Foundation Training: Core Elements

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Foundation Training: Core Elements

Post by Turdacious »

FT pulled the 12 minute lower back video from youtube that I've been using for years and now have four major options: two books; a monthly $15 subscription (ala GMB); or a $70 DVD set. This is a review of the DVD set.

The two disc set goes thru several programs: decompression and hinging (one subprogram on breathing and anchoring, and another on hinging at the hips); rotational imbalances (one subprogram on the shoulders and another on the hips); balancing tension; and compound movements.

Each program is well set up in a way that seems directed at both practitioners (therapists and trainers) and individuals. They include a lecture, a demonstration of each exercise used, three different focus sessions for each subprogram and two or three longer progressive workouts for each program.

The exercise demonstrations are very well done, about the best I've seen on a fitness DVD. FT has added some exercises that I wasn't familiar with that I like. The focus sessions and progressive workouts are generally good and didn't waste a lot of time going over things that were in the individual exercise instructional videos.

The negative side is that there is no suggested plan on how often to do each workout, how to work up once you master a program, or how to balance the different workouts. I think it's because they want you to purchase the monthly subscription. IMO this is the problem. For high mileage trainees, there's probably enough value to justify the purchase for the hip and shoulder portions alone-- but you'll need to figure out how to work it into your other work on your own. As a stand alone program I don't see enough to justify a $15 a month subscription.

My other beef is that I haven't seen anything yet (I haven't worked through all the final workouts yet) that beats the old 12 minute workout (which, fortunately, is still available here)
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Re: Foundation Training: Core Elements

Post by Protobuilder »

I purchased this when it came out and it's not bad. In fact it's fairly good.

I tried out the subscription service for about three months and it really doesn't have enough to justify the cost.

Regarding Turd's question about programming, it's sort of mentioned in the most recent book that came out before this program. True to Form, which was good though not as insightful as the earlier book.
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Re: Foundation Training: Core Elements

Post by Cayenne »

Disappointing that the 12 minute video has been pulled down. I did it daily for a few months a couple years ago. I did not have any "throw away your crutches" type of faith-healing miracles as described in some of the comments, but I did it enjoy it as a way to insure some daily mobility/stretching + work + hip hinge reinforcement. I set it aside but it was nice to know it was only an internet connection away. I own their DVDs but found the YouTube version so much more convenient. (Of course I reached the point where I knew the routine, but I still enjoyed listening as I performed it and the exaggerated, "do this every day, never have back pain" pep talk at the close.) Again, disappointing.

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Re: Foundation Training: Core Elements

Post by Cayenne »

I was not able to find that Shaf. I extend a heartfelt virtual fist bump in thanks! Sincerely! :-)

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