Purposeful Primitive by Marty Gallagher

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Purposeful Primitive by Marty Gallagher

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »

Reviewed by Kaz.
Purposeful Primitive is one of the worst books I have ever read in my entire life. The only reason I slogged through and completed it is because I was being especially adamant at the time about finishing everything that I started, and I took its completion as a personal development challenge. By the time I got to the end where he's talking about making smokers out of clay pots and his goddamned grandmother's home cooking I had developed the will power of a Jedi Knight on Adderall. However, the epilogue at the end where he's talking about The Band just about shoved me over the edge into BTK Killer territory. Aside from that, I got absolutely nothing out of it that impacted my training in any way whatsoever. I consider Arnold's 'Education of a Bodybuilder' to be infinitely more useful for the average trainee.

Fuck Marty Gallagher.