This thread sounds like a good way to set yourself up to be walked on repeatedly. It’s not about starting a fight at every chance, or taking it when it’s presented, but the idea of sending someone a gift basket, like the real estate example, is batshit insane to me.
I don’t care what’s going on in their life, or how shitty of a day they’re having. Basic decency isn’t hard.
I agree for the most part with Baffled on this. Bram, you sound like a genuinely nice guy. Have you talked with any buddies about how you handled these situations? Maybe it’s a generational difference that I don’t get.
Baffled’s comment about what’s going on in their life, or how shitty of a day they’re having reminds me of an old co-worker named Clarence. Clarence was a late-60’s guy, who worked parttime at our ceramics company. He was an experienced truck driver for short runs with our dump truck, or occasionally hopped on a forklift truck to load a truck. Clarence was always cheerful, and asked how we were doing, if we were having a good day. He had a bum leg, and it was difficult climbing up into the cab, or climbing down to work the dump mechanism, usually at the county dump. This was not an easy job for a 68 or 69 y.o. guy with a bum leg. I asked his boss why Clarence was still working, and how he remained so cheerful. His boss, said Clarence’s wife was slowly dying of cancer, so the extra money came in handy. And his no-good son, had just been arrested for the 2nd or 3rd time for dealing drugs. The last time, one of his live-in girlfriends overdosed in the son’s apartment.
If Clarence, could be cheerful with all the shit going on his life, then I could too. He became my role model, to treat other people well, and not act like an asshole, even if my day was not going well. And I’m not implying that you(Bram) acted like an a-hole.
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