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    • More!

      Not really a supplement – but to deal with a long running issue I purchased a theraband flex bar knockoff (dmoose, amazon) and have been doing the “tyler twist” and “reverse tyler twist.”

      While they are centered on elbow issues, I can’t imagine they don’t help with wrist issues.

      As a side benefit, I’m now sure I could give some wicked handjobs at sexually fluid night clubs.

    • More!

      Mon 9/6

      Warm up

      Light movement

      4 rounds of:

      KB swing 20kg x 10, BW squat x 5, push ups x 10, band pull aparts x 10


      SSB Squat

      85 lbs 4 sets of 5

      95 lbas 2 sets of 5

      Between sets alternate pushups x 10, bw rows

      (squat, push up, squat, bw row, squat, push up, etc. etc.)

      While cooling down 5 kicks, 20 reps each.


      Starting light.  Back to barbell work after more than a month off.  Plus SSB is not something I’ve been doing.  I’ll add weight and sets naturally over the course of the next few weeks.

    • More!

      It’s been a bit of chaotic few weeks.  Moved a child across country to college.  Work  (school) started up again with a vengance.

      I’ve been training off an on when I can.  Mostly doing BW circuits along with some kung foolery shit I’ve been incorporating.

      Not backlogging but I’ll start with Sat since it’s indicative of what I’ve been doing.

      Sat 9/4/21

      Airdyne – hard 20 minutes


      Sun 9/5/21

      Run up back

      Pushup x 10

      BW row x 10

      Kicks x 20

      6 rounds

      KB swings 20kg x 10

      BW squat jumps x 5

      Push ups x 10

      Band pull aparts x 10

      kicks x 20

      3 rounds



    • More!

      I’ve only seen it a couple times, and they were all identifying in the conventional manner. That said, I find it annoying. I wish I were an eagle, soaring along canyons, but I’m not. I’m a male human. Physiognomy easily identifies me as such. No matter how I *choose* to identify – I’m a human male. Likewise, no matter how you *choose* to identify, you are male or female, and aside from some very obscure cases, you are *only* male or female. Whatever you want to be called in your fantasy group is fine, but you haven’t the least of my sympathy, if someone, noting that you are biologically an X, calls you an X. Stick


      I guess the difference is we have no evidence of humans that are eagles.

      But we do have ample amounts of evidence over centuries that there are humans born with a penis that do not identify as male.

      And some of it has nothing to do with “identity” but the politics of language.

      Most people are born with either a penis or a vagina.

      But “Male”/”Female” are social constructs and the evidence leads to the conclusion that it’s not as clear cut that “penis = male” and “vagina = female.”

    • More!

      Barring contractors from coming into country to maintain aircraft, cutting off air support, and leaving Bagram in the middle of the night without notifying the Afghan commander certainly didn’t help the situation. The Afghan military wasn’t ever going to compete against the Taliban on the ground, but air superiority may have held them off. Or Kabul would have been rocked by repeated suicide bombings and other IED attacks that aircraft aren’t much good for. There is a sizable resistance in Panjshir that is putting up a good fight. Former Afghan military, and others who just don’t like Pashtuns I guess. Steven Pressfield had a video, I think titled “It’s the tribes, stupid” or something like that. It’s close to 15 years old if it’s even still out there, and it’s worth a watch.

      20 fucking years and the afghan military cannot compete on the ground?  And whose air superiority?  US?  How fucking long are we supposed to prop up a government that has zero interest in running the country? A military that has zero interest in fighting?  What’s the point?

      I’ve been reading more and more about this.  We are not the first country to step out in this round.  We are the last.   There were two choices.  Stay in Afghanistan forever.  Or get out and shit was going to fall apart at some point.

      It doesn’t matter if it is this month or Aug 2022…or 25.  The second the Taliban took over, this was what was going to happen.  A mad rush to get people out.

      There was no third option, get out and things end nicely for everyone.


    • More!

      I’m glad.  Let’s me know what pronoun a person prefers.

      Take Luke…..I assume Luke goes by “he/him.”  But I don’t know that.  I’m just making assumptions on his gender identity based on his name.  Perhaps Luke is non binary and actually prefers “they/them.”

