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      I’ve only seen it a couple times, and they were all identifying in the conventional manner.  That said, I find it annoying.  I wish I were an eagle, soaring along canyons, but I’m not.  I’m a male human.  Physiognomy easily identifies me as such.  No matter how I *choose* to identify – I’m a human male.  Likewise, no matter how you *choose* to identify, you are male or female, and aside from some very obscure cases, you are *only* male or female.  Whatever you want to be called in your fantasy group is fine, but you haven’t the least of my sympathy, if someone, noting that you are biologically an X, calls you an X.


      • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
        stickfigure .
    • More!

      We’ve been in Germany and Japan since, what, 1945?  That occupation has helped diversify US Troops as well as preserved peace where we believed peace could never be achieved.  Afghanistan was likely to be the same.  The failed Soviet occupation should have told us everything we needed to know – it’s not a ‘one and done’ deal.  All that said, the manner of this pullout was completely political, gave short shrift to the documented (and, in hindsight, correct) expectations of those on the ground, and precipitated a humanitarian crisis that would not otherwise have been.  Forget about the 13 dead Americans (you can, I won’t), but I find it very irritating that the US press ignores the blood of the 100+ others whose blood is on Biden’s hands.  “Oooh, quick, a couple random drone strikes, so I can pretend I’m doing something…”  – that will never bring back those dead.  Those unnecessary dead.  Those whose deaths were completely avoidable, and I can’t help but think would have been completely avoided if the US had a president with a spine.  We are weak, and our president is a reflection of that…


      Edit: typo

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
        stickfigure .
    • More!

      Jesus, man.

      Gene, do you like French Fries?

      Do I? Sure they taste good, but I mistrust any mis-classification of a an adjective into a noun. Why call them “fries,” when they are fried potatoes? Must that be the the name? Leaving aside the francophile description, and understanding that fried julienned potatoes doesn’t have the same ring, this distortion of language smacks of an Orwellian dystopia which, regardless of the enjoyableness of the product, must be considered. Do you like that product? What do you call it? I don’t think you’ve thought about this as much as you think you have. And once the GMO products get involved, how can you really call it anything?


      Shit, Spells, that’s a surprisingly cogent response….

      At the end of the day, we’ve had vaccine mandates for a long time (ever put a kid in school?).  This one’s fine, particularly now that it’s fully approved (don’t know why that took so long…) but now you anti-vaxxer’s are like Jenny McCarthy, only without great boobs.  You’re just the fucking idiots that are preventing us from wiping out a dangerous illness.  And why?  Oh yeah.  Because it’s become hip to love the vaccine if you’re a brain-dead, liberty-hating, democrat and un-hip to take the vaccine if you’re a cowering republican.  Something that shouldn’t be even remotely partisan has become a defining action.  I guess it takes three actively-firing neurons to see through it…


    • More!

      You have to be a special kind of stupid to pretend this wasn’t utterly predictable.  Biden is *definitely* a special kind of stupid, but those of us that have been paying attention have known that for years.

      This is an epic, utterly epic (presumably the idiot-in-chief has advisors…) failure.  Period.


    • More!

      I’d say his success rivals anything that’s likely.

      In the dopamine-driven, short-attention-span theater that is modernity, CF successfully knit fitness to social media.  That alone probably got a lot of people to stick with it longer than they otherwise would have.  The prevalence of diet and exercise books, programs, youtubes, indicates that gen pop is interested – they’re just not committed.  It’s all great while they’re reading “Build An Elite Athletic Body in 10 Days”, but their motivation peters out even before 10 days is up…  Making fitness social is / was a huge step in the right direction.   It remains to be seen if a rival endeavor can do that again in the age of “Cancel Culture”.


    • More!

      Been experimenting…

      So, if you use the “link” feature (chain symbol) your post is rejected.  If you simply put the link in the message body, it comes up as a link, albeit without the option of an alternate title (I haven’t tried posting directly with markup, so who knows?).  Oddly enough, the board software, which rejects a user-identified link, identifies the pasted URL and makes it clickable.

      I think I have only experienced an error once or twice, which was immediately corrected with a refresh.

      I’m running Ubuntu Linux and Firefox.  Perhaps posting your OS and browser would add useful information if anyone wants to address the issues.


      Oh, and I don’t know how many members are/were “kids”, but forums as a whole, even the well-functioning ones, have taken a drubbing from the dopamine driven platforms (FB, Instagram, TikTok, AttentionWhore, etc) #FailedTheMarshmallowTest

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
        stickfigure .
    • More!

      Potential disappointment warning…


    • More!

      Hmmm, I’m beginning to suspect that it’s the inclusion of links that causes the board to throw away perfectly good posts…

    • More!

      Attempt #3 (links no longer work…)

      OK, a bit less verbose, but I suggested watching Sugar, the Bitter Truth and reading The Case Against Sugar .  The latter does refer to a book by the presenter in the former, but there’s quite a bit more than that.  The Case Against Sugar makes a fairly compelling argument that sugar *is* an addictive substance – something that casual observation bears out.

