According to the Times, NASA astronaut Anne McClain was accused by her estranged spouse, Summer Worden, of signing into Worden's personal bank account from a NASA-affiliated computer aboard the ISS. This alleged space invasion of privacy is being investigated by NASA's Office of the Inspector General.
McClain, who was stationed aboard the ISS from December 2018 to June 2019, acknowledged that she accessed Worden's bank account. She also acknowledged that she had previously used the same password to access Worden's account (from Earth) to make sure there was enough money to provide for their son. In a statement on Twitter, McClain denied any wrongdoing.
"There's unequivocally no truth to these claims," McClain tweeted. She added that she and her spouse, who were married in 2014 and filed for divorce in 2018, were in the midst of a "painful, personal separation that's now unfortunately in the media." ... crime.html
Lesbians too. This is the chilling reality of the 21st century.
Women Commit 100% of Space Crime
Moderator: Dux
Women Commit 100% of Space Crime

"I have longed for shipwrecks, for havoc and violent death.” - Havoc, T. Kristensen