Wim Hof's fundamentals course

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Wim Hof's fundamentals course

Post by odin »

So at Christmas I bought a ten week course from Wim Hof as I wanted something to follow along. Here is the detail;

What is it?
A 10 week course comprising 4 different videos per week - a group class, some homework, a one to one breathing session and an asana routine. It follows a different theme each week, such as longevity, creativity etc etc....

Quality of materials
Well shot videos, decent production. A couple of bits were a wee bit amateurish but better than a lot of stuff. The dashboard of the course is easy to navigate and the weekly emails and supporting admin was good.

Quality of the actual teaching
Wim teaches a pranayama that I hadn't come across previously - and I know a bit about this stuff. Some claim it's from the Tibetan Tummo tradition, some say it's unique to him. I would say that it has a fairly immediate and intense effect compared to more traditional, widely known ones. It is perhaps the HIIT of pranayama. He couples this with some basic asana. It's a combination that works, but there's nothing special about his specific techniques.

Value for money
Most of Wim's teaching is available for free or for cheap via his app. This added bits to my understanding and knowledge, but if money was tight then you could get 80% of this from the web without parting with money. If you have a few quid spare though, it is an entertaining and interesting course.

If you're flush and you're interested in pranayama and yoga then consider this. If you're just starting out with the internal side of training, save yourself the money and check out his youtube vids or app. Or follow swami ramdev. I thoroughly enjoyed it though and will integrate this into my morning routine.
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