      If there are any hard-and-fast nutrition rules that I believe, they are “sugar is bad” and “get more fiber”.  (I suppose “get more protein” would fit too, except that I’ve never had that shortcoming…).

      All this I say by way of discourse as we’ve pretty much ignored the massive shift to an ultra-sedentary lifestyle in first-world nations.


    • More!

      Shit, shit, shit!  The thing that seems to get responses published here is carefully copying the contents before hitting “discard” – I mean “submit”…  Now I need to start all over…


    • More!

      To me, there’s basically no excuse for eating processed food. If you eat shit that came out of a bag or can, you’re deliberately consuming pollution. Sugar is just one of the many harmful things in your typical processed food product.

      A totally valid point.  However, I must admit to being weak enough that I do at times eat impure foods.  It takes a significant amount of energy (in my opinion and experience) to eat clean all the time.  Still, I think you can eat commercial food (not shit, not McDonald’s, not 6 fudge-slurpees from Starbucks…) in moderation and be OK.  But I do think that sugar (HFCS or ‘table sugar’) is significantly worse than methyl paraben or blue #4…


    • More!

      Val’s a communist piece of crap.  No surprise that his AUTObiography would paint him as a saint…


      The aforelinked is a sorry substitute for the link I tried to find, but it’s not popping up.  If you’re a super-progressive liberal, that hates America, he’s exactly your cup of tea.


    • More!

      “. Despite the fact that no differences in calorie intake were observed between groups, the fructose animals displayed significantly increased BW, liver mass and fat mass in comparison to the glucose group. This was further accompanied by a significant reduction in physical activity in the fructose animals. ” Naturedotcom/articles/srep09589 “In the last 40 years, fructose, a simple carbohydrate derived from fruit and vegetables, has been on the increase in American diets. Because of the addition of high-fructose corn syrup to many soft drinks and processed baked goods, fructose currently accounts for 10 percent of caloric intake for U.S. citizens.” sciencedailyDOTcom/releases//06/150601122540DOThtm Fruits ripen in the fall. Animals eat the fruits. The ones that put on fat and keep that fat might survive winter better.

      The advent of cheap high-fructose corn syrup made “sugar” an ultra-cheap preservative and it ended up being used in everything.  If you read your labels, HFCS is everywhere.  That said, it isn’t any worse than plain sugar (sucrose).  Sucrose is “instantly” decomposed into fructose and glucose by enzymes in saliva and gastric juices – i.e. it’s the same shit.  The problem is just that, since the 70’s (when the Japanese invented HFCS), we’ve upped our intake substantially.   When I was a kid, lo these many years ago, I had a friend people called “Whale Wally” because he was fat.  Today he’d be ‘average’.  Look at all the morbidly obese 8-12 year olds.  I truly pity the children I see who may never know what it’s like to be able to move well.


    • More!

      “With Winning In Mind” by Lanny Bassham.  I read it before, years ago.  It’s really about developing the mental aspect of your competitive game.  The author was an Olympic Gold Medal shooter, but it’s not really sport-specific.  It also provides some pretty good insight into what it takes to compete at that level (all you’ve got, and then some).


    • More!

      Hey, it’s anyone’s decision to get vaxxed.  The rocket scientists (like US medical expert Jenny McCarthy) that know that vaccines are bad for you will avoid them, but the dumb folks (like 95% of all medical personnel) will get them.  It’s surely not foolproof, but it’s the best we’ve got, and now that a zillion people have received the nano-bots, we can pretty much say they’re as safe as anything else.

      Oh yeah – back to the topic…

      Fats, I can’t believe you set up such a stupid contrast.  It’s pretty easy to argue that being unvaccinated makes you a threat to the general populace, while simply murdering your child only makes you a threat to someone who isn’t old enough to be a constituent anyway…

      I shall now press “submit” and watch this post disappear…


    • More!

      Amazing!  I can point out, multiple times, that the US Oly team is employing dissidents that hate America (and should be forcibly evicted) and the posts disappear.  Not including a link the quisling POS seems to be key…


    • More!

      Hmmm, really seems like we’re being moderated…

    • More!

      fucking useless forum.  a few successful posts, but nothing I post in this thread about that bitch Gwen Berry sticks.


    • More!

      That’s a good reminder of shit I already knew, but don’t seem to internalize.

      Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People” really emphasizes the idea of lavish praise.  I’m convinced it does as much for the generator as the receiver.  Good vid of  how things should be, would only be better if it were shown in terms of competition – i.e. congratulating your competitors on their achievements, cheering them on, and earnestly wishing them the best.  My best competitive outcomes have come from this state of mind, but it’s still not second nature…


    • More!

      If it were only neuteredguy and grandpasSpills I would understand the censorship, but I can’t seem to post anything lately. I think this is attempt #6.  If it weren’t for the highly-opinionated and thick-skinned audience, I’d have given up on this forum a while ago…



      Edit: figures.  First post that “sticks” in two weeks is about forum performance rather than anything topical…

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
        stickfigure .
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