      If that’s the case, now I know how to refer to them.

      And if Luke is “he/him” then putting that on his email shows he recognizes that gender identity should not be assumed.

      Luke, I apologize for all the assumptions I’ve built about you based on ingrained cultural biases.

    • More!

      Probably a mistake.

      But –

      Twenty fucking years.  We have been there twenty fucking years and the Taliban are able to walk in and take over in three days?  Not a shot fired? Not one day spent defending Kabul by whatever the “army” was called?

      I absolutely can believe no reasonable person saw this coming because it’s fucking insane.

      I don’t want to be an asshole, but given how things turned out there really is nothing to say or do.  Get as many people as possible out and GET out.  Never go back. Every so often when things get wonky bomb the shit out of the Taliban or ISIS or whoever is causing trouble there.

      But any western country that ever goes back in there needs to go in deciding they are going to colonize it and turn into a province or state or whatever and plan on being there forever.


    • More!

      I don’t know.  I never predicted that once the US left the Afghan military and government would just disappear without any type of resistance. We’ve been there 20 years training, setting up structures, etc.

      The only failure then is not getting out years earlier.


    • More!

      Sun 8/22/2021

      It’s been a, as expected, chaotic week.

      Trained Mon and Tue.

      Took of Wed, Thu, Fri.

      Trained yesterday.

      Trained today.

      Training has been fairly much the same format – some form of “harder” cardio.  A circuit.  End with “harder cardio.”

      Sat 8/21

      KB Swings – 6 sets of 10, (3 with 20, 3 with 24)

      Circuit  – 5 times

      Push ups (10)

      lat pull downs (5)

      Squats 10

      Leg lifts (3) 5

      KB Swings – 4 sets of 10 (24)

      Airdyne 1.5 miles


      Sun 8/23/2031

      Running – run up walk back x 8

      Circuit x 4

      Push ups 10

      BW rows (5-8)/Band pull aparts 10

      Walking lunges 12

      Running – run up walk back x 4

      Airdyne 5:00 minutes

    • More!

      Sun 8/15/2021

      Jog up / run back x 3
      Hard run up/walk back x 3

      Circuits – x 4
      BW push ups (10, 10, 10, 10)
      BW row (10, 10, 10, 10)
      Squat (15, 15, 15, 15)
      Leg lifts (15, 15, 15, 15)

      Airdyne – 10:00 – 2.99 miles

      Feeling pretty damn good right now.

    • More!

      Thu 8/12/21 – off

      Fri 8/13/21

      Airdyne 1.5 mile (forgot to start watch)

      jumping pull ups with hold (trying) and slower negative (trying) – 3 sets of 3

      6 count burpees off of KBs – 3 sets of 10

      BW Circuit pushups (8) rows (8) squats (10) leg lifts inc 2 (8) – 4 times

      Airdyne – 1.5 miles

      Sat 8/14/21

      AM Session
      Shadow box/burpees – 2 songs
      Circuit x 2
      pushups 8, 8
      BW squats 8, 8
      Band pull apart 10, 10
      floor leg lift 10,10
      Shadow box – rest of circuit song plus next song

      Afternoon session

      Band pullups – 4 sets of 1, 2 or 3 (didn’t write down what I did)
      jog up/run back x 3
      Sprint up walk back x 3

      Circuit x 4
      pushups 10, 10, 10, 10
      Lat pull down 130 x 10, 10, 125 x 10, 120 x 10
      Step forward lunges – 5/5, 6/6, step back lunges 8/8, 10/10
      Ab wheel – sets of 3 to 5

      Airdyne 10:00

      Continuing with these style of workouts.  I’ll be out of town for a bit at the end of August.  After labor day I’ll get back to some barbell training.  Now though I’m more thinking that i want to incorporate it into these workouts.

    • More!

      Alcohol fucks up my sleep.  I fall asleep quickly, but then am up at the 3 to 4:30./5 time every time.

      I’ll put this shit out there. Porn before sleep can fuck up sleep patterns.

      Back in the early days of the pandemic when I was working from home I ended up doing a lot of tai chi shit during the breaks.  I slept like I’ve never slept before.

