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      For fucks sake Sangoma, I am not a doctor. This was almost twenty years ago and the kids white count was in the toilet. There was no other evidence of disease at he time except for severe malnourishment. This was at a teaching hospital and that was the conclusion of all the specialists consulted at the time. His mom apparently bought him hot dogs by the case and he ate little to nothing else. Maybe they eventually found he had leukemia. I have no idea. But if you dismiss his all hot dog diet as a cause you are being dense. And yes, he ate nothing but hot dogs according to his parents. There are some seriously poor and uneducated people in this part of my country. You’d be surprised what shows up in the ER sometimes.

      Here is another case with chicken nuggets: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/british-teen-stacey-irvine-hospitalized-after-eating-nothing-but-chicken-nuggets-for-15-years/

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
        syaigh .
      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
        syaigh .
    • More!

      My husband once saw a kid in the ER who ate nothing but hotdogs his whole life. He was late teens/early twenties. Not necessarily retarded, but serious country redneck of dubious intelligence. Anyway, he was in complete immune system failure from all the preservatives and malnutrition.

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      I’m not kidding about feminism being responsible, by the way.

      I think you can make a case that most of the societal ills we see have their roots in the damage feminism, at the least since the “second wave”, has done to the minds of Western boys and girls who grow up to be fat, maladjusted, frustrated, depressed and angry adults.

      Original feminisim was “kindly remove your boot off my neck so I can choose how I want to live my life”. I don’t know what you define as second wave feminism, but I will say this, original feminism was never meant to grant women the “right to have it all”. My mother was a staunch feminist her entire life and was always baffled by the women who felt they had a right to do everything all at once and felt they fucked things up amazingly when they did. She said, “we just wanted to have the choice”. I would say second wave feminism is a perversion of feminsim when it merged with the self-esteem movement. And the self-esteem movement perverted pretty much everything it touched.

      Anyway, my point is that I wouldn’t blame feminism so much as these later generations thinking they have a right to be however they want to be if it “makes them happy”. And that’s fine I guess, but it all ends up having a negative impact on everyone else at some point. I have a morbidly obese sister who I will end up having to care for if I don’t die before she does. We have a few morbidly obese and unhealthy older adults in the familly who will very quickly become someone’s problem. But, I could say the same of the smokers/drinkers/assholes/people who aren’t financially responsible . . . . whatever you name it. People being inherently selfish because “its their right” is probably the biggest problem we face as country because someone eventually has to clean up their messes. And its not going to be them. And they are going to demand it as “their right”.

      (Yes, I am a liberal and I think some people genuinely need a helping hand to get on their feet, but a lot of people these days have cut off their own feet out of spite.)

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
        syaigh .
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      Not having excess weight on your body is always a plus. Having adequate nutrients is also important, but getting people to just NOT EAT is extremely difficult. One of the things I used to run into with clients was this constant need to know what they could eat and when. Most of them could have gone several days without food with no ill effects, but the minute you tell someone that there is nothing wrong with being hungry, they tend to freak out a little bit. Plus, I know my fair share of overweight people who have panic attacks or get really nasty when they feel hungry and don’t have food immediately in front of them. This past weekend for example, family reunion at my house, more than half the adults are morbidly obese, but all felt it was logical to bring out the snacks at probably 2 hour intervals so that “nobody gets hungry”. Now that I’m not eating to support heavy training any more, I’m eating less. I do try to have more fruits and vegetables, but eating less regardless of content always does the trick in keeping my weight down. But, I also love pie. I also don’t eat pie very often.

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      Okay. Back to lots of dog walking. I put a yoga strap in a drawer in my family room so I have no excuse not to spend a few minutes stretching a couple of times a day. Exept maybe for the fact that me being on the floor signals to my dog that it is wrestlemania time.

      Did a bunch of pullups and pushups earlier this week. Pretty sore still, but haven’t lost too much.

      Diet is getting better. Have convinced the male children in this house to be more adventurous with plant consumption. Have also convinced husband that vast quantities of meat will not give him the same amount of energy as meat with some carbs. This is important because I am the main cook.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
        syaigh .
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      I’m in my 50’s and anything ignored atrophies to a pitiful state in no time, as Syaigh is going to learn, and it doesn’t get easier to get it back!


      I will be 49 this year and well aware of the atrophy. 🙂 I feel at this stage of the game it is more important for me to be able to jog 3 miles, hike 10 miles, and push/pull my own bodyweight up and over things than deadlift 300 lbs or throw trees. In fact, after a year off from throwing, I know it would take several months to get back to being competitive without hurting myself, but the damage that does regardless just isnt worth it to me anymore. Ie, I like it when my knees dont hurt.

