
forget that shit i put up. i'm the whole band around here. let's have some fun ... nZevononMV
how bout a 38 special ... yrdSkynyrd
it's ok people here are dyin while you're fryin burgers, steaks, mistakes, and lies
i'm nuts. you'd b too if you were here with dead bodies in the streets, missiles flyin, people cryin and you guys lyin ... nZevononMV
how bout a 38 special ... yrdSkynyrd
it's ok people here are dyin while you're fryin burgers, steaks, mistakes, and lies
i'm nuts. you'd b too if you were here with dead bodies in the streets, missiles flyin, people cryin and you guys lyin
The Listening ...
You guys are so lucky. Here is Elvis the king of rock and roll in a screen test doing Blue Suede Shoes. I don't know what Blue Suede Shoes are in 1956.
All I know is what I want them as a kid and my parents would never get them for me and would hate the song if they even listened to one second which they don't.
and love this song that I just found 66 years later as
ELVIS THE KING ... =Yelserp22
All I know is what I want them as a kid and my parents would never get them for me and would hate the song if they even listened to one second which they don't.
and love this song that I just found 66 years later as
ELVIS THE KING ... =Yelserp22
The Listening ... ... el=IvyVine
Does it get much better than this? Ronnie Spector sex goddess.
Believe me she doesn't look like this at home after a night
staying up all night with a sick kid.
Does it get much better than this? Ronnie Spector sex goddess.
Believe me she doesn't look like this at home after a night
staying up all night with a sick kid.
Topic author - Top
- Posts: 1836
- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:04 am
- Location: 612 Wharf Avenue
The Listening ...
These guys are so slick -
"Sorry I didn't save the world, my friend. I was too busy building mine again" - Kendrick Lamar
Topic author - Top
- Posts: 1836
- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:04 am
- Location: 612 Wharf Avenue
The Listening ...
From pretty much the only Anime I fuck with -
"Sorry I didn't save the world, my friend. I was too busy building mine again" - Kendrick Lamar
The Listening ... ... pyhero1985
i have one real friend in the world Yiorgos who is with his Cambodian girlfriend in Paris who laughed at something
i sent from Putney Swope. I think i'm really rotten but how rotten can i be if he still will talk to me. I am a Jew who he
admits my people killed Jesus but he said it is irrelevant. he is a greek orthodox so it must be true.
i am so rotten that here is what i sent to him start at 57:28 into the movie and you might laugh or cry or i don't know what ... herbabylon
find the movie yourselves. because just listen to this when the ROLLING STONES LIVE ON ED SULLIVAN played this ... l=ZackyDog
i have one real friend in the world Yiorgos who is with his Cambodian girlfriend in Paris who laughed at something
i sent from Putney Swope. I think i'm really rotten but how rotten can i be if he still will talk to me. I am a Jew who he
admits my people killed Jesus but he said it is irrelevant. he is a greek orthodox so it must be true.
i am so rotten that here is what i sent to him start at 57:28 into the movie and you might laugh or cry or i don't know what ... herbabylon
find the movie yourselves. because just listen to this when the ROLLING STONES LIVE ON ED SULLIVAN played this ... l=ZackyDog
The Listening ... ... isquamacas
good times were had long ago. aint comin back. memories when my date
sat thru this and much more and ended up in my parents' bed
it's true
would i lie to u
girlfriend #2
sat thru this too
not a complaint
till women's lib
wrecks her brain
goes insane.
says something about
hot and cold running maid service
instant sex
we are not having almost any
don't understand that
the libbers have infected
clueless girlfriend's brain
she is insane
cause i clean up too
can't believe
clueless me
knows nothing about
but finally waking up
i've been had by
too many women
took advantage of
poor pitiful me
here it is for all of
you to hear & see ... nZevononMV
good times were had long ago. aint comin back. memories when my date
sat thru this and much more and ended up in my parents' bed
it's true
would i lie to u
girlfriend #2
sat thru this too
not a complaint
till women's lib
wrecks her brain
goes insane.
says something about
hot and cold running maid service
instant sex
we are not having almost any
don't understand that
the libbers have infected
clueless girlfriend's brain
she is insane
cause i clean up too
can't believe
clueless me
knows nothing about
but finally waking up
i've been had by
too many women
took advantage of
poor pitiful me
here it is for all of
you to hear & see ... nZevononMV
Topic author - Top
- Posts: 1836
- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:04 am
- Location: 612 Wharf Avenue
The Listening ...
Yebba is the 2K version of Aretha -
"Sorry I didn't save the world, my friend. I was too busy building mine again" - Kendrick Lamar
Topic author - Top
- Posts: 1836
- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:04 am
- Location: 612 Wharf Avenue
The Listening ...
As much as I love J Cole, Kendrick & several other new cats, Hip Hop hit a stride in the 90s the will never be touched -
"Sorry I didn't save the world, my friend. I was too busy building mine again" - Kendrick Lamar
Topic author - Top
- Posts: 1836
- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:04 am
- Location: 612 Wharf Avenue
The Listening ...
As a Hip Hop guy, a lot of people love hitting me with the debate of what the best opening bar of all time is. To me, it's a fairly recent one that hits harder than most I can fathom. "I come from a generation of pain where murder is minor..." - Kendrick Lamar -
"Sorry I didn't save the world, my friend. I was too busy building mine again" - Kendrick Lamar