      BEST practices I’ve found for sleep

      • A metric fuck ton of walking/movement.  You get 20+ thousand steps in, you are sleeping well
      • Healthy amount of carbs – low carb diets fuck up your sleep
      • Get your shit together – if you need to – make a list of shit before bed – this is when your mind wanders, you wake up thinking of shit, etc. Just spend that five minutes before bed writing it all down – get it out of the brain onto paper
      • Don’t stress about it – if you wake up you wake up.  Take a piss, drink some water, rub your weenie against your woman (or man or whatever.) It’s okay.
      • If you are hot…turn on the fucking air.  Or take off your shirt.
      • Make sure the room is dark.

      But the BIGGEST one is to toe the line between being okay if you wake up/don’t sleep enough AND don’t celebrate that fact.

      I was in the office the other day and one of the lead admins was practically bragging about how she was up at 4 because she couldn’t sleep.  And all the hens were pecking about how “US TOO!  US TOO!”

      And when I walked in and was all…..  you all need some sleep. This isn’t healthy, they looked at me like I was satan.

      Point being, if you’re up you’re up.  But that doesn’t mean it’s good.  Figure your shit out.

    • More!

      Been experimenting… So, if you use the “link” feature (chain symbol) your post is rejected. If you simply put the link in the message body, it comes up as a link, albeit without the option of an alternate title (I haven’t tried posting directly with markup, so who knows?). Oddly enough, the board software, which rejects a user-identified link, identifies the pasted URL and makes it clickable. I think I have only experienced an error once or twice, which was immediately corrected with a refresh. I’m running Ubuntu Linux and Firefox. Perhaps posting your OS and browser would add useful information if anyone wants to address the issues. -stick Oh, and I don’t know how many members are/were “kids”, but forums as a whole, even the well-functioning ones, have taken a drubbing from the dopamine driven platforms (FB, Instagram, TikTok, AttentionWhore, etc) #FailedTheMarshmallowTest

      Yeah.  That seems to a potential solution.  All of my posts that have been rejected for moderation I used the link feature.  When I reworked the last post and used no links, all was well.

      When I used a link in the response I didn’t use the link feature, I just typed it in and all was well.

      Look, I’m not trying to slag on admin, but fucking monkey shit. If you’re going to run this shit, run it.  If you are not or do not have the time or you caught the delta and died , igx up and let us know.


    • More!

      Here are the amazon ones I’m thinking about

    • More!

      Here are the Baseblock B bars


    • More!

      The End: Get the Gains and Leave by Truthseeker

      What is this?  A quick google search reveals nothing.

      N/M – Found it.

      How is it?

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
        newguy .
    • More!

      Yeah.  I saw that email.

      But did you see the conclusion he drew from it?  Something like “I’m not suggesting that heavy rows will improve your deadlift, but that you have to find things that work.”

      No fucking shit.

      But maybe one of the ways to find things that work is to do things that have worked for a lot of people.  And a lot of people have suggested that doing heavy upper back work will help the deadlift.

    • More!


      I’ve spent 20 minutes of my life trying to post a fucking review of something that who knows….MAYBE someone here might find useful.  It keeps awaiting moderation.


      Is this really the best we can do.

      WHY DO YOU HATE US??????

    • More!

      The problem I have with the monkey feet is that for 75 dollars you only get a monkey foot.

      I feel that there are more cost effective and probably effective ways to address leg extensions and leg curls without a machine.  Namely bands.  Banded leg curls are fairly easy to set up.  Banded leg extensions take a bit more creativity, but it can be done.

      Both leg extensions and leg curls are great exercises to include.   A bit of isolation/bodybuilding work does the body good.

    • More!

      Wed 8/11/2021

      KB swings on the minute – 8 sets of 10 (2 20kg, 3 24kg, 3 28kg)

      Circuits with 15lb vest:
      pushups – 35 total (10, 10, 8, 7)
      BW rows – 35 total (10, 10, 8, 7)  (well, with the vest.  I don’t know what they’re called)
      Squats 50 total (15, 15, 10, 10)
      Ab wheel planks

      Airdyne – 10:00, hard 20 second sprint at the start of each song

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