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      I am just exercising for now. I’ve got a pretty established base of strength, but could definitely improve my flexibility/conditioning. I’ve been working on developing some skills (surfing/paddle-boarding), but I needed a break from training. I’ve trained for something continually for the past decade or more and it helped me improve my overall fitness/strength a great deal, but I feel I’m in a comfortable place to just rest on my laurels for a bit. And the truth is, I hate being around competitive people. Most of them are highly annoying. So, any future “training” will be done for personal goals, not actual competitions.

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      Well the weekend went relatively well. My sister was an asshole for no reason as usual. She has this pattern of feeling slighted (because she didnt get her way) and then being grumpy and nasty towards me. Its really bad energy and stresses me out. Unfortunately she is usually so dug in it takes her days to see the truth. I need to just confront her and end it as soon as I see it happening. It just usually takes me by surprise because it is completely irrational and based only on her feelings, not logic or reality.

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      Lots of walking this week and house cleaning. The annual family reunion is this weekend. It will be a challenge to be sober for this. I do a ton of cooking and play referee for a bunch of different personalities, some more offensive than others. By offensive, I mean loud, opinionated, braggarts who take everything personally. You can never tell when its coming, it just happens. Last year, my daughter got chewed out by Aunt Karen (not her name, just her personality) for being her snarky self. Aunt Karen realized very quickly she should not fuck with my cubs. But, I have to be diplomatic because I’m basically the matriarch of all these assholes and 80% of the time they are just fine. Everyone has their own shit to deal with, they don’t always realize that everyone else does as well. So, this year, I told everyone they have to stay in hotels and I’m hosting all the kids here which means I can kick everyone out at 8 or 9 before they all get drunk and start being too honest with each other. 🙂

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      3 mile dog walk this morning. Went out to ride, but the old girl was lame. Might be some knee arthritis or an irritated fetlock tendon. So no riding for me for a few weeks unless I feel like visiting the stallion. Which I may.

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      You know, I think that exercise, like diet just changes as we age. We’ve all built a pretty good strength base and I’ll tell you something, I’ve been training strength athletes for over a decade and I’ve actually never seen anyone significantly lose strength they couldn’t regain with focused training in a few months. The main reason they lose strength is through injury. And yes, I’ve coached athletes in their 60’s and 70’s. Its been a year and a half since I’ve lifted heavy and I still have significant traps.

      I think the game plan for aging is to do more endurance and flexibility/agility work. Maybe drink from that strength now and then, but it doesn’t take much to remind our nervous systems how to respond. We also need to eat more plants and lean protein.

      And Steveo, I’ve done just that for the past year and a half and today, kicked my husbands ass paddleboarding across the lake and he is WAAAAAYYYY more athletic and stronger than I. (My only advantage was 4 years of canoe camp in elementary/middle school).

      Anyway, for my training log today: kicked my husbands ass paddleboarding across the lake. Walked my dog 3 miles. Chased said dog around the yard for 30 minutes with intermittent ball throwing. (This was done for fun, not necessity)

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      I hope so!

      Went riding yesterday and woke up super early this morning for a crazy dog walk. (Dog is crazy, not the walk.) The humidity has temporarily left us and so it is just amazingly cool and comfortable here. Going to try and go paddleboarding tomorrow at the lake. I think I may bring my surfboard and just practice paddling in flat water. I really need to train that paddle position and build up some stamina for it.

      About to host our annual extended family get-together next weekend and I am already feeling the anxiety setting in. Basically, will have about 25 people in my house for three days (only the kids will spend the night, everyone else is in hotels.) I remedy this by planning out everything to the nth degree. I need to be aggressive about my nap schedule to keep the anxiety down. The anxiety is a huge drinking trigger, but it never actually helps for more than the moment. It makes it worse the next day.

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      Today I started cleaning out my closet and my dresser and started throwing away all my competition tshirts and “exercise” clothes. God that felt good. Now, I didn’t throw out all of my exercise clothes, just the ones that I only wore to the gym for “hard core” workouts. I mostly wear capri leggings and a sleeveless shirt when I do anything that doesn’t involve looking like a full-grown adult so I have stuff I can walk and stretch in and do some basic training in. But, got rid of about 30+ highland games, powerlifting, weightlifting tshirts that I thought I might always want for some reason or another, but I never wear anymore. I never actually wore most of them. Now I just have riding pants, hiking pants, biking pants, and walking the dog pants. Also sleeveless shirts that can be worn with pajama pants for extra efficiency when getting up at 5 am to walk the dog.

      I’ve decided to permanently end my training practice. I like teaching, I do not like babysitting. I’m doing more online teaching now which pays about the same and still making royalties off my first textbook. Hopefully will complete a second textbook in the next few months. I doubt my recently published book will sell enough copies to do much of anything, especially if I’m not actively marketing it, but I’ll be trying to schedule some talks, etc. and see if I can create some momentum.

      I would like to get back to painting. I’m trying to take my writing into a different direction, ie stories not fitness. (Although most of my fitness articles are also stories)

      This summer will hopefully be all about riding horses, being a better paddleboarder, being less scared of the ocean, and really working on my hip flexibility. Also, better diet, staying sober, avoiding negative vibes, and supporting my kids.

      My weight is at 163.4 lbs. I want to get down to 155 and stay there. I can do it if I pay attention.

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      There’s a saying we all know that if you wrestle a pig, you will both get covered in shit and the pig likes it.

      Also this, when the shit hits the fan, it doesn’t matter who turned it on, everyone standing nearby gets covered.

      Some people deserve to be punched in the face, but walking away with your own dignity in tact is always more important. My dad always told me that as soon as you lose your temper, you’ve already lost the argument. Doesn’t matter who’s right.

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      Still walking, just got back to riding yesterday. Did some balancing on the surfboard in the pool yesterday. This is actually a good thing, ie, for me to find my center of gravity and maintain it in still water. Just practiced getting my feet under me, not necessarily standing up. Its good conditioning work, ie, I am not used to doing this and it makes me very out of breath.

      Diet-wise, things are going well, eating less and less these days and honestly, I feel better for it. Probably partly my age, I just don’t think I need to eat much any more. I can actually have a rreal soda once a day now without it bothering me or making me gain weight. I like to have a mocktail in the late afternoon, loving the spicy ginger beers.

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      Sangria you dirty bitch you’re as bad as the super-est of Debbie Downers, Spells! You two could make Jesus say fuck it, you’re all on your own. You shut your gingivitis-plagued whore mouth right now about the …debunked health benefits of moderate drinking! There’s a whole bunch of awesome good stuff about moderate drinking, like…increased HDL, super strength and the ability to take on any adversary. Also, problem solving, driving ability, and key decision-making is greatly enhanced. I’m sorry that you have no friends and no one loves you but don’t try to shit on the things us normal folks with good dental hygiene enjoy.

      You are a goddamned national treasure.

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      Managed to get out one more time before we left the beach. Ribs are super sore today. Did a lot of beach walking with my dog. Need to get back to the weights this week, working on a plan I will actually stick to.

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      That a lot of people want to solve all of their problems in the gym and end up doing more harm to themselves than good. For example, the vast majority of the middle-aged women I used to train were trying to pay penance for the excess eating and drinking they did to deal with the very real stress in their lives. You can’t exercise away bad health habits, damage to your body is damage and you’re not going to undo it with more damage.

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      Yeah, just dumbbells and machines will get you jacked. Its all about the volume. 6-8 exerises per workout, 4 sets of 10-15 reps, 3-4 days a week.
      Squats or leg press, hamstring curls, leg extensions, deadlifts (dumbbells are fine), pushups or bench, lat pulldowns, pullups, all the flyes, rows, biceps and triceps. Since he’s a beginner, he’ll see results more quickly, but should give himself 6-8 weeks before he judges anything. Of course, diet will be important for seeing those results.

      If he just wants to look like an athletic guy, running supplemented with pushups, pullups, goblet squats, and kettlebell swings works awesome.

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      I have always had a high tolerance for alcohol and that lead to me drinking more and more over the years. I never really drank until the evening, but could regularlly drink more than a bottle of wine in one sitting. Every year I would give up alcohol for Lent, no problem, and really enjoyed feeling better, but once I started drinking again, got right back to bad habits. After my mom died last year, it got really excessive and I felt really bad all the time. It was partly dependence, partly hair of the dog, a huge part of self-medication for extreme anxiety and grief (which was a lot more rage than depression). Anway, by August of last year, my IBS was at an all-time high and when my doc sent in my bloodwork, it came back with elevated liver enzymes. So, I quit cold turkey and within two weeks, felt physically better than I had in years. Also lost about ten lbs. Since Christmas, I’ve gone on and off the wagon. Unfortunately, I don’t think I have a moderation switch anymore, ie, if I have one, I will have four. So, I’m back to not drinking and feeling better. I do have to find a better way to deal with my anxiety, being anxious and exhausted is a huge trigger for me because booze makes me feel both relaxed and energetic. And I am often anxious and exhausted at the end of the day.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
        syaigh .
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